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RCs The Methiopropamine N-methyl-1-(thiophen-2-yl)propan-2-amine (MPA) Megathread V2

Because MPA might be an MAOI could it be dangerous to mix it with an SSRI?

First post but long-time lurker. Was looking for the answer to this one as I'm on 50mg sertraline/day (also an SSRI) and am thinking of taking MPA to revise for Uni exams. Reading your posts, it doesn't look like you've have any major s/e combining citalopram with MPA? Would you mind me asking what you think a "sensible" (if that's even applicable) dose of MPA would be for an 8 stone female? I'm assuming these 30mg doses are better suited to slightly larger frames?

Also, as side note to SSRIs the bf has been envious that my sertraline seems to prevent me from having any comedown when doing MDPV. Having said that, MDMA obviously does nothing for me. Swings and roundabouts.
If i dont use for a week then I use 3 times in a day, each dose seems stronger as it acummulates for me. I do 50mg doses 2-3 hours apart, have a few beers then take 3 eitz and go to bed....once a week though Tonight is my night:)
Hey Fools gold, I've mixed them..had no trouble but do get come downs and speeds up heart more than each solo. I'd do 2 50mg doses of mpa then have a line of eph 20-40 mg, gets jittery though after several lines so move back on to the mpa if im on a binge, which I hope i wont be doing anymore....Also Kratom doubles the effects of mpa, for me anyway! just 2 50mg doses of mpa and 15 g kratom spaced over 4 hours and it gets quite racy, al,most like street speed from 15 years ago in the uk..
Be careful though as I have an iron stomach when it comes to kratom!
I also did something stupid which |I don't reccommend.....50 mg mpa, one hour later 30 mg eph, then an hour later 60mg 6apb and 100mg mdai. I spaced them out to be careful, but still stupid....my friend did the same and we were both fine. I know, 100mg and 60mg mdai/apb r low doses but harm reduction u know. It felt like a 200mg 6apb dose that lasted for 6 hours instead of the normal 3!
I only had 4 hours sleep last night, and I need to stay awake until 6:30am. This would usually be the time I'd whip out the mpa, but lately the sweating and shivering is just so uncomfortable that I can't bear the thought of mpa right now.
It felt like a 200mg 6apb dose that lasted for 6 hours instead of the normal 3!

6apb lasts wayy longer than 3 hours.. more like 8 with a decent sized dose, i guess i do smoke weed with it tho which seems to prolonge the high
I mean the 6-apb roll is 3 hours max for most people, but still high for 6 or more! I rolled for what seemed like 6 hours!
I only had 4 hours sleep last night, and I need to stay awake until 6:30am. This would usually be the time I'd whip out the mpa, but lately the sweating and shivering is just so uncomfortable that I can't bear the thought of mpa right now.

I never sweat or shiver, in fact, if I don't overdo it, so far I have had not a single bad side effect! But I aways drink 2-4 beers with it!
I never sweat or shiver, in fact, if I don't overdo it, so far I have had not a single bad side effect! But I aways drink 2-4 beers with it!

I have a personal disgust and hatred towards alcohol. Unfortunately I'm a student, so I can't escape it. :( I hate labelling myself as a student.

A few days ago I was tempted to test MPA as a laxative, at a small dose like 5-10mg. I decided to just drink a cup of tea instead; I am so badly intolerant to anything even slightly stimulating that caffeine usually gives me the shits. Anyone used MPA as a laxative?
First post but long-time lurker. Was looking for the answer to this one as I'm on 50mg sertraline/day (also an SSRI) and am thinking of taking MPA to revise for Uni exams. Reading your posts, it doesn't look like you've have any major s/e combining citalopram with MPA? Would you mind me asking what you think a "sensible" (if that's even applicable) dose of MPA would be for an 8 stone female? I'm assuming these 30mg doses are better suited to slightly larger frames?

Also, as side note to SSRIs the bf has been envious that my sertraline seems to prevent me from having any comedown when doing MDPV. Having said that, MDMA obviously does nothing for me. Swings and roundabouts.

If I were you I'd try 25mg orally then work your way up. The good thing about MPA is that if you do feel you've taken too much you're far less likely to have some sort of anxiety issue. It's quite a forgiving stimulant. Give 25-30mg a go and take it orally.

I wouldn't recommend snorting as the effects are exactly the same but only last for a very short amount of time.
I have a personal disgust and hatred towards alcohol. Unfortunately I'm a student, so I can't escape it. :( I hate labelling myself as a student.

A few days ago I was tempted to test MPA as a laxative, at a small dose like 5-10mg. I decided to just drink a cup of tea instead; I am so badly intolerant to anything even slightly stimulating that caffeine usually gives me the shits. Anyone used MPA as a laxative?

I actually hate alcohol too, gettimg drunk is bad, and a couple of beers just makes me depressed, but I find mixing moderate ammounts of alcohol with stims takes the edge off and adds to the warm euphoric feeling, a little like benzos!
I actually hate alcohol too, gettimg drunk is bad, and a couple of beers just makes me depressed, but I find mixing moderate ammounts of alcohol with stims takes the edge off and adds to the warm euphoric feeling, a little like benzos!

