TDS The Suicide Support Thread

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Thank you herbavore.
Sorry to avoid answering your question but today feels okay(like my brain and i are starting to cooperate again) so im just going to embrace that.
I want to die... I feel as though no one wants me/needs me/loves me. I've been unemployed for a few months after moving back home from CO.. Can't seem to find work. Was sober, but said fuck it bc I can't seem to get ahead no matter how hard I try.. Don't know what else to do. Feel like this is the best way considering no one will miss me or be hurt by my death anyway.
I don't know why I'm posting here because I know I won't listen to any advice but I guess I gotta vent.

I had a serious psychotic break last year where I thought my neighbour was breaking into my house to steal my things and... funnily enough, sneaking into my house to move things around to make me feel I'm going crazy... Hint; I was.
Since then I've conceded to psychiatric care - hospitalised twice due to induced Mania and torturous akathisia and dystonia.
I was medicated eventually with Olanzapine, Sertraline, Orphenadrine and Lamotrigine, which worked aside from wanting to bash my head against the desk due to side effects.
I went off my meds 8 weeks ago and after a few weeks I found myself justifying throwing myself in front of a car to save my family and 'friends' from having to deal with a textbook suicide.
I failed at ending my life on... several... occasions and the thing that keeps me here is less than the knowledge that someone would have to clean up the mess than that I would fail again if I tried.
2g's EPD IV'd while consuming 50ml pure essential oils (which cause elongated QTi), 4,000ug's Fentanyl with Triazolam... etc., I can't even succeed in ending my failure.
I don't enjoy life anymore but I'm horrified at the shame of being incapable of ending it.
What more can I do?

I feel your pain. Also have tried to end my life using drugs and, obviously, to no avail :( .
What led you to that act?

