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⭐️ Social ⭐️ The Stimulant Social Parlor. A place to talk about nearly anything. If you don't break forum and site rules, I'll allow it! Potential triggers inside!

Yeah well inhaled meth enters the brain much more rapidly and is just more fun overall
It also bypasses the first-pass metabolism and intestinal epithelium this way.

In addition, (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong), I believe when Meth is administered any other route than orally (ingested) you miss out on the 7+ separate Methamphetamine metabolites , some of which likely have the potential to be beneficial to the brain/body.
Also, this study is an interesting read:

How many times have you heard the saying "All Meth does, all DRUGS do is Hi-Jack the Brains pathway's and fool the brain" "All Meth does, all DRUGS do is destroy the Brains White/Grey matter"

Well, turns out (Low-Dose) Meth actually remodels the brain, everyone. Think about that for a second. (Low Dose) Meth remodels the brain. That's, important...



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Welcome back Agent- I mean Albert. Glad Adderall has been beneficial, that study supports the benefits of neuroplasticity from meth when administered extremely soon after damage. Not sure it suggests it remodels the brain in the long term, also Christ what is the 'normal mechanism' of giving rats TBI that must suck to do as an intern.
Welcome back Agent- I mean Albert.
Good to be back! Although 1 more point and I'm gone for a long, long time, so I absolutley need to be on my bestest behavior.
Glad Adderall has been beneficial
Adderall is proving to be much better than Meth for me anymore. I don't even miss Meth - it just began to cause me any number of problems anymore, even at low doses - Like I said I don't think you're supposed to stay on it long-term. (Like over 3-4 years).
that study supports the benefits of neuroplasticity from meth when administered extremely soon after damage. Not sure it suggests it remodels the brain in the long term
One could conclude that it does, however. Especially when paired with this study:


also Christ what is the 'normal mechanism' of giving rats TBI that must suck to do as an intern.
This, I suppose?

Methamphetamine Treatment

Eight hours after the TBI, rats were anesthetized by isofluorane inhalation. An incision was made at the inguinal crease to expose the femoral vein. An Alzet osmotic pump (DURECT Corp, Cupertino, CA) connected to a catheter was placed within the crease with the catheter extending from the pump and placed into the femoral vein. The incision was closed with 4-0 vicryl sutures. One group of rats, referred to as the treated group (n = 10), were treated with a bolus dose of 0.42 mg/kg methamphetamine via the saphenous vein followed by continuous infusion intravenously (iv) with 0.05 mg/kg/hr for 24 hrs. Animals, assigned as the control group (n = 10), received the same volume of saline as bolus iv dose followed by continuous iv infusion with 6.6µL/hr for 24 hrs. At 48 hours after pump placement, rats were again briefly anesthetized with isoflurane, the pump and femoral vein catheter were removed, and the incision in the inguinal area was sutured with 4-0 absorbable suture and sealed with skin glue.
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I mean HELLO PEOPLE! Limitless is based on Low-Dosing Methamphetamine, Limitless is based on a TRUE STORY!

Now I've one-upped "Eddie Mora", lol. Now I've unlocked some new level by soaking in the hot-tub every night along with Low-Dosing Methamphetamine. Now I have the Spooks, Spooked, lol....

Nice, I forgot the name of that movie. At the end he points out the heart condition of the character DeNiro played. I'm going to go watch it now. I've been trying to remember the name of that movie for years.

There's also a not very good spin off TV series where Bradley cooper shows up once a season for his massive paycheck.
Finally got around to watching the entire Movie (after any number of people urged me too).

Eddie Morra and I own the same shirt. Imagine that....

I’m burned out. My last meth binge blackened my soul. I’m not sure the stain will ever come out. It also cost thousands of dollars I probably needed. It went on for at least a month at 3-4 days at a time hard partying and with never more than 36 hours at a time at home alone recovering in between.

