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The portion of population having issues with cannabis alone?

Statistically it is hard to say. Given the illegal nature of drug use you often find it difficult to obtain accurate data on such things given the paranoia most sensible adults have to admitting using cannabis in the first place and the murky nature of defining "harm". I think there is little doubt that moderate to heavy use does have a profound effect on the human brain. Is this a bad thing or is it something worth denying an individual from doing? That is a Social debate more than a health debate in my opinion

Anecdotally I have found cannabis to be relatively safe for of recreational entertainment. It's harmful effects for the majority of the population using it from time to time is almost negligible. I have smoked for over twenty years and have found that only a handful of my friends have experienced negative effects to either their health or motivation. I have known two heavy users who have had mental health problems and in hindsight would have been better not using the drug as heavily or for as long. Another half a dozen or so becam addicted to daily use, which while not harmful in itself, did affect motivation and creativity to such an extent that their drug use probably stunted their social development. In other words they became boring stoners who I eventually drifted apart from. One or two of these guys also experienced addiction to other vices such as alcohol, gambling or even exercise, so it could be argued that their personality was more inclined to cause harm than the actual vice.

The majority of the rest either out grew smoking weed, found a happy balance where they enjoy it from time to time either socially or privately, or recognised that they didn't enjoy the negative effects such as anxiety or simply the stupefying feeling of cannabis and are happy to abstain when offered a toke. They all hold well paying jobs, lead interesting lives that arent affected by drug use and are able to sensibly enjoy cannabis without any ill harm. If I was to place a number on it Id say 5% of the people I have known in my life have been adversely affected by cannabis to such an extent that the current illegal status of cannabis is justified.

From a personal position I have had no ill effects in my life from smoking weed. I enjoy smoking by myself for reflection more so than in a group because I find that intelligent or stimulating conversation often dries up as people retreat into their cone of silence and inner monologue. One or two of my close friends are comfortable smoking and socialising but for the most part it is a private habit that I enjoy perhaps a couple of times a month and I'm able to hold down a good job and lead a balance and productive life.

I believe there is a time and a place, and I'd advise my children to wait until they were out of high school before they chose to experiment heavily with weed. It's a drug that does have to ability to dull motivation as well as your senses but also has an ability to open the mind and entertain if used sensibly. It can make some situations exciting but also turn some people into dullards. Finding that sweet spot is a very individual experience but I hold no fears for society when the shackles are eventually unleashed and it is free to enjoy for everyone.
TBPH I mostly skimmed through the thread but I don't agree with the premise which seems to be that any discussion about the negatives of cannabis is unjust propaganda. The concept of a proper scientific study is generally incongruous with the unquantifiable nature of psychological side-effects, so the fact that studies show x y z positive effects does not necessarily mean that there are not widespread negative side-effects that are simply difficult to replicate in definitive studies. As a result, it seems reasonable to assume that open dialogue, in which disagreements can exist to limit the effects of bias, is the best way to explore whether or not complaints of certain side-effects are legitimate.

thank you. what i was trying to say in much fewer words.

TBPH I mostly skimmed through the thread but I don't agree with the premise...

Then please allow me to skim it a bit further for everyone's convenience:

...so-called "addiction" is said to be a problem for 9 % of the users, which this fails to account for variables like consumption method, social environment and the consequences of having to deal with street dealers, etc. whatever! ... So my question is quite simple. What are the statistics with all other toxic parameters removed? Inluding nationalized bigotry... ... Or more precisely, where's the correlation between real life out there and our daily wall of misery right here?? Even better, where's the Harm Reduction element announced everywhere on the board?...

Because i don't see how that's supposed to help someone to cultivate negativism for a minority who should be adult enough not to touch cannabis anyway...

...part of my point: the statistics are systematically stained with a blend of nicotine and cannabis for starters, plus health-hazard smoke from combustion...

Briefly put, any arguments based on stained statistics are going to sound like propaganda to me.

...widespread negative side-effects...

That's among sample populations as defined in so-called objective/scientific statistic studies (SAMHSA, NSDUH, YRBS, MTF)...

