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Harm Reduction The Pain Management Megathread (Chronic and Acute Pain Discussion) Version 5.0 ~ V

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Dixi, have you met any fellow pain patients through your PM or whilst being an inpatient ever?

I've been able to establish a couple of contacts this way to experiment with substances I wouldn't have ordinarily have had access to, through this avenue.

Hey RTP, how are you? I was 't trying to go overboard with the fentanyl, but I know it can be taken in such a way as not to mess with your insides. Also, the dosages can be low enough, not to be dangerous. It's probably the best medicine for her.
Btw. Do you mind PM's?
Speed King
SK...Yea, Fentanyl matrix patch didn't absorb properly for me during 6 week trial in February 2015. For whatever reason, it DUMPED med during the night, sweating out profusely and itching. Then I was comatose, even though sitting upright during the day. I had to stop.

Hey RTP...How are you? No, I don't even "see" anyone in the waiting room at PM's office.
Hey guys! Dixi hope your situation comes to a resolve soon. And you previously discused the fentanyl adverse reactions. But wasnt the dose maybe too high or something? And all opioids have side effects, its just that most of us rather live with them than all that dang pain..
A question though to yo lot is how do you guys deal with the clinical depression, anxiety, hopelessness ect with this chronic pain? Anti anxiety meds? Antidepressants?

As at this stage im finding it hard to cope with day to day life. When I say life I mean a life of being on the couch and or in bed..
Its really taking a toll on me and I come to realize that my life as I had planned is basically over.. I find it hard to accept at this stage..

How to deal..? S..
SK, I'd agree in saying that by not always sticking to the manufacturers idea of "proper use", or route of action, of any opiate/opiod medication, that improved analgesia can be obtained.

In such posts as your above one however, & also another where SKR recommended using a razor to divide oxycontin, I do feel that especially on this pain thread,-some sort of "please only experiment if you have an already large tolerance, this could kill opi naive parents" warning should be added as HR. I know ppl in pain get reckless, & reckless ppl can do stupid things in a bid to get ANY pain relief.

Regardless, it's been said now.

Of course feel free to PM me anytime.

Dixi, I remembered you saying fent was not an option, but in reading exactly why not I'd agree with Stefx that the dose was likely to high, at least initially.

How did it actually work for your pain?

The problem is that with such strong analgesia you are going to have welcome & unwelcome effects. It's a balance, give & take. What could you maybe tolerate if the trade off was some decent painkilling effect?

I know that either I seem to get Zero Relief from the morphine/morphone family, just excessive somnolence whereas with the oxycontin I had unbearable itchiness but great pain control. I routinely take two or three "one a day dosing" antihistamines, daily.

Stefx, I recall finally asking to be seen by a psych who worked for my pain clinic a few years ago, due to the depression & neverending lack of motivation. He told me it was due to long term opiate use. You may already know this, they were never designed for chronic pain.

Rather than stop taking them completely, I do try to keep in mind that I'm lucky to have access to such effective pain meds, along with others. Even on this site, there's plenty of suffering where the patient can't get anything prescribed for persistent pain.

The depression/anxiety of chronic pain can be crippling. But in some countries ppl have to walk for a week to see a doctor, If there even is one within walking distance.

Keeping & adding to a list on my phone for all im grateful for in life can get me past difficult times. As so will repeating "this too shall pass" over & over during my acute exacerbations of chronic pain.

What is the best Manufacturer of Oxycodone/Acetaminiphine 10-325?Rhodes or Qualitest?

Have been taking Chronic Back pain meds for about 8 years. The only 3 Manufacturers that I have to choose from are: Malinkrodt, Qualitest, and Rhodes. Malinkrodt works much better for me than Qualitest. But I've never tried Rhodes. How does the Pain control and euphoria of Rhodes 10-325 Oxy/Acet compare to my favorite Malinkrodt? The only time that I tried Qualitest I did not like them at all. Got some diahrrea and sweats from them, similar to waiting too long between dosing.
:) Hey RTP...Are you still getting adequate relief from Oxycodone? Forgive me, but I thought I read you were starting "SUB" or that you said NO to the idea. PM me with an update when you have sweetchild tucked in, okay? I'm wondering about you, friend.

As for trade offs...Of course I could tolerate some side effects IF a pain med brought sufficient relief. BUT if all the med offers me is negative, what's the point? The Fent patch was 25 mcg/48 hours. It was (I believe) the non-gel patch that had adverse absorption issues.

I had gotten great relief initially upon trial of gel Duragesic back in 2005. Unfortunately, back then 72 hr. dosing was all I was allowed. I was in deep WDs on 3rd day. It wasn't worth it. I was excited to try again this year through PM. The matrix type patch (with Tegaderm cover) was polar opposite of OG gel patches. RELIEF? none, sadly

YES...Best case scenario, a med that doesn't pass through my "pouch" would be best. The patch should have been the answer, but wasn't. Decadron injections given by GP are heaven for 24 hours, but not feasible for long term. I would go into his office for IV infusions, if that were a possibility. My best relief has been IV in hospital, or gas at the dentist office. The happiest days of my life were the many spent breathing the magic gas while getting 32 teeth crowned. I've joked that I wish I could have a constant supply strung over my shoulder, to breathe at will. %)

The Oxycodone I'm prescribed is less harsh on GI than other trials of MS Contin, etc. I'm just in a constant battle with constipation. It gets so bad that I look pregnant. I can't tolerate intake of food/drink at that point because there is no output...but borderline obstruction. YES, I use all methods of softeners, laxatives and daily Miralax. When all else fails, hospital grade enemas have to be self-administered (repeatedly).