Life can be miserable. It certainly isn't fair. But one thing I know is true is that suffering doesn't have to be borne alone. Sometimes talking about what is specifically leading you to such a dark place can help. PM me if you are feeling like talking about anything more privately.<3
You are so right, life can be miserable, difficult and pointless at times.
Sharing is indeed something that will certainly diminish the pain, decrease the volume, so to speak.
Thanks to inspiring people right here I'm alive today. Trying to find my place, facing my fears...
Thanks to people like you some of us can take take a deep breath and move on. <3
My life is getting worse and worse and I'm about to kill myself...
Well, first my life has been hell...
First got raided for growing cannabis
Second got raided again
Third got raided again AFTER MY BDAY!
Fourth I my home was burned down but an arsonist and yes, I was growing cannabis again... Call me dumb but after all those raids we had 3-4 years of GREAT luck- I was finally happy, had no depression and felt happy like how I was when I was a kid. Now let me reiterate, I'm only 20- these raids happened 1-2 years one after the other. I was not selling or even told people other than so called friends who got me caught; yes it's my fault I know I'm an idiot I just wanted to have a fun hobbie that me and my family member connected with. Then my home burns down and my family member takes the blame like he did everytime... I feel so bad for him man... Since I was 10 I had to defend for myself due to my beer abusing mother... She would verbally abuse me and mentally abuse me making me super depressed and have extreme aniexty as well. As I still do to this day! Now I have PTSD, PTS, PPD, and sucidal thoughts and yes I've tried so many times I can't count... I can't love like this any longer I'm ready to meet god and hope he let's me in those gates. I have no friends at all, I'm a weird person to everyone I met, I was bullied and even laced by my friends like they would lace my weed and then laugh while I would be tripping balls and crying/freakinf out. I also have horrid pain issues from breaking my jaw, neck. And fucked up some disc in my back yet no doctor will give me pain meds. Some days I can't even get outta bed due to the pain... So I have to buy pills off friends and what not. I have my 9mm in my hand with hydra-shocks ready to stick it in my mouth and blow my brains out. I'm only alive for my dad and mother and yes I live with my father since I have no home now. Also to add more fucked up shit to this horrid mix- the same ass hole who set my home on fire did it again about 4 days later and now my house is nothing but rubble... Lost everything.... I'm so depressed I tried to kill myself yesterday by jumping off a 18ft deck and fucked up and just fuxking hurt myself. I wish I had friends, I wish I had meds for this horrid pain, and wish my life wasn't like this. So I'm ready to go unless someone, anyone! Could give me a reason to live... Also I've only had one gf and I'm wanting to leave her but know I'll be alone for the rest of my life if I do so... So what reason should I live this horrid life?
Well I'm about to be 100% homeless soon. My lease is up for my family beach house my mother let me stay till she sold it, and unluckily my ass got here only a month away from it being 100% sold... Only good thing is she will give me money and my dad money since she sold another home and this home too so I'll be getting money at least and maye a rental house on the beach to relax and no want to blow my brains out... It's just getting harder and harder each damn day and so much more stressful too... I called the suicide support hotline it old them I wasn't suicidal and just talked the women was nice but a asshole too kinda and really felt like she had no care about my shitty life of getting raided by the police for growing cannabis to being robbed have my home invaded and I had to defend my self got stabed in my neck broke my neck back and hip and had to grow up at 10 due to my mother not caring for me and abusing me till 16 when I moved in with my dad but she would drink like 40 beers a night and more and being home nasty men that I hated and would fight with as well as my sister would fight and threating to call the police on the dudes and shit an my mother getting into horrid car crashes which messed up her brain and body some and her having an aneurism due to her being drunk as fuck cuz a douche stood her up for another chick and she downed a bunch or like lortab or Percs Idk and fell before our vacation to the mountains and that totally fucked her up now she is like 2 different people she's normal nice and motherly when sober and on meds, but when she drinks or is depressed and or just stressed she acts like a monster and a bully to me and purposely stresses me out and makes me feel like total shit and still abuses me at times like verbally and mental like she did when I was 10-16. Having all these things happen so fast and so fuxking much have me PTSD depression, PTS PPD aniexty suicidal and I'm a bit crazy now and have no friends and just in total my life fucking sucks... I really am thinking of killing myself soon or later I can't take this pain any longer man it's been 12 years of pure hell on me and my father and mother but mostly me and my mom and dad both agree that I've been impacted much much more... I fuxking hate my life and wish I could be legally euthanized... Or do it myself by stealing phenobarbital and morphine or Dilaudid and feel up and 2-4ml rig and fill it all up with a mix of those drugs and peacfully pass away. I wish I had that option but I don't. If anyone can let me talk with them please let me know I need a friend or at least someone to talk to please!
Me, my dad, & my brother and maybe my GF and her girl friend (who may want to date me and my gf like before) are moving out of my amazing but old beach house with beach front property too sadly... One good thing is I'm getting better with everything, still depressed and upset most days but my brother and dad have been the best ones that have helped me out so much since the fires happened; anyways, we found an AMAZING Condo near the beach and I get the master bed room (my dad said he hates big rooms and me and my gf can bath and shower together since I have a huge Jacuzzi in my room as well as a huge ass bed too!) and that's gonna be fun and pretty cool IMO. Only thing I will middbid my grandfathers beach house he built with his brothers twice- once after Hugo, & another time after Hugo. I grew up here as a little kid, this was my home for at least the first 5 years of my life l and more once we moved into a small community that really wasn't good to be at for me since all the kids would bully and fuck with me all the time and even they would cause legal issues tooo! We'll my home ther ie 75% gone due to some fire happy asshole/assholes... So I lost ever thing, was homles for a period of time and all of this has been the darkest time of my life and my fathers life as well... I'm glad we are moving forward slowly but im still pretty mad, depressed, paranoid, etc... Due to how the police and firemen acted towards us, espically me and my brother. They understood this was fucked up how we had a fucking arsonist burn our home down not just once but fucking two god damn times! I know it's gonna be a long while till the insurance kicks in but I really hope they don't drag this shit out for a year or more! We need the money to fix up that home and sell it off and then either move to another country or state. My family and espically myself our 100% done here and hate it here as well... Hope me and my family the best of health and luck dealing with this horrid sets of events please. I don't know how much more of this insane life of mine! Much love,

I hope that you guys see this update and respond and give me some words of the wise and just talk to me to make me feel better and give me hope because I could really need someone to do so to just give me some advice and suggestions too to help me along this long and dark road I'm traveling down at what seems ro be a long ass time...
PS- I'm posting it here due to the fact I made another thread on accident didn't see that my original post were on here *face palm*
I would reccomend anyone, who is devastatingly suicidal atm, to take a medium-strong dissociative trip with one potent modern disso or a combination of lower doses (ask in the psychedelics subforum for opinions) and during the trip
preferabely meditate in front of a wall.

