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Megathread The Netflix Mega-thread vs Netflix Originals Suck

Moar, please.

I just got my Netflix back and don't plan on leaving the house again. Ever.

I might do something very dangerous and start Madmen. I've never seen it. I know, I know.
Decent to great instant titles (most of the best have been gone over long ago) I've seen recently and didn't mention earlier (can't guarantee all are still instant).

Cave of Forgotten Dreams (Werner Herzog's new documentary about Chauvet Cave, a cavern in southern France that contains the oldest human-painted images yet to be found on Earth. It's characteristically profound. )

Norm MacDonald: Me Doing Stand-up (any Norm fan will be pleased).

The Virgin Suicides (Was a bit too teen romance for my tastes, but the GF liked it and I could tell it had good technical merits. Could have used more suicide).

Midnight Cowboy (the first X-rated film to win an Oscar -- writing and directing. It's 1969 X-rated, but still a pretty bad ass classic. It obviously looks old but it doesn't feel stodgy like some old films. Great old school ghetto feel, with experimental parts that still feel fresh and characters so colorful you'll want to adjust the tint)

Patrice O'Neal: Elephant in the Room (pretty hilarious. RIP)

Iron Man: Extremis (motion comic with a way different feel than the movies, which I consider popcorn fare -- first one was fun enough though. Maybe I just liked it because I was stoned and it mentioned DMT, but seemed entertaining at the time).

Blue Mountain State Se 1 & 2 (I hate football, but find this hilarious in a silly way).

The Thing (Fun 80s horror about the ultimate evolutionary monster)

Some Folks Call It a Sling Blade (the short the movie was based on)

IP Man 1 and 2 (mostly 1, though)
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Also: FLCL (it's one of those animes where you don't have to like anime (I hate most of it) to appreciate it, but at the same time might be too out there for most. It's got lots of veiled references to anime history, or so I've read, but at the core it's a coming of age story told with self-aware, manic, "postmodern" style(s). Netflix compares it to Yellow Submarine, which, in an abstract sense, I sort of get.)
If you haven't watched it yet Party Down is HILARIOUS. Think Arrested Development/Parks & Rec/Eastbound & Down but with a catering business.
'Funny' hilarious, I can attest to that! I really gets better towards the end of season 1 and throughout season 2.
^ Agreed. The first couple episodes were kinda slow/lacked the laughs... I didn't know if I was going to keep watching.
Before I head out for Eve dinners, I'm going to check out "Red State". I did not even hear about it till the other day. It looks steller.
If you haven't watched it yet Party Down is HILARIOUS. Think Arrested Development/Parks & Rec/Eastbound & Down but with a catering business.
I loved party down. I was quite disappointed when season 3 was left out of the picture. But Adam Scott is a terrific actor. I just watched a more of a serious cinematic experience with Adam Scott called The Viscious Kind. It was stark with some tones of humor. Also, there's TONS of shock value stuff that abruptly catches you off guard. But, A GREAT FILM, none the less. It's one of those movies where the mood lingers on after viewing it.
Note: It may be worth making a new thread at some point, since which movies are on instant play changes so much the first pages of this topic are no longer that useful.
Here are some recent instants I approved of:

Midnight Cowboy: Hot sad artsy movie about a cowboy prostitute.
High Noon: Classic Western, surprisingly not at all mindless
The Exorcist
The People under the stairs: Odd political horror movie
Cul-De-Sac: Beautiful looking Bergman film... he has a few others on instant too.
Mystery Science Theatre 3000: Lots of episodes of this Tv show are up.
"Timecrimes" (Spanish, subbed) just got added. I'd seen it before, high, so it was like I'd only seen half of it -- in a chopped up scattered segments kind of way. And so I watched it again, high, you know, for consistency (and for the amusement of adding one's own thematic dimension to a film's). It's a bare bones time travel paradox movie and slasher film. The structure is elegant enough, and the cues salient enough, that despite being one of those multiple recursion self-reference loop plots even a high person gathering up the other half of the pieces a year later can splice together a coherent (as entertaining time travel slashers go) narrative with the help of diced and mixed memory.
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For any sci-fi fans out there, if you aren't watching Battlestar Galactica yet, you should. It's not even my kind of sci-fi, as I'm not a big "space" guy, but it's just a great show that continues to impress.
"Catch-22" got put on instant recently. I watched it last night. Though it's older (1970), the smart-ass, absurdist comedy doesn't feel very dated -- or in any event still made me laugh a lot. The film is like an artsier, more intellectual M*A*S*H (from what little I know of that show). It starts as a story about a man trying to get out of WWII by pretending to be crazy, then goes on to vacillate between National Lampoon-ish gags, vaguely surreal memory sequences, and surprisingly affecting drama and commentary, all structured around a war profiteering plot and a thoroughly explored catch-22 theme. A very young Martin Sheen co-stars.

An officer strikes a deal by trading the air squadron's parachute silk and morphine for eggs, sold at 2 cents profit/per.
On the 2nd season of party down, fucken awesome.

Finished how I met your mother a couple weeks ago, that show is fucken awesome as well

Santa sangre is a good, watch" trade "and rate my shit, great film.

I've had catch-22 on my quea for a long time now but haven't gotten around to it.
Naked Lunch.

rips off the bong every so often highly recommended.
Star trek! I inted to watch every episode of the original sereis by the end of the month.