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The worst opiate/opiod to withdraw from? [New poll options added 1-22-08]

The worst opiate/opiod to withdraw from? (New Poll Options)

  • Methadone

    Votes: 325 27.1%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 278 23.2%
  • Oxycodone

    Votes: 198 16.5%
  • Hydrocodone

    Votes: 54 4.5%
  • Fentanyl

    Votes: 83 6.9%
  • Buprenorphine

    Votes: 43 3.6%
  • Morphine

    Votes: 51 4.3%
  • Others - If so please specify

    Votes: 85 7.1%
  • Hydromorphone

    Votes: 21 1.8%
  • Poppy Pods

    Votes: 47 3.9%
  • Oxymorphone

    Votes: 14 1.2%

  • Total voters
Of the ones listed:

1. Methadone, for it's extended withdrawals.

2. Oxycodone, for it's immediate severe depressive episodes after the highs subside.

3. Morphine, because a high that feels (and is) so natural should last forever.

4. Pods, for their wide range of withdrawl symptoms.

(I have yet to try Heroin, so I do not know about it's high or withdrawl)
1)methadone -horrendous bodily aches, worst headache imaginable, night sweats (all the normal..) just super intense and long in duration
2)hydromorphone-because w/d comes so quickly after dosing (if using for a decent period of time)
3)oxycontin-because for me my necessary dose is too large to stop without effects and a taper is just annoying.

Any opiate is a bitch to w/d from. All are horrible.
Oxy and hydromorphone. WD's are just part of the deal. The highs wouldnt be near as high without those lowly lows. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. What goes up, must come down. The sky is held up by the ground, vice versa. Yin/Yang, Black/White, In/out, To and fro, Good/bad, Wrong/right. How could you appreciate your high if you didnt get smacked the fuck back down to the ground after each time, you couldn't. We should all appreciate the the hell that is withdrawals, because without it, there would be no opiate heaven. ;) I aint scared! hahaha
about a year ago I started 16mgs of suboxone a day and before that I was hooked on mainly vicodin for about 4 yrs. I just started weening down to 4mgs of sub a day and right now im in day 4 completley no suboxone. I have the shits pretty bad and zero appettite but other then that its really not that bad compared to a opiate withdrawal. I cant wait to be sober and enjoy my life the way it was suppossed to be. I refuse to have a pill control my life and I will write back in a week for more updates
Methadone is the worst because of the longevity. Oxycontin is a nasty kick too because it's just a raw, nasty drug that is fairly long lived also. Generally speaking, the shorter acting opiates will have a more intense, but shorter kick. The longer half life ones will be less intense but longer kick. Just my experiance but I have allot of it. It's all relative I suppose but since I'm older than most here, and have been through it many times, I'm not as bothered as I was when I was younger? Go figure.
I have only w/d from oxycodone and oxymorphone. My oxy habit was around 200-400mg per day. That was NOTHING compared to kicking 80mg a day of opana.
Generally speaking, the shorter acting opiates will have a more intense, but shorter kick. The longer half life ones will be less intense but longer kick.

Are you sure about this? Oxymorphone (Opana) has quite a long half life but the withdrawals are very intense, but very short (start quick, end soon). This is the opposite of what you said.
Out of the opiates ive withdrawn from.

1. Morphine - The withdrawals last a hell of alot longer then hydromorphone or oxycodone and is thus harder to come off for me.

2. Hydromorphone - The withdrawals come on very fast sometimes as little as 6 hours after my last shot and are very intense for 4 days or so. The withdrawals are shorter lived then morphine however.

