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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

I think technically the French invented the car, though Mr Benz did most of the legwork to making it an actual 'thing' ;)
And then they fought 2 wars that made everyone hate them until the 80s, and we Americans stole 90% of thier achievements as our own.
I think technically the French invented the car, though Mr Benz did most of the legwork to making it an actual 'thing' ;)

It does say "disputed" on Wikipedia...

Where have you been over in PED? It's pretty dead over there without our senior mod...I just about the only person who posts there who ISN'T a mod lol ..

Incidentally, this is the video I was talking about...

I think the Brits 're-invented' the English language, and the Americans tended to keep or simplify the old spellings. Dunno. I do know it's a complex and interesting story of the divergence of language. I wrote recently about being a traitor and going a bit yank with my spellings, but iono...
A Brit giving the French credit for something?

Now I've seen everything lol.

The French gave us cooking with tons of butter and fine delicious pastries and cakes, so I'm a bit biased ;)
Why do you guys feel like you need extra letters? We just like to save on ink because we're so friendly to the environment ;)

Mmm hmm I see very clever indeed!

I think the Brits 're-invented' the English language, and the Americans tended to keep or simplify the old spellings. Dunno. I do know it's a complex and interesting story of the divergence of language. I wrote recently about being a traitor and going a bit yank with my spellings, but iono...

I think that most people use slang these days though?
We yanks are nothing if not practical. I think that has something to do with it tbh.
And then they fought 2 wars that made everyone hate them until the 80s, and we Americans stole 90% of thier achievements as our own.

The Brits technically invented about 70% of all 'modern' inventions according to the US Patent office in the 1970s, I believe ;)
The Brits technically invented about 70% of all 'modern' inventions according to the US Patent office in the 1970s, I believe ;)

Yes the British Empire was quite the technological wonder.;)
Yes the British Empire was quite the technological wonder.;)

Why do I think you're trying to mock me? ;)

Not the empire tubbsy, but the people inventing stuff back home. The empire just ensured that places like India could no longer compete with us in textiles - you know, monopoly of trade, control of markets. All that great capitalist stuff :D
I know, I have admitted how I admire you brits quite a bit, only being a third generation American myself.

I was just innocently stating that it was a technological marvel, just as our refinement of the atom bomb had nothing to do with kidnapped German scientists.8)
They do have a tendency to surrender though. :)

Tbf we'd have surrendered too if we had a land border. All those useless 1930s conservative politicians that did nowt to build up the military and who acted like a bunch of castrated pygmies (apologies to castrasted pygmies, no offence meant).
We yanks are nothing if not practical. I think that has something to do with it tbh.


The Brits technically invented about 70% of all 'modern' inventions according to the US Patent office in the 1970s, I believe ;)

Like they play the world series of baseball and only Americans participate? Fail me thinks....

Yeah, I think we're seeing a unified international language based on selfies and emojis ;)

How you doing today BtS?

Ms BtS is all good no complaints today and how are you my dear?
I know, I have admitted how I admire you brits quite a bit, only being a third generation American myself.

I was just innocently stating that it was a technological marvel, just as our refinement of the atom bomb had nothing to do with kidnapped German scientists.8)

Eh, I'm not sure how many admirable things us Brits did really; some pretty questionable acts in our history :\

As for The Bomb - it's the Brits, Canadians, French and a few other Euro nations who you yanks need to be thankful for ;)

The Germans are the ones who gave you the rockets to deliver them nukes to the Soviets post-war. And the Soviets used their stolen Germans to send Sputnik into space :D