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The Third Great Awakening


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Being a American History major I learned about the First and Second Great Awakenings, national outpourings of evangelical fervor. Our families have been through WW I, WW II, Korea, Viet Nam, the Cold War, Operation Phoenix, and many, many others. 100s of millions have died or been victims of these wars so that we, who have untold wealth and prosperity, and now it seems, we have relative peace. South Korea will be an immigrant nation within my lifetime. War heroes are still made to order in Russia. Maybe the Third Great Awakening won't be an American Evangelical awakening but a multi-cultural, multi-spitlritual, multi-lingual Third Great Awakening. I'm interested in others thoughts, is the Third Great Awakening already started? Is it the province of USA or has the world changed so far so fast in the last 120 years that we should say it belongs to the World?
I am thinking the New New Covenant wording could be "Love Each Other and Ourselves".

I was thinking about the end of all life in the Universe and Boltzman brains this morning while I was walking and the answer is simple, the "Universe" lifecycle ends 100% PURE LOVE.
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I can tell you that something is happening in Catholic backgrounds, in terms of grassroot movements that are creating cooperative communities as the first christians outside of what is generally "offered/proposed" by the Church...
It's still a minor thing but growing, I think that kind of stuff is going to happen more and more often not only in catholic backgrounds. I guess it should be easier for protestants since the Second Awakening promoted that within some minorities, so it's likely to happen worldwide.
100s of millions have died or been victims of these wars so that we, who have untold wealth and prosperity, and now it seems, we have relative peace.
Respectfully I fail to see the logic in this.
1) Prosperous?
Do we understand the magic behind "magic money" or money multiplier effect? We are in debt that we will never be able to get out of excluding waging wars against every nation on earth and winning.
2) Relative Peace
Peace is not won through bloodshed. Blood demands blood. What nation on earth does not want to see the USA fall? This land was taken by force as many other countries and nations to bring "enlightenment" to the ignorant and savages.
There is only so long a scam can work untilnit all falls like a house of cards.
Open to be persuaded otherwise.
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And not to get all jesusy on anyone but ever notice the only time he showed rage and "acted out" was with the banking system of the day (our wallstreet in USA)?
I kinda find this hilarious but there is something there imo.
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Oh how happy the world will be when the diabolical United States of America fall. I hope it will happen while I'm still alive.
Oh how happy the world will be when the diabolical United States of America fall. I hope it will happen while I'm still alive.
This is a global crises now through ""colonialism" and it has been going onnfor much longer than the " birth" of the USA.
Another will take the place of USA if/when it falls and doubtful it will be any better... possibly worse.
I do not have the answers but am always looking for them.
We need (imo) this global push to isolate and control the energies of earth denizens, plants, animals and resources to be put to a stop immediately. If we can recconect with each other and be more empathetic as a species I feel there is a chance to survive in a more sustainable fasion.
Will it happen? Doubtful.
Can it happen? Yes
How? :shrug: Still looking for this....
Oh how happy the world will be when the diabolical United States of America fall. I hope it will happen while I'm still alive.
Do you think places like China are less diabolical?
they are even more diabolical!
just look what they do with political dissidents and their organs...
they surely like harvesting !
And not to get all jesusy on anyone but ever notice the only time he showed rage and "acted out" was with the banking system of the day (our wallstreet in USA)?
I kinda find this hilarious but there is something there imo.
He was mad because they were trying to sell their souls and salvation to them, when that’s not possible to do.
If I recall correctly they were money changers.
"In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”
John 2:13-16

wall street is our "money changers" its what they do....
Just an observation not to preach or anything. But so far as I can tell he went the fuck off on em. lol
Again... not getting religious or anything but the action seems to need repeated cause all that money is an allusion as well, imo. It really doesnt exist irl only on paper and databanks.
If I recall correctly they were money changers.
"In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”
John 2:13-16

wall street is our "money changers" its what they do....
Just an observation not to preach or anything. But so far as I can tell he went the fuck off on em. lol
Again... not getting religious or anything but the action seems to need repeated cause all that money is an allusion as well, imo. It really doesnt exist irl only on paper and databanks.
They were changing Roman coins for Shekels, which were the only acceptable currency allowed for the Temple.

They were Jews going to pay their Tithe and attend Temple. The “money changers” were charging a fee for the exchange and that’s expressly forbidden in all doctrines of Judaism. Punishable by death.

They were allowed into the Temple under the conditions that the exchange was equivalent and one for one.
If there is third great awakening it must belong to the world,not only U.S. i think.The changes involve the whole society&I am not sure at all thst its beginning.Wish it could happen.When?Where?In such form?We say"The dogs are barking and caravan its goin' on" or"Every miracle for three days"-that means that the world,the society follows the old way....c.r.e.a.m.-cash rulls everything around me....why you think such thing it's already started?The new is AI....but the man is the same.Wish i be more positive,vut the reality tells me oposite....i don't know man....passed another day,another step to death:)yeh smile,why not?Just.......life
When they discover the secret to aging and anti-aging.. and reversing age..

I'm assuming in a capitalist society there would be a fee for that type of anti-aging therapy..

I wonder if in a communist nation that they would give it away for free..?

If the fee in a capitalist society be modest then that would be a great thing for all humanity!
Totally agree with this 100% it must be global if there is an actual "awakening".
I totally 💯 agree international open to all races, sexes, sexuality, creeds or no creeds, all nations, all sovereign people's, all over the world. I have some ideas about trying to protect the musicians with like an enclosed MIDI space that separates the musicians from the crowds to keep the musicians safe from electromagnetic damage and keep crowds from trampling each other. Also, and I know this will be controversial, fully staffed medical facilities including reproductive health services, OPEN TO ALL WITH NO JUDGMENT. All contractually required by venues no matter if in the Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and Africa.

I truly believe Joe Biden is right, it's not hyperbole, it's already happening, the question is, our we going to step up and serve?

I admit I'm not perfect, pretty loose cannon, but I firmly believe that in the prayer 🙏 Jesus Christ consume me.
The USA has the highest number/percentage of evangelicals on the planet, great awakenings continued from early 18th century through about the time of Balfour and the mandate. So as far as I know the Third Great Awakening hasn't been written yet.
I think being immortal sounds like a nightmare
just my opinion on that one topic
I really don’t think there's any other answer than ”What did I do for the innocent children?" If I'm coming across like the USA has the answer and we're going to export it, I misspoke. I know from personal experience and the stories of literally hundreds if not thousands that we are suffering intergenerational trauma not of our own chosing. So I guess the Third Great Awakening starts at home no matter where we are or what we fear is going to happen if we tell our own stories to each other. First things first.