3. Oxycodone - The withdrawals come on quick but don't last long and arent as intense as morphine or hydromorphone. The depression resulting from withdrawals is worse though for some reason.
Oxymorphone IV the pink 10mg ones jesus fucking christ I shot a huge dose and went to sleep and woke up within 4-5 hrs freeaaaaaking the fuck out. The wd's come quick and hard with those little fuckers I won't even touch them anymore unless I can get at least a weeks worth at once.
Heroin.. I get to kick the shit like for the 1000th time it seems and I dont even really have shit now except OTC stuff and some seroquel ahh im probabbly gonna gave and up using tommorow any way just sitting in agony waiting for $$

1)methadone/LAAM [2 years] Insane kick, I couldnt hack it went back on heroin

2)heroin [10 years] Insane kick but managable with the right detox

3)oxy/hydro pretty similar kicks [1 year habit] tough but I never really kicked I just was substituting for H

Those are opiates I have been on for long periods of time and than kicked, others such as Fent. and Dilaudid I never used for long stretches just as substitutions when abusing heroin.

Methadone wins hands down I dont think you could find a worse opiate to w/d from, yuck

I agree 100%.

Methodone withdrawal is second to none from my experience. I've been off the juice for 7 or 8 weeks and still have days where I am lethargic, anxious, in pain etc. I haven't slept more than 4 or 5 hrs a night (with 10-20 mgs of ambien!) since my last dose. My peak withdrawal didn't come on for at least 6 days.

1. Methadone (2 yrs) 110 mgs. Just stopped paying them and went on administrative detox to 0 in about 8 days. I literally lost my fucking mind from lack of sleep and depression. I remember the first day I could sit up straight for a whole cigarette (6 weeks+). It was as if someone had taken a bat to every inch of my body up to that point. Just completely broken.

2. Heroin (3 yrs). Only tried to quit once, made it 5 days and relapsed. Very similar to above but more restless limbs and cold sweats. Less painful and seemed to peak in intensity early on.
**- Methadone , by far, is the worst kick I've ever experienced.

I went into detox and they had to kick me out and I still wasn't done with the worst part of withdrawals yet! Wowie Zowie it sucked hardcore.
I took heroin for 3 months straight. Stopped cold turkey. the next 68 hours were worse than the worst I've ever been through. And the worst I had ever been through before that was someone who gets seasick and was out on a rough ocean for 9 hours straight and I actually had to WORK the whole time and I was being screamed at for not doing my job. But the 68 hours after no heroin after it all the time for 3 months was even worse than that. A much different kind of worse, but worse. It was like I was being tortured by some invisible force.
Does anyone here not go into wicked w/d's from Oxymorphone IV? I feel like its worse than the pwd I got from switching methadone to suboxone too quickly. I go into Opana IR IV wds quicker than any other drug I've ever used. It is the only opiate that scares me IV due to that. I have a high tolerance for strong opiates 3-5 100mcg duragesic patches orally a day, and the opana was alot worse to me. I got arrested when i was on a 3+ bundle of good double sealed southeast coast powder and spent a while in the jail's suicide/mental/medical ward and I could tough that out easier than I could doing a shot of Opana and then waking up 4 hrs later in the worst WD's i have ever experienced.

The only thing I can compare opana ir iv wd's to is invoking precipitated wd's from methadone to suboxone and i did that to myself out of sheer desperation.
Does anyone here not go into wicked w/d's from Oxymorphone IV? I feel like its worse than the pwd I got from switching methadone to suboxone too quickly. I go into Opana IR IV wds quicker than any other drug I've ever used. It is the only opiate that scares me IV due to that. I have a high tolerance for strong opiates 3-5 100mcg duragesic patches orally a day, and the opana was alot worse to me. I got arrested when i was on a 3+ bundle of good double sealed southeast coast powder and spent a while in the jail's suicide/mental/medical ward and I could tough that out easier than I could doing a shot of Opana and then waking up 4 hrs later in the worst WD's i have ever experienced.

The only thing I can compare opana ir iv wd's to is invoking precipitated wd's from methadone to suboxone and i did that to myself out of sheer desperation.

I was doing roughly 100mg snorted opana daily for around a month (oxycodone prior to that). Just to put it in perspective, when I kicked opana for the first time, even with 8mg of sub a day i was STILL bedridden for 2 straight days. Couldnt move, and was pretty much crying like a girl a good part of the day. God, I still shudder thinking about those days.