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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

Nevada would make a nice beach... right at Vegas would be great , turn it into a beach town.
Sounds good to me lol, hell even the jersey shore beats the lack of beaches here.
Of course, I was just saying it as a general statement lol.

CNN was my go to for post binge sleep aid when I was doing meth.
hi again :)

im bored. just looking for convo or something interesting to read.
i keep reading parts of this or that thread, ive learned quite a lot over the past almost year that ive lurked.
i never knew there was so much to so many of the drugs ive done.
i 'worked' today, which was a great change of pace. its so hot here in FL though! and the worst is yet to come :X
its supossed to rain today which is great for business(lawn mower repair).

i think after scrolling facebook i might read a bit more about astral project and/or space travel.
i have never achevied a fulll on out of body projection sadly. i always think to myself it might be
the drug use impairing my capability but i never could even before using.
i watched a show on netflix about the universe while i was baked and i felt and thought things that
i never had before. we are truly so tiny on the cosmic scale of things.


with a vacation home like that, he can make it rain $$$$$, bf can't even make it drizzle

where's a sugar daddy when you need one?
The forum always seems slower to me on the weekends. Could be because most posters are out and about enjoying their weekend and not waisting away doing nothing like me.

Or it could simply be my perception. Since I'm checking BL constantly throughout the weekend while only occasionally throughout the work week.

Oh well. I'm bored. Guess I should prepare my taxes. Only put it off so long cause I work too much and because when I do have time off I tend to waste it here.
Hope everyone is having a good day ✌ stay lifted! Enjoying my Klonopin and occasional oxy ??
Had an intense salvia trip

Lovely feeling lots of visuals

Tactile feelings link up with visuals well, quite fun
Salvia is rarely described as lovely feeling or quite fun. That's awesome that you can enjoy it like that.
Here's one for you Cap'n:

The thing that trips me out about Salvia is that it hit's the Kappa Opioid receptor...WTF? Are you a smoker or eater?