A mentally challenging trip with those substances is not possible in my opinion (in contrast to classic psychedelic trips), because the mind is so detached from the ego, that attempts of identification with ones own past actions of misery, the roots of suffering, are prevented.
During the trip anything can happen and moving is rather dangerous, so it is highly recommend to have a trusted person nearby, that supervises one, just in case, the position of the tripper is unhealthy or they are accidentally about
to harm themselves or others. That is another reason why it is advised to either go into a typical meditation position or lay down comfortably (but stay in one place).

As an after effect the trip enables the person to reboot its own operating system so to say and and restructure the own thought processes to gain either a more optimistic prospect about the (albeit hard) future or at least an egalitarian
perspective about one's own situation. At the very least I can guarantee, that the primitive sense of humor will come back, because the dissociative mind state is simple and easy to impress, call it infantile naivity.

If you are seriously suicidal atm I would give this method a try, but please beware the setting (set is not so important as long as a supervisor is available).

If you do not have access to dissos at all even meditating sober can help, actually that is the preferred path and will ground you much further in the long run than taking trips regularly. You don't need anything. A cushion, a wall
and a stable position and concentrate on breathing out long and slowly (in comes automatically).
Also another update sorry I'm spamming this thread I have no one to talk to since everyone I can talk to is going through the same shit or there normal horrid shit. Anyways the other, I'd say, 6 days ago I jumped off a 20ft deck to see if I could break my neck on soma and Valiums to not "feel it as bad" which was dumb it helped but now my feet are totally fucked and I fucked them up so badly even though the ER I went to said it was just badly bruised they're still in pretty bad pain as in I can't walk for more than 10 minutes if I do it hurts like hell for hours... It was dumb but thought my body would be so loose and not all right that it would break my neck or worse. I wasn't in the right mind- if you read my other new post... I'm really hating life even more and wish that what happened in the past just happened and this shit didn't happen, & the "raid" didn't happen again as well. I've been listening to Kid Cudi to relate and personally shooting as many roxi 30's into me at once to feel that feeling of just awwww for hours and pass out to my dreamscape of wonder. Sadly I just woke up still high and took two OxyContin 40's for this Fucking feet pain and to relax too.
You could say things are getting better but still even the little things start huge fights or problems now too. Which is what I'm in now... I took a family members xanax they said I could have but not to take all of it- I did due to me just hating every memory due to my PTSD hitting me harder and harder each day now and I wanted to not even have one thought. Which I didn't till I passed out and woke up at like 4:50 something am and was up from then, took my daily Valium dose and shot up 2 Roxicodone's too which made my day :) but anyways I'm just wondering and stuck wondering this- "why does this shit keep happening to me and my dad/family"? I owed no one anything I was the happiest in my life, I slowed down on every drug and was feel great having a steady stash I pain meds and benzo's/soma's and then BAM my house is on fire and we were growing herb... Yep, the asshole fire Marshall went into an uneffected room (grow room) which was locked and for a fucking reason. The fire wasn't even close to that spot and didn't even touch it either! So I had to go with my gf and her mothers bf to her house with our dogs while I left my dad and my brother behind... They told me to go and I feel like a fucking pussy coward! NOW! ... But anyways he got jailed I posted his bond (when he was to get a PR bond but he ha a fucking bitch of a judge- I hate her till and after her death....) and me and my brother who was there with him came and got me. I was off my meds for two days now pain meds and Xanax so I wasn't in the right mind at all so everyone was taking advantage of me like a fucking child... I didn't know what to do go with my brother to get my dad out or stay at my gf's shitty ass trailer that reeks of piss