For example, while searching on "Substance Use Disorder" (SUD) i started reading about "perceived risks", including "symptoms" like trouble(s) with authority in school, with family, at work and/or with police that eventually get associated to "illicit drugs" somehow, e.g. in alphabetical order: cocaine, hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants, pain relievers, sedatives, stimulants and tranquilizers, besides cannabis...

Such twisted melting pot only to aim for an hypothetical 9 % of all user cases, in the name of children!


Now, how about contaminants and synthetics resusting in modified/amplified effects through compound smoking for starters?

While considering that responsible cannabis vaporisation is quite far from being representative of such a vague statistical sample...

...simply difficult to replicate in definitive studies.

Since statistics can't be trusted because those are basically biased anyway i'll simply suggest some entertainment to the reader:

With some additional reading, to stimulate debate:

I found the articles relative to the Schweder case (2:11-CR-0449-KJM) could prove particularily informative and enlightening.


I think there is little doubt that moderate to heavy use does have a profound effect on the human brain.

Given the fact that this is your statement i'd expect the proof is required to be provided by you as well.

...they became boring stoners who I eventually drifted apart from.

Hardly a good reason to monopolize public resources over the anti-cannabic war which has reached the "annecdotal" threshold of throwing grenades on babies, in the name of children, while taking critically ill patients as hostages to support an idealistic approach based on good vs evil.

...it could be argued that their personality was more inclined to cause harm than the actual vice.

Unfortunately it's all blended as "serious" statistics... Yet does it really matter when violet/abusive cops in army outfits prefer to blame innocent parents for not leaving toys in front of their house?...

...Id say 5% of the people I have known in my life have been adversely affected by cannabis to such an extent that the current illegal status of cannabis is justified.

That's where we're going to disagree in a bold manner, not to mention it's actually going to be about some annecdotal fraction of a fraction of a fraction since not every citizen is using cannabis anyway...

...I find that intelligent or stimulating conversation often dries up as people retreat into their cone of silence and inner monologue.

For a sample of monologue i'd suggest you view recent Canadian advertisement, which is far from being silent IMO. Really that's no wonder when the law authorizes judging personal values far beyond the point of bigotry, turning parents toxic to their own children while pretending to protect them. It's a permission to reject, persecute and exploit, that's all it's been all along, starting with a hateful racist book written in 1922 on my side of the border.

It's a drug that does have to ability to dull motivation as well as your senses but also has an ability to open the mind and entertain if used sensibly.

Then lets say i just fail to see how a wall of misery can provide better long-term guidance towards responsible consumption, away from this dark side you fear so much it justifies the multiplication of atrocities across North-America. In the name of children...

In any case i consider a stack of negativism isn't representative of reality.

Good day, have fun!!

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So I can't really speak for others but personally:

I was very addicted to pot.
I did experience withdrawal, mostly mental (boredom, depression, etc) but also physical (nausea, constipation, sleeplessness).

As far as the mental aspect it was really not too different from Heroin or any other drug-- you have a compulsion you must fulfill to feel good.
Physically it obviously doesn't come close to opiates, but a withdrawal is still there.

Anyway, you can definitely be addicted to pot.

As far as legality, all drugs should be legal.
The real victim of the drug war is not children or pot users, but minorities. In the US, whites are by far the heaviest drug users and the most likely to use drugs. Regardless of this fact, blacks and hispanics make up the majority of the incarcerations rates for drug crimes.

Even within the unfair drug laws, cannabis is hardly of the persecuted. Idk if you are aware, but it is currently legal for recreational use in 2 states and medical use in 23 states, decriminalized in many as well... The truly unjust laws are the ones that involve race, like the racial crack laws of the 80's... or even the still currently racially enforced drug laws. Cops can saw what they want, but there are books about this exact subject if you don't agree. The real evil here is that there are private prisons who are profiting massively off of all of this who are also the ones who will be lobying, along with police, fbi, and dea, to increase the drug war. I believe as Portugal has shown, the solution to this is not legalization but instead simply decriminalization. The ill effects of the drugs are punishment enough, one need not the government to step in and further punish them. Drug dealers are still punished.