I am absolutely seeking access to Indica Cannabis for adjunct to Oxycodone. I don't think it will relieve pain on its own. I do believe, however, that it could extend the duration of the prescribed med. I prefer to try the tincture or oil, but hell I can't even get access to the smoke-able variety. :| Okay...enough of my bitching and whining.

Steph...IMO the depression and sense of utter hopelessness is far more crippling than the pain itself. It's a vicious cycle. A therapist, counselor or pastor is a must in my pain fighting arsenal. It's healthy to purge those feelings, rather than allow them to fester inside you, killing your spirit. Whether you think you CAN or you think you CAN'T...you are correct. Your thought process leads. Your body follows, IME.

For me, the worst possible scenario is self-isolation and/or taking to the bed, closing the shutters. It's a must to find JOY somewhere amongst the suffering. The more I focus on my pain, the more depressed I get. Realistically, this 1.5 years of frustration with seeking PM has made my life HARDER. I don't excel when it comes to self preservation. I don't like to face my physical realities. I prefer to focus on the needs of others, and force myself to "fake it til I feel it".

I know that your pancreas issues, like my "pouch" issues, are MISERY to the nth degree. Belly problems suck the life and JOY from everything. Find comfort wherever you can, within reason. If your meds give you even 50% relief, make the most of that time. Can you go for walks or swims? My knees GRIND bone on bone, but I swim daily and do Yoga stretching, whether I "feel like it" or not. My bullheadedness and insane determination keep me going. Pets are a Godsend, as they love me even though I don't love myself. Reaching out to others who are far worse off than me, is paramount. Sometimes, I just have to get up close and personal with my heating pad, retreat and watch a funny movie.

And YES...I take anti-anxiety and anti-depressant meds. There's no shame in seeking help in those areas. You have medical records and documentation of your illness and pain source. I get so pissed off when people imply that depression causes pain. It's the old chicken/egg mentality. Yes, there are psychosomatic illnesses and there are people who "think" themselves sick. That is not the case with true CP. It is rare that depression doesn't rear its head, when pain is your constant companion. It helps to share those feelings, so you don't feel so alone. I'm here if you need to talk. PM me anytime.
my PM doc doesn't allow mj usage so I have to only use edibles right after my PM appt

Oddly enough, I actually looked carefully at one of my PM's urine test results and boy do they check for everything! They had synthetics, and other meds I've never heard of but it didn't include pot. I asked him why they didn't check for it and he told me if they did, they'd have to close the practice down. I think I laughed out loud! This amounts to the fact that damn near everyone but me is smoking the stuff. Damn I feel left out.
:! Me, too. I don't wanna SMOKE anything...just don't like the idea for myself. But...I'm desperate for relief!
I'm so sorry you guys are going through this. Whenever I have severe pain for more than a few weeks, I notice that I get down. How can you not? Our bodies and minds were not meant to endure this kind of suffering long term. What gives me hope is that hopefully in a few years, I will be fused and in less pain. One of my girlfriends had a similar situation, and it took her three years to fuse, so I try to stay focused on that. I don't know how you two keep your spirits up. I'm sending you warm, healing vibes. Truly, you must be such strong people.
Rtp, only speaking for myself, I agree, I should have been a lot more clear about harm reduction and only if opiate/opioid tolerant, should you go anywhere near fentanyl. I was giving an example of conscious sedation that I had in the hospital. The point was that fentanyl was super awesome. To be fair, I'll admit that I had an anesthesiologist with me the whole time. For all future posts I will include some form of disclaimer.

DixiChik, I apologize if I gave you any incorrect or dangerous information.

Maybe you could try another form of fentanyl again if it's the right kind.
Also suboxone is sometimes used for pain. I'll admit, I tried it and I can see how it could work as a pain med, but I have no more knowledge then that. They have orally disintegrating strips that disolve in your mouth.

I just remembered, what about the fentanyl lollipop that they made/make?
That is complete oral absorbsion.
SK...No worries here with me, as no apology is necessary. You DID NOT give me incorrect information at all. I thank you for suggesting Fentanyl. It worked back when the Duragesic "gel type" patch was prescribed. That was 2005, for a brief time.

I remember the relief it provided. I actually remember my husband's elation. He said "Baby, you actually smiled!". I had the Actiq lollipop prescribed for BT at that very same time. It was an excellent pain reliever, but not for the 72 hour period.

I left PM altogether in 2006 because I was in WDs after 48 hours. Doctors (back then) would not discuss dosing @ 48 hrs.

FAST FORWARD: My second attempt at PM in January 2014...FIRST THING specialist suggested was Fent patch. I declined, based on previous WD issues. After failed attempts with MS Contin, Oxycodone, I agreed to Fent patch again. He prescribed 48 hr. dosing (change out).