and shit since they have too many animals and had to sleep on this metal ass bed thing with slight "cushion" which totally fucked my back up even worse too... While come to find out after HOURS of waiting after we bailed him he got out but I was gonna kill myself in the detention centre parking lot with a note and my brothers .40 too. I cocked it made sure it had hollow points but even better it had Hydra-Shocks which would have blew my brains out and I would have passed without pain. While a bit till my brain steam gets cut... While thinking and cocking it then puting it in my mouth I held the hammer and trigger which made it not slap the firing pin... Aka it didn't go off and the person next to me was crying cuz they thought they were gonna see a person blow his head off in front of the police, she jumped out (very hot chick that I would have loved to be with but anyways-) she jumped out as I was playing Modest Mouse - The World At Large and as I saw the gun didn't go off I cocked it again this time right put it in my mouth- now look at it this way, I had the windows down so the police would hear it and everyone would and they'd see and I left a not blaming the fire department, police departments, that judge, the system, etc... I was thinking "hey if I killed myself they may just slap my dad with a small fine and end the legal shit" but as I was going in for the 2nd shot this chick jumps out and grabs it and says crying "please don't, I know it's hard, but it'll get better..." So I did as she said BUT called my uncle who lived not too far who takes the same meds I take so I called him up told him what's up he came ASAP man. I left and went home with him, my mom was there due to her hearing the news so he picked her up to comfort her cuz no one not even the police knew where I went and everyone was going ape shit to find me. Long story short I cried with my mom and we both asked why is all of this horrid pain and bad luck happen to us of all people?... Then I took 4mg of xanax got my mind right and my uncle gave me 8 perc 10's to take. Which I did- but an hour later I get a call from a random number. It was my dad! & brother! Such a relief so much so it felt like I shot up 2 30mg roxi's and told them to come get me my moms drunk as fuck and I don't want to deal with her conspiracy theory's of why my house had a fire it was stressing me out even more I just wanted to stay buzzed and lay on the lazy boy... So they came and got me and we went to my brothers house and got rightfully fucked up and are good ass food too. The police took my guns didn't charge me or my gf left all my pills in my name and not and so I took all of that with me and just got fucked up as hell with my brother and my dad as my brother was doing lines of flake coke the pure shit and it was an amazing reuniting feeling. I thought I lost my only friend in this whole world to the system and my only dad too. Horrid night and horrid next day too...
I would reccomend anyone, who is devastatingly suicidal atm, to take a medium-strong dissociative trip with one potent modern disso or a combination of lower doses (ask in the psychedelics subforum for opinions) and during the trip
preferabely meditate in front of a wall.

A mentally challenging trip with those substances is not possible in my opinion (in contrast to classic psychedelic trips), because the mind is so detached from the ego, that attempts of identification with ones own past actions of misery, the roots of suffering, are prevented.
During the trip anything can happen and moving is rather dangerous, so it is highly recommend to have a trusted person nearby, that supervises one, just in case, the position of the tripper is unhealthy or they are accidentally about
to harm themselves or others. That is another reason why it is advised to either go into a typical meditation position or lay down comfortably (but stay in one place).

As an after effect the trip enables the person to reboot its own operating system so to say and and restructure the own thought processes to gain either a more optimistic prospect about the (albeit hard) future or at least an egalitarian
perspective about one's own situation. At the very least I can guarantee, that the primitive sense of humor will come back, because the dissociative mind state is simple and easy to impress, call it infantile naivity.

If you are seriously suicidal atm I would give this method a try, but please beware the setting (set is not so important as long as a supervisor is available).

