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Opioids The Ultimate Opiate Potentiation Thread v2.0

Oxymorphone and oxycodone potentiation?

I've searched a few threads about potentiation, and saw people talking about medication and potentiations I have never heard of in my life. I would like to know how to intensify oxymorphone and oxycodone. I'm sure someone can answer this quickly for me, I'm just being a little slow right now. I heard grape fruit juice or whatever, anything else??
Cimetidine (tagamet) or some antihistamines such as benadryl (diphenhydramine) are some other readily available potentiators.
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Cimetidine (tagamet) or some antihistamines such as benadry (diphenhydramine) are some other readily available potentiators.

Are these easy to get? And is the grapefruit juice a proven theory? I hate to make a stupid thread about this, but I read the Opiate Potentiation thread and got nothing out of it!
Are these easy to get? And is the grapefruit juice a proven theory? I hate to make a stupid thread about this, but I read the Opiate Potentiation thread and got nothing out of it!

They are available at any store really. Anything from a convenient store, to a pharmacy, to a grocery store. The cimetidine is for heat burn, and you know what the benadryl is for. I listed the generic names because they are cheaper. If you take the benadryl (diphendydramine) only take one, which I think is 25mgs. If you take upwards of 100mgs, you can have a very bad experience, and some people report seeing bugs and stuff on the walls.

The grapefruit juice is proven, but it has to be the pure white grapefruit juice. I am not sure if it is used more for benzo potentiation though.

BTW, it is merged into the potentiation thread now.
Diphenhydramine HCl is also used as OTC sleep aids. It's the "PM" in "Tylenol PM" but it can also be found by itself. I just buy the 50mg gelcaps.
Has anyone tried any of these potentiation s with oxymorphone?

Since oxymorphone is just becoming popular now, I don't know if many people will have tried potentiating it, but I am sure someone will chime in if they have. Potentiating opiates is potentiating opiates though. I have used the products that I mentioned above with morphine, oxycodone, and heroin, so I am sure the effects will be the same when it comes to oxymorphone.

The effects are very subtle though, except with the diphendydramine, since it is somewhat sedating, and many find that it makes opiates a little more noddy.
Since oxymorphone is just becoming popular now, I don't know if many people will have tried potentiating it, but I am sure someone will chime in if they have. Potentiating opiates is potentiating opiates though. I have used the products that I mentioned above with morphine, oxycodone, and heroin, so I am sure the effects will be the same when it comes to oxymorphone.

The effects are very subtle though, except with the diphendydramine, since it is somewhat sedating, and many find that it makes opiates a little more noddy.

This isn't the case with Tramadol though, I've heard.
That's because tramadol is a unique drug, and potentiating it is best done not by enzyme inhibition or induction, but simply by "ramping" your dose. That is, taking your dose in small increments over a set period of time, like an hour or two.

I personally start with 100-150 mg, and take another 50-100mg over the course of an hour or so, every 15-20 minutes, until I reach my desired dose.

Because of tramadols unique action, each dose you take increases the following doses BA. I can attest to this working quite well, and can reduce or remove the over-stimulated feeling and some of the other unpleasant side effects tramadol can occasionally spring on you.

Try it if you didn't already know this, I recommend it.

As far as the sedating stuff goes, I wouldn't combine benadryl with tramadol in hopes of potentiating it, mostly because I enjoy the initial stimulation and the sedated feeling that comes later on in the day. I think it would dampen it too much for me, at least if I took it too early. I like my tramadol for breakfast, though.
I take it for chronic pain...

So should I start with 100mg when I wake up, and take another 50mg every 3 hours? lol

I normally take 2 pills QID (~Q4-5H). I'm not trying to get fucked up on this, just wanting to get my pain levels down.

EDIT: and I don't take diphenhydramine to get fucked up lol...I take 100mgs to try to be able to sleep lol...

Would dramamine help with the pain relief?
I would start with two tablets, then 20-30minutes later take another 1-2 tablets.

Then use the rest of your daily pill allotment as you see fit for the pain throughout the day.
Ah...I get 8 pills/day...

So you think it would be better if I, in essence, half-ass double dose, then take the rest in a TID manner (2 pills q6h)?

Just for clarification, anything prescribed TID or once/8 hours, I take as q6h because of sleep, the same with BID being 8 as opposed to 12, and QID being 4-5 instead of 6...that reminds me...I haven't re-dosed my wellbutrin lol.
Do me a favor and be careful taking wellbutrin and tramadol together. That combination (in the dosage of 150mg tramadol, 300mg wellbutrin) gave me a seizure.

I should have known better. I knew they both lower the seizure threshold. I forgot about that little tidbit of info, until I woke up awhile later thinking I took a nap to the story of how I seized on the bed for 15 minutes. Then it hit me, lol.

It probably won't happen to you or anyone else hopefully, but hell I thought I should just put that out there. It's good to know all the risks, I think.

To answer your question: I'd start with two pills first thing, then take one or two more twenty minutes later. Then in a couple of hours have another, sooner if you're really hurting. Rinse and repeat.
Do me a favor and be careful taking wellbutrin and tramadol together. That combination (in the dosage of 150mg tramadol, 300mg wellbutrin) gave me a seizure.

I should have known better. I knew they both lower the seizure threshold. I forgot about that little tidbit of info, until I woke up awhile later thinking I took a nap to the story of how I seized on the bed for 15 minutes. Then it hit me, lol.

It probably won't happen to you or anyone else hopefully, but hell I thought I should just put that out there. It's good to know all the risks, I think.

To answer your question: I'd start with two pills first thing, then take one or two more twenty minutes later. Then in a couple of hours have another, sooner if you're really hurting. Rinse and repeat.

My father had convulsions on wellbutrin after he took 200mg(?) or so of ultram. He had a little clonazepam in his system, so it didn't require an ambulance like his seizures have before, so it certainly can happen.

@Doug: 8 tramadol a day? That is ridiculous! I mean is it working out for you?
Nope lmao...I'm at the maximum daily dosage...I can't shit but 2 times a week and I'm still at a 5 on the pain scale with my meds in me. When I first told the doc my meds weren't working for me, I was told, "Well, the next step up is hydrocodone, and you're too young for that."

On the Wellbutrin, I take Bupropion SR 150mg BID, usually 8-10 hours apart...
Is it worth it to take things like benadryl or other old school anthistamines if you're gonna IV ? When I eat oxycodone yeah, benadryl are actually a life saver as I tend to be allergic a bit to them (fucking urticaria all over my body at times). With dilaudid IV 8mg I get a crazy rush and then a much shorter high than if snorted. Would benadryl prolong it or something ?
I don't think benadryl will 'prolong' the effects of the IV hydromorphone, anymore than smoking pot will 'prolong' it. But it will certainly work together for your benefit, and won't hurt in the least. Like NeighborhoodThreat said, it will enhance the effects no matter what RoA you use. I think hydromorphone is best plugged or snorted, but I've always been willing to trade-off the initial rush for longer lasting effects. To each his own. ;p
When I have a short supply of dillies like right now, especially low dosage (2mg), I find that slamming them all quickly will prevent the withdrawals that if i were to snort all 40 of them over 5-6 days...
This Only works on non-codeine opioids:

A white grapfruit juce and tonic water cocktail
Tagamet and tums, If taking oraly.

Soma, low doses of DXM, Narproxen, and cannabis or booze.
If you use the booze, DON'T use narproxen or vice versa.

Also, DXM keeps down tolerance, so it's even better.

What does DXM stand for? doxylamine