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Harm Reduction The Pain Management Megathread (Chronic and Acute Pain Discussion) v6

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^sure, I'm just waiting on Telstra, you'd think it should be the other way around

Go for it Giga,


Does anyone else get that? Telstra/Giga lol mebbe just me ?
^sure, I'm just waiting on Telstra, you'd think it should be the other way around

Go for it Giga,


Does anyone else get that? Telstra/Giga lol mebbe just me ��

Lol, I'm with ya rtp. ❤
Lol you guys. Junkie suits me also. It had been escalating for around a decade, then when I hurt my back everything spiralled out of control. At first, to deal with the agony I was smoking around $20,000 worth of weed a year, and drinking at least 6 beers a day but more like 12, to the point I'd have to have a beer in the morning to sober up. It wasn't touching the pain, I just didn't know what else to do. The herb kept me sane, at least for a little while.

Then came the panic attacks, which ruined about a year of my life before I discovered benzos. The first time I got high off opiates wasn't the first time I tried them. It was maybe the 5th time. I'll never forget it. I sniffed a 1mg dilaudid and had one of the best and most fun days of my life. I finally got it.

I am a scumbag too, but only when I'm in pain and I don't have any dope. My life cycles back and forth between severe depressing lows, and what I imagine a normal, functional person would feel like sober (I've never really been there).

Ketamine infusion, isn't the point of that to kind of 'reset' the nervous system? I wonder if it could work, but I would want to avoid it because the one time I had it, I fiended it and wanted more. Loved the stuff. Found it incredibly psychologically hooking.

It just seems that whenever I try and stop using I either 1. Waste a week of my life depressed and then pick up where I left off, or 2. Pretty much the same as 1. but substitute with massive amounts of benzos, whatever I can get my hands on really.

It's weird how we say we are in pain, but it is impossible to compare the levels of pain. I think the point is that it severely interferes with daily life. I can't even string up my guitar, adjust the truss rod, fiddle around with the action and intonation without risking taking myself out for the rest of the day, bedridden in agony, and that's just from so very undemanding mechanical work.

There's nothing more important than stringing a guitar man, I'm a vocalist and I've got a billion tracks I want to lay vocals down on but the last 12months of pain and smoking way too much has fuct my voice up and I just can't do what I need to do to get these songs finished (standing at my mic, bending over a keyboard to write lyrics on the fly etc). Fortunately my band mate (guitarist & drummer) is respectfully getting the shits and I just don't blame him, it sucks man, it really does.
Hey SKR ❤️,

Don't send a boy to do a woman's job,- stringing a guitar lol ?

I'm even wondering nowadays why I still post so much on the pain thread.. I mean, obviously I still have pain, but not the "I'm stitched to life for the love of sweetchildofmine, rather than me wanting to be here" kinda thinking.

My pain, & I know most of you will understand this,- I could only get through each day breath by breath. One minute at a time, hours passing but this pain was bone crushingly bad or never ending nerve pain shooting through my head, arms, legs. Like being drilled through.

Not being able to eat, the pain was so bad, needing help for simple tasks... Using chemo dry hairwashes to wash my hair.

I feel bad for you all that probably experience mind altering pain, but very thankful that something is going right for me atm. Yes, changing to bupe from oxy has had it's merits, as has adding on clonodine although I already had low BP

I'm so thankful I'm in an ok place. Probably more stay around in case anyone goes through the god awful pain I did & hope it never returns.

Motivation levels are still low, bit time heals all.

Not that I am healed in any way, shape or form.. I'm just feeling ok for now & wanted to let others know it's possible once on the correct meds or living a well lifestyle xx

^ Well I am hoping to join you soon RTP, My initial consult for bupe is tomorrow. I'm excited and also understandably apprehensive but this mob appear to be the real deal - Keeping my shit confidential and off my normal medical records (Huge thanks for the heads up babe, thank you RTP, you are worth your weight in opiates and then some!!!!), away from the judgemental eyes of GP's and pain mis-management Dr's (I hate those wankers with an aggressive passion).

These guys (Bupe clinic) are apparently sensitive to the needs of pain patients and will work in with me as best as they can, but I shouldn't get ahead of myself because I really don't know what the score is but I'll know by tomorrow afternoon and I'll be sure to post my experiences here and on the ADD Forum.

I know Bupe works well for some and not for others, I'm fortunate to not have issues with opiates like I did with stimulants in regards to IV obsession and cravings etc....I've never really craved oxy for it's recreational qualities but I certainly crave pain relief whether it's some relief or heaps of relief - it's all helpful to me! And not spending hundreds of dollars per month buying others scripts to supplement my own will be a huge benefit to me and my family. I could have bought my wife an Audi with the tens of thousands of dollars I have spent on specialists, failed treatments/injections, scans and drugs over the last year so those plans are back on track!

Wish me luck, hope my pain pals are doing better!
I thought about bupe. Where i get it theyre very sympathetic. Ive already been consolted. Just same thing as last time. It worked ok with me just so expensive. My insurance covers it now so well see. Id rather be done with it. When i start feeling the sickness even from small stepdown. Its a long hard process so just use up what i have and thats it but bupe with help avlot!!
:) Hey Pain Peeps...Just touching base to offer encouragement to all.

SKR...Sending positive vibes for your appointment.

closeau...How's the move going? Have you been able to taper the pain meds like you hoped?

RTP...Good to "see" you. It's even better to hear that your pain is managed for now. Sounds like the future's so bright, you gotta wear shades, huh? %) Kudos, my friend. You deserve a break!

Giga...WELCOME to BL from a fellow chronic pain peep. Tell us about yourself.

