• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The Tattoo Megathread vs. Tramp Stamp

You gave the tattoo to YOURSELF? Uhhhhhggghhh

Um..I have never seen anyone bruise from a tattoo..usually it just gets sorta red and swollen and then it gets really itchy...but those are just the people I have seen (I don't have any tats) I would be concerned if the needle wasn't sterile...maybe you should see a doctor.
My bfs and mine didn't get bruised. It was more like a sunburn feeling.

Unscented lotion is what we were told to keep on it.
In Australia, the high majority of artists will apply Bepanthen and then recommend that you continue using it for a further two weeks to help the healing process. Its what I used and highly recommend it.


As for the bruising, not to sure, but could be the reaction of sensitive skin perhaps?
ive never heard of anyone bruising. i didnt bruise either. i think you should get it looked at. it doesnt sound normal to me.

not to like, freak you out or anything =D
yeah.um. bruising means that somehow you're bleeding below the skin. thats bad. You could have a reaction to the ink, or it might be infected. Go to the doc ASAP...if its brusing you also run the risk of the tat getting all fucked up if the ink feathers. If nothing else, that should motivate you to see a doc
There is already a tattoo thread... learn to use the search function kidz.
Yeah the bruising does not sound good. Here in America we put basitracin spelt? its a antibiotic ointment found in all drug stores. Your tat should only be red, and itchy. Sound like you could be getting a infection, I say go to a dr. a.s.a.p!
Web said:
There is already a tattoo thread... learn to use the search function kidz.

Yeah, I found like 2 or 3 tattoo threads and wasn't sure which one to use so i just started a new one. Good idea to merge them all.

Anyway... the tattoo area isn't painful or anything which I guess is probably a good sign, but the bruise is turning yellow & green and shit and looks pretty bad. Since I can't really afford a doctor, I guess I'll wait a few days and see if it starts to look any better.
you need to see someone about that. you could have blood poisoning, which is really serious. Esp. if it starts to puss or anything out of the tatt...please go see someone

*says she who is still bleeding from the toe after 24 hours because she wont go to the doctor...maybe you shouldnt listen to me*
Your 'pain tollerance' thread kinda cracked me up because it's about passing out and shit like that. And seriously, for real, yesterday after I read this thread I sat here in front of the computer and just passed the fuck out.

Anyway, I have a question. The bruise is moving away from the tattoo. The bruise seems to be moving down my arm and it's not getting any bigger, and the area around the tattoo is normal skin color. There is no puss and it is not painful or swollen. It seems (to me) like the bruise should eventually go away like any other bruise. but i don't know. i don't have money for a doctor and my mom is already pissed at me for getting it to begin with and so is my boss. so i'm not even telling either of them what's going on.
update:: well, just to let you all know i guess there was nothing to be worried about. the bruise is almost completely gone and the tattoo looks just fine.
anyone have any advice on the success of tattoo cover-ups?

i.e. I have one I don't want (and never really wanted) ... I know laser surgery is out of the question, but wondering if someone has ever had one tattoo covered by a new one? Some people told me this is my best bet.

The one in question is probably 3 inches by 2 inches and very colorful, I assume I'd need something bigger .. what I was thinking of would be darker ... think I have any chance?
I just wanted to post a response to those who commented, "Don't get this, don't get that, it's been played out, etc." What do you care what someone else gets inked on their body? I believe that as long as the person chooses something that is personally meaningful, who the hell cares what it is? The person getting the tattoo is the one who has to live with it for the rest of their life. Why should someone shy away from getting the tattoo they REALLY want just because so many other people on the planet may have the same thing?
Personally, I've been pondering getting a Celtic inspired tattoo because it is my heritage, the root of my spiritual beliefs, and because I've always been fascinated with the designs. I don't care how many other people have a Celtic tattoo, it doesn't make mine any less meaingful to me.
Arm tattoo

I was considering getting a tattoo on my upper arm. Im kinda thin and not musclular so my question is in the event that i choose to get huge, unlikely but a possibility, will it cause the tattoo to deform. How do tattoos hold up against muscle changes?

Incase your wondering id like to get one exactly like this http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/loom/files/2008/07/atom-future-300.jpg but nitrogen, thats carbon. Its that but with 1 more electron proton and neutron so its not much bigger.
What would a nitrogen tattoo mean to you?

Have you really thought this through?
Im a chemistry major, nitrogen is important in all drug synthesis. Im going for a Master of science in synthetic organic chemistry and wish to make cancer drugs or something. Odds are ill be using reductive amination and other reactions using nitrogen. And its not carbon carbons over done. Yes i have been thinking about it for about 6 months. The problem being i live chemistry its the one thing that i dont see being a fit of passion like other things, love not lust ya know. Still a semi pipe dream though.
Hi szuko, welcome to Bluelight :)

That tattoo idea is nice and it sounds like it means a lot to you. Would you get it in colour (like in the picture) or in black/grey? Of course it's a personal decision but in my opinion it would look nicer in black/grey.

There is a chance the tattoo could deform slightly if your arm got heaps bigger but with an amorphic design like that I can't see it being too much of a problem anyway.

Have you thought about other possible sites for the tattoo? Maybe the back of your neck, your calf, forearm etc?
I was considering getting a tattoo on my upper arm. Im kinda thin and not musclular so my question is in the event that i choose to get huge, unlikely but a possibility, will it cause the tattoo to deform. How do tattoos hold up against muscle changes?

Incase your wondering id like to get one exactly like this http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/loom/files/2008/07/atom-future-300.jpg but nitrogen, thats carbon. Its that but with 1 more electron proton and neutron so its not much bigger.

They hold up fairly well.

I had a quarter done then started lifting.

Some of the parts that arent filled in very well will start to show abit more however.
Shit 6 months? I been thinking about mine for 4 years and im still not sure if I want it.