Simply because there are perceived risks associated with cannabis use does not mean that there are not very real and measurable side effects. http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/v39/n9/full/npp201467a.html
"We provide evidence that regular cannabis use is associated with gray matter volume reduction in the medial temporal cortex, temporal pole, parahippocampal gyrus, insula, and orbitofrontal cortex; these regions are rich in cannabinoid CB1 receptors and functionally associated with motivational, emotional, and affective processing."

taken from the source provided by NORML http://www.jci.org/articles/view/25509:
" marijuana has been the most commonly used illicit drug in developed countries, producing acute memory impairment and dependence/withdrawal symptoms in chronic users and animal models....The recent discovery that the hippocampus is able to generate new neurons (i.e., neurogenesis) throughout the lifespan of mammals, including humans, has changed the way we think about the mechanisms of psychiatric disorders (12) and drug addiction ....Recent studies have further shown that chronic fluoxetine treatment produced antidepressant and anxiolytic effects (18, 19) and the anxiolytic effects are likely achieved by promoting hippocampal neurogenesis....Chronic administration of the major drugs of abuse including opiates, alcohol, nicotine, and cocaine has been reported to suppress hippocampal neurogenesis in adult rats (20–23), suggesting a potential role of hippocampal neurogenesis in the initiation, maintenance, and treatment of drug addiction (13). The recent finding of prominently decreased hippocampal neurogenesis in CB1-knockout mice (24) suggests that CB1 receptor activation by endogenous, plant-derived, or synthetic cannabinoids may promote hippocampal neurogenesis. However, endogenous cannabinoids have been reported to inhibit adult hippocampal neurogenesis (25). Nevertheless, it is possible that exo- and endocannabinoids could differentially regulate hippocampal neurogenesis, as exo- and endocannabinoids act as full or partial agonists on CB1 receptors, respectively (11)."

That is not saying that cannabis use will produce positive results and it has no negaitve side effects. It is stating that unlike most drugs such as opiates, or alcohol, cannabis stimulates part of the brain in such a manner that it can possibly trigger neurogenesis. That is not to say it is a good or bad, but that it is a cause effecting a change. In all reality, it is evidence of the behavior(pot use) causing direct change in the brain- our most sensitive and least understood organ. That source is saying that FLUOXETINE, or ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUG, causes neurogenesis as well but that is not to overlook the fluoxetine's side effects.

OP, From your responses it would seem to me that you are here to justify your own drug use after having been criticized by someone who might care about you. Just my guess, but you are really attacking anyone who claims to have seen or experience ANY negative effects of the drug and its use. You essentially blame the user for all of the negative effects and attempt to raise question as to whether its use is completely benign. Even suggesting that to not do so is a persecution of the youth.

You do raise some real issues with society, but many of them have little to nothing to do with weed. Militarized police forces in the US are not because of weed. You keep bringing up civil rights issues in the US that have EVERYTHING to do with the Patriot Act and very little if anything at all to do with weed.

I agree drug laws should be changed, as recent polls will show you a lot of people do as well, however to sit there and try to minimalize very real side effects because only 9% of those who try it statistically become addicted. That is a vast misinterpretation of fact- it is 100% of those that try it will experience the effects of marijuana, both positive and negative. How those effects, both positive and negative, will impact the individual will vary but we are all fundamentally composed in similar fashion. Even medical dispensaries will talk about the negative side effects if you ask. Even a source qouted by NORML states that "roducing acute memory impairment and dependence/withdrawal symptoms in chronic users and animal models".

Police brutality, unjust drug laws, and the like are really a completely different subject than cannabis side effects, but they so often get lumped into the same discussion.
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Ive been smoking weed a fair amount for like, mmmm about 7 years now. I dont know how to put a number on it like when it rained it poured you know? A fucking lot, lets leave it at that.

And I dont really see it in the same light as I used to, which was being a full pothead. Too many negative side effects for when I was smoking it (all the time) and I never got any form of self control down because it was around and went well with other drugs I was taking. Seemed to be the remedy for everything but also the cause of a lot of problems too.

I dont live in a state where weed is talked about openly. I mean, a lot of people do it, a sizeable minority id say that varies from age group to age group, but its all unregulated. And you cant just talk about it however you want like its a very awkward subject.

Im more interested in the production of marijuana than even smoking it anymore. I think it has a chance to develop into a huge industry not unlike what wine has been in recorded history. Same concept, different drug. Goes good with food in a way haha

But as far as smoking it, I mean, I will but I dont really seek it out as much as I did even up to about 2-3 months ago. I also just traded it for other addictions so its not like I went to Law school or anything, but it just lost its appeal I guess. Now if I could grow and develop my own marijuana legally I would do that in a heartbeat but I just dont really see the point in buying it anymore.