48 hours later I seem to be surviving ok on 20 mg dexamfetamine and 4 espressos for breakfast. I want to drop some acid but am pretty sure that will just unblock more repressed more emptional trauma than I can handle. A few days in the middle of the binge ago a trip left me with what feels like PTSD

I want to omly post in the Recovery Forums - but nobody there will ever believe I am really done.
Finally got around to watching the entire Movie (after any number of people urged me too).

Eddie Morra and I own the same shirt. Imagine that....

I'm glad you reminded me of that movie. It was good and I wouldn't of remembered it otherwise. Funny, I assume due to having TBI that I can't remember movies even a few days after watching, but give me numbers and I'll remember them for decades.

Glad to see you got Adderall again, hope it helps. I never liked it much. Felt dirty and I always favored focalin, but I wasn't doing it for ADHD obviously.
Today I tried doing some 3-MMC then a bit later a good shot of meth.

Has anyone else tried isopropylphenidate yet?

It's interesting. Not really what I expected. Potent.

Today I'm all isopropylphenidate and 3-MMC.
Isopropylphenidate plus 3-mmc proved to be too much. Not recommended.

I hope y'all are high for this one.

Midnight star bomb
Smoked a little crystal meth on foil, with pure caffeine anhydrous powder added to help it run -- kind of like a bootleg yaba pill. I actually started out at the 1:3 ratio that yaba apparently contains, using 15mg of meth & ~50mg of caffeine, but it was a little hard to get solid hits with so much powder, so I ended up lowering the ratio to 1:2 (10mg meth & 20mg caffeine at a time).
Smoked a little crystal meth on foil, with pure caffeine anhydrous powder added to help it run -- kind of like a bootleg yaba pill. I actually started out at the 1:3 ratio that yaba apparently contains, using 15mg of meth & ~50mg of caffeine, but it was a little hard to get solid hits with so much powder, so I ended up lowering the ratio to 1:2 (10mg meth & 20mg caffeine at a time).
How was it? I usually just have some coffee if I want caffeine with my stimulant high. I do like amphetamines plus caffeine though. Some people find it too jittery.
How was it? I usually just have some coffee if I want caffeine with my stimulant high. I do like amphetamines plus caffeine though. Some people find it too jittery.
The caffeine was really just to help it run on foil, not for the effect (though studies have shown that about ~60% is absorbed that way). Caffeine lowers the vaporization point, which is why it's added to Afghan brown heroin (and yaba pills for that matter).

When I smoke fentanyl, I usually add a small amount of caffeine for the same reason. 50mg seems to make a difference in how well it runs, while not being too noticeable (the ~30mg absorbed is equal to a 12oz can of Coke or so).

It wasn't all that noticeable with the meth, either, except when I'd get a hit of just caffeine. That was still mild, but pleasant IMO, at least if you like caffeine with your amps. I do, as well, for the physical stimulation, especially with such a smooth one as d-meth.
To each their own. Methamphetamine feels so much "cleaner" than adderall, to me at least. Adderall feels...jittery to me. Same thing with Vyvanse. Meth was the perfect ADHD medicine for me for a while there, not so much anymore. I don't think you're supposed to stay on (prescribed) Meth very long. I think you're supposed to stay on it long enough for it to remodel the brains white matter in a beneficial way, then go off of it and onto something else. All that said, I don't feel the need for it anymore, I'm on adderall and doing just fine. Meth is overkill anymore...
Welcome back, ack. Glad you've got the "mixed amphetamine salts" in your life again. I see what you mean about meth being the perfect ADHD medicine, but the duration of Adderall is much more conducive to sleeping & eating in a relatively normal way with relatively little effort.
Down to two espressos and 15 mg dexamfetamine today. Worked for 2 hours to finish and submit a draft book chapter due 2 months ago. Also had sober sex last night for what might be the first time in a year or more. Wasn’t too bad at all….lasted about 45 minutes from go to woah which my friend definitely preferred to the nine hours we were together the previous time. I could get used to it.,

Still thinking about that acid.
I've been overshooting my mark with this isopropylphenidate. Tonight I've had a few 10-12mg bumps and it's better than larger doses.