Shroomy...Hope you're having a reasonably good day, my brotha.

Anna, SuNod, tnvol, etal...Would love for you to touch base and let us know you're okay.
Was wondering if somebody can answer the question I have about OxyContin extended release pills. I am prescribed 10 mg ER and 5 mg IR 3 time daily. I am not interested in knowing how to break the extended release seal/ coating but my question is the 10 mg doesn't relieve my pain if I take 40 to 50 mg wI feel anything off them since they are Extended release, or is it not possible to feel anything off ER's. Thank you for help.
^You can take a higher dose of oxycontin (within your range of tolerance), & may obtain more pain relief, though not necessarily.

It's been a very long time since I was taking whole oxys, but I remember when I first was prescribed them I'd feel a kinda body heat & become more chatty for an hour or two.

Keep it within a range you're accustomed to though, many ODs happen with ER meds as it can feel as they're not doing anything so some ppl continue adding more.

Thanks for the advice Runto. I have a pretty decent tolerance, but never felt much of anything from the ER meds just my IR's which it takes like 30+ Mgs. So I guess it's not easy to catch a buzz off ER meds?
Not without chopping or chewing them up which I think you're not interested in :/


Not really but with these new pills that I got I put one in a pill splitter and whatever chemical they use for the extended release it is not just on the outside coating it is throughout the whole pill so it seems almost impossible to do it.
kratomk can cause serious liver problems in a select few and if you use a lot it can cause all kind of weird-side effects / complications like blackening of the cheeks.
Yes, the blackened cheeks,hehe. Might as well remind everybody that using cimetidine to potentiate opiates will give you man boobs :) I use it a couple times a month. Makes my med sooo effective. But no thanks on the boobs.
I also don't know anyone with chronic pain irl. You can try to tell friends or even DRs, but they just don't get it! You're right in saying this is a great community!!

Do you not have IR meds to take in the morning?

Your pain sounds in a similar place as SKRs, maybe you guys can have a chat sometime.

Do you have a diagnosis?

You say if only you could get a job now, do you feel you could manage a 9-5 position? I've met some pain patients in hospital while getting ketamine infusions & their PMs recommend a three hr job maybe twice a week at the most. Very difficult to find such hours!

SKR I want to read your most recent story if you're ready to share.... See how you feel tho, I'll PM you later xx

Shroomy , yeah dude, my pain gets very bad at times ...I'm in a good place now ,- cooking dinner for myself & sweetchildofmine & chopping back the garden as well as hvng a quick cig break & posting.

Thanks for acknowledging my pain, - what is the source of yours? You've prob already told us , but my memory is like a sieve atm.

So i moved in to this house and lady who owns it is on pain management. She suggested a different pain clinic. Dr who runs it is a surgeon and only one pee test initially. She said weed is fine hes looking for hard drug users to get out but that sounds good cause i can get meds for my pain and smoke too. Thats whats working now but my pain clinic treat weed like everything else. Idk. I have tapered down on my own and so far its ok. Just gotta go to my pcp so they can refer me to this other place. Might take a month to get in and i have no car which makes things tough, real tough. I think i have pain and it needs to be managed but i get relief from weed now that my pain isnt acute. My surgical pain is passing and my clots im just so used to i guess. But im on meds still so i have no idea how my body will react to no opiates. Im trying to be medically responsible but weed is so goid for my mind and appetite and helps relax me. Well see. I may sound like a little brat who wants everything. Thats not it though. I just live in the wrong state, lol. Moving to Colorado next year to be closer to my kids and get my mmc. To get to pick my strain and get medical prices. Nirvana, lol. I apologize for speaking so bluntly about my marijuana use but fact is its helping me tremendously and ill see Tuesday whats up. Hope all my pain peeps are ok. Im off to bust my ass and finish old place. If yall need me, you know what to do. Peace
Was blown up by an IED in Iraq 2004 and even after ALL this time the pain i suffer from (TBI and severe Cervical Spine Pain & of course PTSD) has been off the charts!!!

Finally found the best damn Doc who has seen every combat wound known to man, Retired from the Navy to start his own civilian practice and still uses a majority of the treatments he used at Walter Reed to treat these matters. One of them is Ketamine Infusion! I have gone thru 2 sessions of low dose therapy (which was seriously wild and beyond anything Ive experienced) HOWEVER- just had the HIGH DOSE experience for a 6 hour time period that TRULY blew my mind away and I wish there was some way to record the things i saw (and thought were real) so tat i could explain them. It was the most out of body and mind time i EVER EVER had and actually got scared so much I tried fighting in my dream state- but this is why they have me strapped onto the gurney so that i don't hurt myself (or others i guess.

Wish there was someone i could talk to who has gone thru the same unreal trip like i Have to treat their Chronic Pain using Ketamine Infusion therapy!
^There's more than a few ketamine users that will understand PERFECTLY what you want to say. It's been many years since I've used K but I've jumped or been pushed down a few "K-holes" in my time. I never IV'd the stuff but rather an intra-muscular (IM) injection - which were truly amazing experiences.

Fast forward 20 years and now a chronic pain sufferer, I do wonder about ketamine and if I got the medical grade or close to it like I used to then I would be trying it. And retrying and retrying and running out and chasing more - that's if it helped. But any OBE (out of body experience) would be a godsend to escape pain even it were only an hour a day....but damn I would look forward to it each day.

Sorry to hear about your pain and PTSD - I can relate though I am not an ex-serviceman or war vet, I'm happy to hear you survived what must have been a horrendous experience in Iraq, even without the IED the experience had to have been terrible mate, good luck and take care.
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