I got offered to buy weed by a kid at a gas station a few weeks ago and I just laughed because he must have been like 16, just got his first car, driving around selling weed and it was like looking back in time. Like I used to do that shit. Maybe not so much to random people at a gas station, but it was definitely easier to get weed in high school than out of it. everyone had money to just dump and I was like the only one who actually had a job and I would just not come straight home from work and just meet like a handful of people when I actually got out and just smoke blunts to myself in the process. pretty monotonous shit tbh. It used to break up the monotony but evetually became monotonous in and of itself.

all that said, im gonna go smoke some weed. its sunday, fck off
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About the so-called negative side-effects:

BayView: Science Bustz One of the Most Common Mythz About Smoking Pot (2014-Oct-24)

« Moderate cannabis consumption by young people is not positively associated with changes in intelligence quotient (IQ)... ... ...the study’s lead author said: “Our findings suggest cannabis may not have a detrimental effect on cognition, once we account for other related factors particularly cigarette and alcohol use. This may suggest that previous research findings showing poorer cognitive performance in cannabis users may have resulted from the lifestyle, behavior and personal history typically associated with cannabis use, rather than cannabis use itself.” »

Does the public need to support this non-sensical anti-cannabic war for something like 1.5 ~ 2.2 % of fucked-up exceptions (depending who you talk to)?!!


So please attempt to behave responsibly the next time there's an election pole!! Leave hate monging out of it and start thinking for a change...

Good day, enjoy!!


About the so-called negative side-effects:

BayView: Science Bustz One of the Most Common Mythz About Smoking Pot (2014-Oct-24)

« Moderate cannabis consumption by young people is not positively associated with changes in intelligence quotient (IQ)... ... ...the study’s lead author said: “Our findings suggest cannabis may not have a detrimental effect on cognition, once we account for other related factors particularly cigarette and alcohol use. This may suggest that previous research findings showing poorer cognitive performance in cannabis users may have resulted from the lifestyle, behavior and personal history typically associated with cannabis use, rather than cannabis use itself.” »

Does the public need to support this non-sensical anti-cannabic war for something like 1.5 ~ 2.2 % of fucked-up exceptions (depending who you talk to)?!!


So please attempt to behave responsibly the next time there's an election pole!! Leave hate monging out of it and start thinking for a change...

Good day, enjoy!!



You serious?
Salutations Subotai,

And I dont really see it in the same light as I used to, which was being a full pothead.

Years after i definitely quit all smoking habits in 2007, thinking i'd never enjoy it again, i was lucky to discover some on-line resources to get myself educated so i can see how wrong and futile the anti-cannabic war has become - not to mention it allowed me to realize what the consequences have been, personally. My top most regret is about others stealing time that we all know never returns, for no good reason: i call them hate-lovers/love-haters because that seems to be their main drive. Like younger generations today seek to destroy and anihilate, just as if life and people were from a video game that you can reset...

Too many negative side effects...

That should be the 1st sign, too bad such filthy propaganda as shown below happens to be all the love today's young people can hope for in Canada (and beyond):


This is insulting at best and the only thing it does is to perpetuate more socially-toxic bigotry. When i watch it with the sound shut down (because i like to think by myself)... well i can see some not so subtle association with heroïn junkies and needles just as in the eighties:



Actually reminescent of the sixties:


Which itself was blatant ignorance inherited from racist bigots of the twenties:


And that woman bitch was busy wearing many hats including juge at the juvenile court... Imagine her followers, those who actually could read!...

...but it's all unregulated.

Because the ground would split-open under such bigot feet if it were allowed to happen.

lol, I say there are too many negative side effects because I was a pothead for a fair amount of time. Im not against weed or anything, I look at it objectively. I still enjoy smoking weed, I just dont really care if I do or dont at this point. it's nice on a day when I dont have anything to do but those days just became too numerous to really enjoy anything else.

funniest thing anyones ever said to me on here was when the poster blue_phlame was like

"you just have to never smoke weed again.... or smoke it all the time"

you really do have to either be a full on pothead, or just smoke very little if at all.