If you do not have access to dissos at all even meditating sober can help, actually that is the preferred path and will ground you much further in the long run than taking trips regularly. You don't need anything. A cushion, a wall
and a stable position and concentrate on breathing out long and slowly (in comes automatically).
I can't take trippy drugs I freak out never once had a good trip and in this state if you read my whole new fucking issues you'll see why and how I shouldn't even touch a fucking acid blotter. Plus I hate trippy drugs man no offense to you man but I'm never giving that bullshit a try even if it's pure and I'm in a good state of mind atm I won't and will not be even if I went to another place which I can't even if I wanted too. Thanks though but I'll stick to what I do and know I can do to help combat this shit.
I totally agree with you on that. Having an acid trip could be a huge mistake. And the worst inferno in life when you are pretty much expecting the opposite. Stick to what you know and to what is real even if it's bad. It's not something it's not there, or misrepresented by 'science fiction'.
Sorry, you both misread my post. Maybe we should not call it "trip" when dissociatives are involved. In fact it is the opposite. Let's just call it holing, even though only some experiences end up in being hole-experiences.

IMHO they can be VERY beneficial for people, that are seriously acutely suicidal. Taking a classical psychedelic trip when being in a ultra bad mood (bad set is a absolute no-go with psychs.) is a horrible decision. Whereas the set (state of mind) with in a disso hole does not play a big role. Setting is more important when taking dissos.
Sorry, you both misread my post. Maybe we should not call it "trip" when dissociatives are involved. In fact it is the opposite. Let's just call it holing, even though only some experiences end up in being hole-experiences.

IMHO they can be VERY beneficial for people, that are seriously acutely suicidal. Taking a classical psychedelic trip when being in a ultra bad mood (bad set is a absolute no-go with psychs.) is a horrible decision. Whereas the set (state of mind) with in a disso hole does not play a big role. Setting is more important when taking dissos.
I'll look into it and have Valiums on deck and Xanax too but I had hash oil that flips me from feeling depressed and so mad that I think that and maybe a bit of a weak shroom that would be great.
Sorry, you both misread my post. Maybe we should not call it "trip" when dissociatives are involved. In fact it is the opposite. Let's just call it holing, even though only some experiences end up in being hole-experiences.

IMHO they can be VERY beneficial for people, that are seriously acutely suicidal. Taking a classical psychedelic trip when being in a ultra bad mood (bad set is a absolute no-go with psychs.) is a horrible decision. Whereas the set (state of mind) with in a disso hole does not play a big role. Setting is more important when taking dissos.

