Venting The Vent/Rant Thread Vs. You Silly KnuckleHeads Can Go Fly a Kite!!

Maybe I should find out why? Wouldn't you think that if someone is always unhappy they'd try to find a reason for their unhappiness at some point? It's something I've put a lot of thought towards, actually. And the fact that I still haven't found a conclusive reason for why I feel down all the time is probably a pretty good indicator that I won't in the future.

I've always had the ability to find out what makes me "satisfied" and to explore different options. I have a decent amount of money and a solid support network. I just don't give a shit.

Have you tried going to a psychotherapist?
I barely remember making those last posts. The 10 mgs of zolpidem I take every night seem to be making my memories hazier and hazier.

Usually I'm not much for whiny junkies, but lo and behold, it's me being a whiny junkie.
But IBP and kace, I understand both of your situations. I know what it's like to disappoint my parents, as that's what I've done most of my life. And I know what it's like to be dependent on a decadent and totally inefficient healthcare system, as I 1) live in the USA, and 2) have a chronic, life-threatening medical condition that requires constant vigilance, basically.
I don't think my mam ever truly love me. She does my brothers but she always aeems different with me compared to them. She can't do enough for them. No matter what I do I will never be good enough. And no matter how hard I try with my little girl it seems she never feel like I'm a good Mam. She loves my little girl that's true but I don't feel she's ever truly lovef me. Just think she sees me as anoying. She's just different with my brothers, my daughter, my brothers girlfriends than she is me n I will never be good enough for her no matter how much I love her or try. Even on my birthday she never bothered visiting me because "they're tol busy sorting Christmss" would it be so much hassle to take the time to visit your own daughter for a few minutes on her birthday????? My Dad came round with my present the day before but I don't want presents I want my Mam to show me that she loves me, really wants me around n doesn't just find me a nuisance. That's life I guess but am I wrong for feeling this way?

Happy belated birthday! From the beginning of time there has always been mother/daughter tension. You are a mother with a daughter and as she grows up you will see. Your mom may see you as a mother now and that you are less dependent on her at this point. I have 3 boys and 1 girl whom I love and treat equally. My daughter has a son and is 7 months pregnant now, of course I have the best grandson in the world, and I now hear "how did you do it ?" Hang on in there, bono
Burnt, you honestly weren't being whiny.
(I know what you mean though, I hate and embarrassed when I complain and bitch, meh. it's better than... doing self destructive things though, right?)

Also, damn. I was hoping the USA would be better. :(
This fucking sucks..
It's shocking someone can have a life fucking threatening problems, and for the healthcare system to still continue to fail them.. :|
health care= £££$$$$$$, untrained "professionals", negligence, bullfuckingshit? (It's despicable in the UK, we pay so much fricking tax, and when we need help, get treated like shit!)

Arghhhhh I want to self medicate so badly, I really miss the sweet taste and the whole-not-giving-a-shit attitude back about impending doom. FUCK SAKE.
4 days and I am having a drug test. I know I could be cheeky, fake it, but ah.. I want to pass it.

Sorry, I know I'm being a whiny little bitch! I hate being in my 20's and being ill. My peers are having babies, getting married, getting sweet jobs. It's like being on a different planet to these type.. argh :/ This is all my fault.
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I have so much work, I'm so tired and whenever I take some time off it's even more difficult to come back.
When the boss is away the mice will play. It's exactly what's happening.

I know this will pass. I guess I'm just not as patient as I used to be.
Stop being so flaky and fucking with my emotions. I can't figure out what you want from me since we never end up hanging out.
I wish I wasn't in my current situation. Too many mixed emotions messing with my head.

I know how this feels. Mixed emotions. Frustration, anger, confusion.
I was determined to stop feeling bad about myself, determined not to let people fool me anymore.
Even the closest ones.

I dislike intensively dealing with manipulative people who tries to make you feel bad and then use your vulnerability to make things right.
My peers are having babies, getting married, getting sweet jobs. They are obsessed with (to me) dumb shit (looks, social fucking media). It's like being on a different planet to these type.. argh :/ This is all my fault.

Don't torture yourself with this line of thought. Remember there are people your age who are in jail , homeless , paraplegic , warzones etc.
you're a good looking intelligent woman living in the free world!
My boss sucks!
I actually really like my job but my boss ruins everything, imposing artificial stress and making me rush things when I take my time in the first place so I don't make mistakes.
I've been blamed for 3 screwups in the past week when I had nothing to do with any of them, yet somehow I still get blamed.
Today I was scolded like a child for something I had nothing to do, a problem I tried to prevent in fact, and was told by my boss that I was to blame for losing a contract, just to find out later the guy who was NOT doing his job, the same guy that told me everything was fine when I tried to prevent this....told my boss that I made the mistake...... just to apologize and kiss my ass after the fact.

I take pride in my work, I feel that I make my job look easy even though its killing me and my staff takes advantage of me because of this.
Oh how they will fall on their faces when I get a better gig :!
^ You haven' seen mine yet.

When is enough going to be enough for you?
Congrats, you really spoiled my day.
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Oh how they will fall on their faces when I get a better gig :!

lol, everyone thinks this about their job.truth is theyll move on. there may be some transition pains but dont put stock in them falling on their faces. i used to think like you ..
The job is okay. It pays well. And we all work a lot.

The challenge is to deal with people whose ego is spoiled to the point they'll do anything to try to humiliate those who stand for their dignity and are really punished for it.
Not because they are confronting them but because they are not from the same culture.
This is not right.

Some of them are so humble that they would apologize regardless of the fact they were doing a positive and being creative. Doing a great and solid job, for the team work.

The worst for me is when you defend them and they keep blaming themselves for not being in their place. That's horrible and it's tough to do the right thing and feel guilty about it.

Anyways, tomorrow is another day. We can't pretend we are saving them. They need to understand their own value.
I just wish I was dead. I'm done with this life shit, one big fucking disappointment and it's all my fault.
I believe we can all have different working experiences and some of them can be quite harsh.
People go to trial due to unresolved problems. It's tricky and very individual.
I respect that each one of us has our own experience, under various different scenarios.

Let's respect each one's own vent./rant.

Thank you!
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