I mean , I still like to talk about it, Ill still roll you a blunt or make a contraption to smoke out of, I just hate the process of getting it without a vehicle atm.

basically, I cant get over the fact that I could grown my own and dont like paying other people with that in my mind. Ill pay other people for other drugs because it's not so simple to make them yourself but weed, I gotta grow my own or im just salty
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lol this thread just got hilarious. how is jesus christ reminiscent of the sixties?? Egzoset, promoting abstinence from drugs to children is "toxic social bigotry"....? really? ...and you are here for the kids... I get it now.

mythz bystzedz. Cannabis uzerz dunt have POORER cognitive skillz. yez. NO POORER COGNITIVE SKILLZ. article zayz zo itzelf.
http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/marijuana-...s-has-no-relationship-iq-exam-results-1471083 (the source of the Bysted mythz, saying that the is "no correlation")
"For the study, the researchers used data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, which follows the health of children born in the Bristol area in 1991 and 1992.

The researchers analysed data from 2,612 children who had their IQ tested at the age of eight and again at 15, when each person in the study completed a survey on cannabis use. Analysts used regression analysis to examine how marijuana use affected their educational performances.

The results showed that cannabis use appeared to be associated with decreased intellectual performance. However, it was highly correlated with other risky behaviours such as alcohol, cigarette and drug use.

With these factors taken into account, the researchers found there was no relationship between cannabis use and lower IQ at the age of 15.

Heavier cannabis users – who used the drug at least 50 times by age 15 - did show marginally impaired educational abilities.

These children tended to have poorer exam results, around 3% lower, on compulsory school exams taken at age 16, even after adjusting for childhood educational performance, as well as alcohol, cigarette and other drug use."

I don't know how they can conclude in one sentence that "there was no relationship between cannabis use and lower IQ at the age of 15" and then in the next say that heavier users(more than 50 times by 15) showed impaired educational abilities. Also they add in the next sentence that the same children tended to have "poorer" exam results even when other drug use was taken into account. The article goes further to say that "it is extremely difficult to separate the direct effects of cannabis from other potential explanations"..... with that said I don't know how another author concluded that the myths were busted. As if it were even a somewhat conclusive study. At best this study just says that it is hard to distinguish between the lowered IQs found and which drug/habit was causing them. To then say that weed is harmless is a bit preemptive...
There is a big difference in measuring someone's IQ and measuring how well their life turns out. You can have an incredibly high IQ based upon the subjective testing methods used, but that means absolutely nothing if you eventually drop out of school or university and condemn yourself to wearing a yoke of failure in your future.

I knew a lot of kids who were heavily into drugs at high school who either regret wasting their talents now, or burnt themselves out from all drug use and are boring anti drug crusaders today. While possible, the ones who were heavy potheads at 14, and went onto to make something of their lives (how ever you want to quantify that) are in the definite minority.

I have kids of my own, and while I'm very open with drugs and their effects, both good and bad, I still advise them that an education and society responsibilities should always come before recreational drug use. Nothing good comes in the long term dedicating your life to hedonism and stonerism.
lol this thread just got hilarious. how is jesus christ reminiscent of the sixties?? Egzoset, promoting abstinence from drugs to children is "toxic social bigotry"....? really? ...and you are here for the kids... I get it now.

mythz bystzedz. Cannabis uzerz dunt have POORER cognitive skillz. yez. NO POORER COGNITIVE SKILLZ. article zayz zo itzelf.

Lol seriously fucking ridiculous.

OP, how stoned are you right now?
There is a big difference in measuring someone's IQ and measuring how well their life turns out. You can have an incredibly high IQ based upon the subjective testing methods used, but that means absolutely nothing if you eventually drop out of school or university and condemn yourself to wearing a yoke of failure in your future.

I knew a lot of kids who were heavily into drugs at high school who either regret wasting their talents now, or burnt themselves out from all drug use and are boring anti drug crusaders today. While possible, the ones who were heavy potheads at 14, and went onto to make something of their lives (how ever you want to quantify that) are in the definite minority.