I didn't recognize the new style of patch (matrix). I was told by my doctor and my pharmacist that the patch design was changed to "abuse-proof" it. Theoretically, the design interfered with absorption for me. After 6 weeks, we quit, period. He returned me to Oxycodone, which is where I remain.

There are newer meds that are horribly expensive without insurance (which I don't have). Some of them are sublingual. (sic) Yea, I wish I could afford to try them, as the Gas-X strips have been my lifeline through failed opiate trials thus far.

I appreciate any and all sincere suggestions from all of you who try to help me. MUCH GRATITUDE from me to you. I am going to continue to seek access to Cannabis, if I can find a trusted supplier. I think there is an answer somewhere out there. I'm looking and I'm listening, folks.
Any ideas? :?
Are you timing your plug right after your done pooping for a long stretch of the day? And enema several times b4?? 60 mg always fucked me up :)

I have timed it in the morning after a bm but I haven't done an enema, do you think this is the problem? I also have tried with only 20-30 mg and I believe my tolerance is way higher. I also make a huge mess while crushing pills and mixing, getting it all into the syringe, ( which I couldn't do). How lame am I, that I can't successfully stick meds up my ass lol
Jlosnow...I'm glad you have access to the edibles, and that they work to give you relief. I wish I could be so lucky to have a "connect". Lord knows I've tried EVERYTHING ELSE through PM. He doesnt test my urine, so I'd be okay to try some MMJ if I can get it.

Does your state allow medical mj? If so, maybe you could get a medical mj license?
Oddly enough, I actually looked carefully at one of my PM's urine test results and boy do they check for everything! They had synthetics, and other meds I've never heard of but it didn't include pot. I asked him why they didn't check for it and he told me if they did, they'd have to close the practice down. I think I laughed out loud! This amounts to the fact that damn near everyone but me is smoking the stuff. Damn I feel left out.

I am pretty sure they test for mj, I haven't had to do a urine test since my first appointment back in January but their policy is they randomly test so I don't want to get in trouble :(
I can't quote easily on my phone but RTP is correct, be careful with my advice regarding pill tampering because it works it can be dangerous. Take a measured approach to such things. Take some time to reflect cos if you need to use such techniques then you are addicted and about to take the road to harsher addiction. Pain so easily justifies it in our minds but doesn't mean it's the right course of action. Take care people.
I can't quote easily on my phone but RTP is correct, be careful with my advice regarding pill tampering because it works it can be dangerous. Take a measured approach to such things. Take some time to reflect cos if you need to use such techniques then you are addicted and about to take the road to harsher addiction. Pain so easily justifies it in our minds but doesn't mean it's the right course of action. Take care people.
SKR, I have a question for you. There is a slight chance that I may be put on OxyContin of some dose, 10mg + . Now I have had a OxyContin 40mg that worked but was real weak compared to a real OxyContin 40mg if that makes sense( the one I had, had the safety gum in it). Now, would I be considered an abuser by people on this forum, if I had to do that simply to get 10mg of relief. I doubt I will have to take it, but I'm asking hypothetically.
Dixi, thanks for thinking of me, yes my meds have been a bit all over the place. As have I, apologies again for being such a poor, adoptive "mother". I'll attempt to lift my game with the PMs now that I'm feeling somewhat better!

I have been keeping updated of your frustrations through this thread though dear lady, & wish I could offer more suggestions.

Oddly, just like SK posted today, I had the same thought,- have you tried Buprenorphine in any form? Here it's avail in patches & at least sublingual tablet form that I know of, for pain, & sublingual films mixed with naloxone for opioid replacement. All perhaps ways around your GI tract?

How sad that some of your happiest days were in a damn dental chair! Given that so many adults are phobic about even visiting the dentist, just goes to show that Cpp's are truly something else.

Even to the members feeling low, anxious or depressed (lol, most), just to even be living this life of pain, or existing, shows an inner strength most outsiders would truly envy if they could stand in our shoes for just one day & see how strong we really are!!

Keep sharing, keep talking, & look for a blessing no matter how small in each day. The harder you look, the more you might find :)

Oh, lol, SK,- I thought your post was in regard to how you knew how to "safely" (yourself), extract fent, mix with Midaz & IV out of a hospital setting... Not much would surprise me, obviously.

Didn't so much think any of the members posting frequently atm would UTFSE to discover how to do such a thing, but there's always newbies joining up & seeking new ideas which was really where I was heading in saying some kinda disclosure should probably apply when talking of doing anything outside the square.

It sure looks & feels as though Spring has arrived in this beautiful land today. The sun is shining & the skies are blue. While not actually warm yet, the warmer seasons & being outdoors, even just with my iphone, improve my mood hugely.

Runtoparadise, you are great and full of such knowledge. I need a Bluelight mom, if your taking applications, lol.
I guess I asked a real stupid hypothetical question in a slightly earlier post.
Instead of re asking the question, I'll ask a different question.
How many people actually like
re formulated OxyContin with the abuse deterrent stuff in it and do you find it at all weak?
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