It's a habit I don't want to form. I'd rather just not have MPA to be honest.
Just to clear up some confusion I've seen in a few posts now:

The net effect of taking MPA is an increase in levels of all monoamine neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline etc.). MPA works on dopamine especially, yes, but as an MAOI it also inhibits monoamine oxidase (MAO). MAO deactivates the monoamine transmitters through oxidation so by inhibiting its activity using an MAOI, less serotonin etc. is being removed from the system.

Anyway, long story short, MPA does have effects on other key neurochemicals outside of dopamine, including serotonin.
It was pretty nice, bit of a rush but what struck me most was within a few seconds of flipping my tourniquet (belt) off was a a catching in the back of my throat, like the most intense urge to cough i've ever felt that seemed almost cold or menthol-y.

This type of symptom is common with mild overdoses on strong adrenergic agents. I think that this suggests that MPA acts too strongly at adrenergic receptors for it to be very cardiovascularly safe in large doses.

This type of symptom is common with mild overdoses on strong adrenergic agents. I think that this suggests that MPA acts too strongly at adrenergic receptors for it to be very cardiovascularly safe in large doses.


Feels to me like as the mpa loaded blood floods into the lungs it's the smell / vapour coming through the alveoli into the lungs / throat.
Just to clear up some confusion I've seen in a few posts now:

The net effect of taking MPA is an increase in levels of all monoamine neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline etc.). MPA works on dopamine especially, yes, but as an MAOI it also inhibits monoamine oxidase (MAO). MAO deactivates the monoamine transmitters through oxidation so by inhibiting its activity using an MAOI, less serotonin etc. is being removed from the system.

Anyway, long story short, MPA does have effects on other key neurochemicals outside of dopamine, including serotonin.

So how would taking MPA with an MAOI go? I have had no bad side effects yet and have been taking the combined for about 11 days
For all the people saying beer relieves bad side effects of this drug, well that doesn't do anything about the damage caused, so what's the point? If your heart is still hurt as bad in the first place, why does liquoring yourself up to ignore the damage make it any better or 'safer'? lol. I understand alcohol relieves vasoconstriction, however it also causes it, and I really doubt it's doing anything besides making it even more toxic. Ahh well, at least yall aren't cocaethylene addicts. Still, don't see the appeal in Methiopropamine, a stimulant with most users saying it's on the level of caffeine, but with obvious (but unproven and anecdotal) cardiotoxicity.
If I were you I'd try 25mg orally then work your way up. The good thing about MPA is that if you do feel you've taken too much you're far less likely to have some sort of anxiety issue. It's quite a forgiving stimulant. Give 25-30mg a go and take it orally.

I wouldn't recommend snorting as the effects are exactly the same but only last for a very short amount of time.

I'll keep you updated. Wondering how it's going to compare to my current MDPV study-fuel. Thank you for the advice :)
This type of symptom is common with mild overdoses on strong adrenergic agents. I think that this suggests that MPA acts too strongly at adrenergic receptors for it to be very cardiovascularly safe in large doses.


I did a little poking around and even paid to read a report i barely understood and have come to a similar conclusion. With all the factors i could reasonably find from "anecdotal" reports i suspect its a combination of the adrenergic effects coupled with the bronchodilatory effects of most stimulants particularly analogues of methamphetamine. It seems that the "meth cough" is fairly well known although its cause and pharmacodynamics seem to be somewhat of an unknown.

Most people seem to equate a need to cough with good (high quality/strength) methamphetamine when used intravenously. I'm gonna go out on a speculative whim and guess that the cough experienced with IV MPA is an effect that got carried over when the analogue was formed and the cause would probably be similar in the two different drugs.

I'm not a scientist or a pharmacologist as it is probably abundantly clear but having gone through a lot of this stuff I'm yet to notice any real negative side effects that aren't related to stimulants in general, such as sweating, vasoconstriction and increased heart rate or aren't a secondary side effect of a positive effect, i.e not being able to sleep. The only real downside i had was a bit of a sinus infection but that sorted itself out pretty fast when i reverted to bombing and other ROAs that dont use my nose. :)

It may well just be the fact I'm often "under the influence" as it were of MPA but i find myself drawn to research it as much as i can, from what i can tell it seems to have very few if any side effects that will contribute to lasting damage if taken in a reasonable way and not shooting it like i did. It is worth noting that over the 4-5 days i experimented with IVing the cough quickly subsided be that due to increased tolerance or excessive stimulus of the adrenergic receptors rendering them somewhat incapable of doing anything about it.

The standard rule still applies that clinically no one really has any idea what MPA or any RCs do to you on the inside and IVing them is taking a pretty huge risk which i imagine would be fairly detrimental if used long term and could be problematic to people that may already be susceptible to the cardiovascular side effects of stimulants.