I have kids of my own, and while I'm very open with drugs and their effects, both good and bad, I still advise them that an education and society responsibilities should always come before recreational drug use. Nothing good comes in the long term dedicating your life to hedonism and stonerism.

i agree, what I was trying to point out was how OP was sourcing misinterpreted facts. I went to the source of the article that OP posted(the "mythz bustz" or whatever) and read how they came to that conclusion. It turns out that it was not their conclusion at all, or perhaps a sentence or two taken out of context. The group of users who were found to have either very low or unmeasurable side effects was the group of extremely moderate cannabis users, those who have used it less than 50 times from what I gather.

also, it was not a new study done at all, only a study that reviewed old data from 1991-92. The real conclusion was that with the current data given, there was not a way to tell if the lowered IQ and poor school performance was solely a factor of smoking weed or if there were other things that played into it. They found upon review that those who engaged in cannabis use were also much more likely to engage in other risky and dangerous behavior. It was not that they found that there was no negative effects, it was that they found that there were other factors to consider and new studies must be conducted to be absolutely conclusive.
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So I can't really speak for others but personally:

I was very addicted to pot.
I did experience withdrawal, mostly mental (boredom, depression, etc) but also physical (nausea, constipation, sleeplessness).

As far as the mental aspect it was really not too different from Heroin or any other drug-- you have a compulsion you must fulfill to feel good.
Physically it obviously doesn't come close to opiates, but a withdrawal is still there.

Anyway, you can definitely be addicted to pot.

As far as legality, all drugs should be legal.

i agree. im not afraid to admit im addicted to pot. anytime i quit i get insomnia and loss of appetite. i've always been able to tolerate the withdrawals which i would say are quite minor. i've quit a few times because of fear of drug testing. once in a while i quit for a while then do a massive amount of edibles and feel like im tripping. i know for a fact the withdrawals are nothing like coming off of prolonged use of benzos. i've never developed a dependence to opiates because i only take them when needed. as far as pot where i am you could grow your own for some time now with proper documentation. my friends and i all do it. why not it's legal lol?

Today's harvest (after selective skimming):

Insomnia, anxiety (2), panic, hallucination, uncontrolled body movements and finally loosing conciousness...​

Roughly speaking that's a score of 7/40 (without the stickies) or 17.5 %, which i would estimate to be a ratio inflated by ~30x relatively to reality!! Too bad if i missed by a few tenths of 1 percent... In addition, the title isn't "lets perform some juvenile/coward character assasination today!", not even "lets discuss about member X/Y/Z" - thanks for showing how weak arguments can be anyway...

Before it was derailed my topic was "The portion of population having issues with cannabis alone?" and despite the recent displays of fanboyism i see no reason to change my mind: this is no realistic representation i observe here, sorry. No need to get personal about it, trying to destroy credibility while ignoring my points systematically as if it were open bar. That's not hurting 1 target member, it's bad for everyone because of what this has been allowed to become: lets vent some hate, shoot that target, just because we can!...

2 more states (Oregon and Alaska) are voting to legalize it RIGHT NOW!!!!

DC and Florida are also moving for possession laws to loosen.

The number of medical states is turning into majority soon.

If you are complaining about the problems with this plant, then please go out and vote.

And for those of you who can do nothing but complain about the "Anti-Cannabis" propaganda, please open your eyes. The world is changing in your favor at this moment faster than you have given credit.

Wake up people. There is a real movement going on here and it's in YOUR LIFETIME!
but I was gonna smoke weed regardless and the last point I made would still apply. whether it is to a friend or the govt or whoever, id still be spending money on something that grows naturally.

Even if weed came up for decriminalization in my state, I wouldnt show up to vote. I really dont care what the law says. it would just be cool if it wasnt so taboo and there was a store to get it in emergencies, but it really doesnt change how I look at marijuana big picture wise. especially since public opinion is already swaying towards support for decriminalization, I dont even have to vote. Someone else will just do it for me.

I cant see myself voting for anything with our current political system, I dont really believe in it. I dont need some suit-wearing fuck's approval to get high.

if the cops want to take my shit and that's it, well I can live with that. and that's pretty much where we are going to be at within 5-10 years if your area is already not at that point
I used to be a typical stoner- no motivation, constantly craving weed etc.
But i learned how to balance it, handle it.
I wish i could hand a copy of my Personal drug rules to my 16-year-old self.
Like not going to school high