I definitely agree that the set, state of mind does play an enormous and important role. Unfortunately I wasn't very lucky and ended up in terrible nightmares. If I was thinking of ending my life I would not have known what was real and what wasn't. Besides it's endless. I remember being convinced I would never go back to "normal". Anyway, I believe I understand what you meant. It could work, after all it's an extreme decision and everything should be tried to prevent it.
I definitely agree that the set, state of mind does play an enormous and important role. Unfortunately I wasn't very lucky and ended up in terrible nightmares. If I was thinking of ending my life I would not have known what was real and what wasn't. Besides it's endless. I remember being convinced I would never go back to "normal". Anyway, I believe I understand what you meant. It could work, after all it's an extreme decision and everything should be tried to prevent it.
I personally would NEVER EVER do this no matter what... I'm so depressed, lonely, have extreme anxiety, and PTSD/PPD too so I think I would have a HORRID trip even on a low dose and I would feel crazy if I didn't have my Valiums and Xanax/Temazepams and took them on any form of very, very weak shroom or anyother soft and weak psychedelic/psychedelics... Anyways I've been crying my eyes out the only the that helps me at the moment is being with my girl friend who got back with me after all the shit that happens so fast and didn't even have any other relationship and wanted me back even with my problems and illness and pain issues as well. We understand each other waaaay better so we are very close and very open sexually with each other and now are become one rather than two if you understand which makes me happy but that doesn't stop me from feeling so bad that I wanna just die; so I'm trying, but I keep becoming suicidal... :'( I really hate all that's happened... Lost my home to an arsonist and have lung cancer and pain issues to start with... I really just wanna die knowing I'll probably just die any damn way from this illness... I got only like 4 friends max? I'm not counting and high at the moment too. Anyways I'm very lonely and rarely see most of my friends and when I do they're either busy tired and or have to go home to help with dinner and or other shit like work. For example my GFs mothers boyfriend is only 3 years older than me so he's like my older brother and looks like an older me too ha. He has to work all the fucking time and I see him more than my other homies but still I barely get to hang with him and shit so I just hang with my dad everyday and when my GF can come to the place I'm at now till we get a rental home she has to come over whenever and live at a friends so I'm so lonely with all these changes and just not use to any of this at all! :,( I spend every day just fucking smashed on Soma, OxyContin, (& other opiates I get and can get a lot of different ones too at the moment too) benzo's [Diazepam, Alprozalam, Temazepam] but I don't really use them nearly as much as my OxyContin's, Soma's, hash/herb, Lortabs, Tramadol's, & Gabapentin. Basically just totally fucked up and hang with my dad which is pretty fun and funny when we watch stupid shit on youtube and watch like Strain Hunters too which he loves, so it have a blast being plastered all day long and hanging with him and my GF when she can come over but you can see how this can become depressing and yes this is sad... I know this but this is my life right now... Shit IMO but at least I have the little things and my medications too/my dad and GF/my GFs mothers BF too. Still I feel so lonely at times when my dad has to go to do some shit or do something for me. So I then hang high as fuck with my little hound dog and chill listening to music and cry my eyes out when I listen to music I feel I have to to have something to relate to and even relate to the artist too. As well as I feel I need to cry instead of keeping it all in cuz I have a lot of crying and just being sad a lot sadly... Please someone talk to me... I have no one to talk to when my dad has to do thing an mostly a lot of things for me so I'd like to have like a friend to talk to on her you know? Thanks if you read this and want to be my BL homie just to talk and so I can vent and get good life advice and advice in general for me too. Thanks, Edaw
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I definitely agree that the set, state of mind does play an enormous and important role. Unfortunately I wasn't very lucky and ended up in terrible nightmares. If I was thinking of ending my life I would not have known what was real and what wasn't. Besides it's endless. I remember being convinced I would never go back to "normal". Anyway, I believe I understand what you meant. It could work, after all it's an extreme decision and everything should be tried to prevent it.

May I ask, which dissociative it was, that you took in a miserable state of mind ? I still think, that you misunderstood my post and assume, that I try to recommend @Edaw'Naflagn a psychedelic trip to solve all of his problems. I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself here and you already got, that I am talking about taking a (semi-) hole inducing NMDA-antagonist in order to detach the ego from the given data set, that we call past/memory/character and gain a new perspective to ones own life, realize new ways of improving certain expects and integrate those realizations into everyday life.

Yes, all this is theoretically possible during a classical psychedelic trip but in my opinion psychedelics (5ht2a-agonists) tend to overwhelm the mind and can probably cause long lasting after effects and negative thought patterns, because they confront the user with all kinds of potentially negative memories and emotions, that they suppressed. whereas dissociatives bear less dangers in that regard. If the disso-dose is too high, it can of course get too "underwhelming", meaning, that a total detachment from the body and ego is reached (holing), so that usually no revealations come out of disso trips (it is rather a restart), but instead a restart of the mind is achieved, because the ego is dissolved during the peak of the trip and later during the comedown and the following days slowly forming itself back from the available data in the head and environment.

Disso trips are much more recommended for severly depressed people IMHO. When I was depressed and took psychedelics (substances like shrooms, LSD, 2c-x), it always ended in a disaster or a meh experience at best. With dissos (substances like Ketamine, DXM, MXE, 2-Oxo-PCE) you feel like a certain part of you is reborn and you have gotten a chance to readjust that part of you, in order to harmonize better with your environment and fellow humans. But you need a good trip sitter, because during holing you loose control of your body (breathing works find though), but you are usually very calm.

Long post : TLDR? I did NOT talk about about psychedelics, but about dissociatives (pretty good ones are discussed right now in the psychedelics forum, yes they are discussed in the psych forum, but they are a totally other substance class).
^ Yes, I'm sure you right about that.

The state of mind was not that bad. Back then where LSD could only be taken in single doses, doing it three times as much could probably have caused such a bad experience.
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