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The Mephedrone Thread (4-mmc)

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...i had 3 feds sit in my house (on a day between last thurday and today)

over 5g of meow plant feeder (encourages strong root development and healthy leaf growth)

they are getting very serious.

They must be cracking down on the small people to make an example of us.

When did u order it? People have been importing it for years now and they just started cracking down on them recently. Oh and by the way 4mmc is nothing like MDMA. They are not even closely chemical related. Another thing i dont understand is that how can police obtain a search warrant if there is no controlled delivery? Anybody can send anyone a package with ur name and address if they want u to be in shit.
I beleive a parcel going too your place with a correct name on it is enough for a judge too pass a warrent. It wont be enough too hold up in court but im almost certain thats all thats needed to get a warrent.
I beleive a parcel going too your place with a correct name on it is enough for a judge too pass a warrent. It wont be enough too hold up in court but im almost certain thats all thats needed to get a warrent.

Who imports drugs with their real name on the parcel, hell who would even use a nickname? I doubt that this is the case otherwise they would never get a warrant.
I beleive a parcel going too your place with a correct name on it is enough for a judge too pass a warrent. It wont be enough too hold up in court but im almost certain thats all thats needed to get a warrent.

I find that very hard to believe, im not saying that ur wrong in anyway. Its just weird how easy it is to be basically framed. They usually make controlled deliveries after they exchange the goods for something totally different but similar in looks.
I find that very hard to believe, im not saying that ur wrong in anyway. Its just weird how easy it is to be basically framed. They usually make controlled deliveries after they exchange the goods for something totally different but similar in looks.

You'd hope so. Otherwise anybody could make an online purchase for not much money, to cause trouble for an enemy? Doesn't seem right.

I wonder if the people who have had their places raided, had potentially stuffed up elsewhere?!
You'd hope so. Otherwise anybody could make an online purchase for not much money, to cause trouble for an enemy? Doesn't seem right.

I wonder if the people who have had their places raided, had potentially stuffed up elsewhere?!

Thats what i was thinking. Just think logically. Why do people order it? Mostly because its a cheaper alternative to say mdma pills, or/and simply because its easier to get. So someone who has other stuff at there house wouldnt consider ordering it. Correct me if im wrong tho. 5-10g isnt a massive amount and is it really worth busting these people? I think they should be hunting down robbers, murderers, rapists and etc etc etc. The world would be such a better place.
generally anyone sending this shit to their own house, or anyones place realy would warrant them to use a FUCKING FALSE NAME ffs. even so this will not stop the authorities from finding out who lives or has lived at the property, especially if those people have had involvement with police at said address.. And placing those names on the search warrant - as has happened in all cases i know about. funny that amounts like 5g's are getting their attention, you'd think they'd have better things to spend their manpower on than this. It's fucking ridiculous - like i don't know, real federal concerns... terrorism and what not...
Sustanon, I think you're undersetimating how stupid most people are. I'm sure plenty of people who ordered 4mmc online will have at least personal quantities of illegal drugs in on their premises. Imagine how many people will get caught for minor cannabis possession.

Have the mephedrone related raids reached into Sydney?
I'd guess probably not, the cops wouldn't want you knowing they'd siezed your package because it would just freak the user out and they'd stash all their junk.

I hid all my stuff in a pot plant last week at the bottom of my backyard a few weeks ago when I was frightened of a bust (I had reason to be). I wonder how successful I'd have been if they came knocking.. hahahaha

Just remember if their gonna raid good chance they will bring their blasted sniffer dogs. they find stuff thats buried under ground, what makes you think they won't sniff out something under a pot plant?

If u get worried like that again, ure best bet is stashing them at a trusted friends house. if thats a possible option.
When did u order it? People have been importing it for years now and they just started cracking down on them recently. Oh and by the way 4mmc is nothing like MDMA. They are not even closely chemical related. Another thing i dont understand is that how can police obtain a search warrant if there is no controlled delivery? Anybody can send anyone a package with ur name and address if they want u to be in shit.

im just saying this is what has happened. I was a bit shocked by the whole thing.

You can either keep ordering and pray.... its up to you.

I have no links to crime, no record, no drugs in my house etc.

but, they were in my house.

so, this can happen to anyone.

and no, they didnt have a warrent. But they insisted they come in quite strongly.
they also said that they are starting to convict people whom continue to import any amount.

I am aware no-one has been successfully convicted, but they seemed very eager to have this chnaged.
^ Did you order the amount direct from an overseas supplier?

They should not have entered without a warrant. But if you let them in, then they can come in.
^ Did you order the amount direct from an overseas supplier?

They should not have entered without a warrant. But if you let them in, then they can come in.

"open up, its the federal police"

"uhh.......ill be there in a sec"

"no, we'll come in" (knocking is getting very loud and intimidating")

I finally open the door - multiple feds leaning over me with big voices and afp jackets.

'can we come in?" (is loudly yelled)

I had just woken up and was dazed, so i let them in... at the momen t i felt like i had no choice.... plus i really didnt have anything to hide.

they spent 30 mins with intimidating questions and threats of raids and criminal convictions.

i dont really want to say anymore about it.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
People who are thinking about ordering this stuff in may think twice now the Feds are starting to do something about it.
It will be interesting to know what will happen to those charged.
So these people who are getting visits have they been ordering multiple times even tho there order has been confiscated? Not a smart thing to do.

How it should of sounded:

"open up, its the federal police"

*Opens door, walks outside and closes door behind him" Yes officer how can i help you? "

'can we come in?" (is loudly yelled)

"Sorry but i have guests at the moment and we are in the middle of breakfast/lunch/dinner.

I am more than happy to answer/help with any of your questions, i have a couple minutes i can spare.

Without a warrant they cannot enter. I know its sometimes hard to think about what ur going to say but people should practice it and know what to say and when.
^ I would just say. "Do you have a warrant"
Them: No.
Me: "Then I am not letting you into the house"
Either then accompany them to the station and not say anything until you have legal representation, or shut the door on them.
Just remember if you don't let them in they will suspect you have reason not to. They will then most likely procure a warrant and proceed to fuck your house up when they come back.

Best option is to play nice and not have illegal shit lying around if you are playing the ordering a sus substance off the net to your house game.
I'm not sure if playing the smart ass would get you very far. I'm going with Sustanon's idea.
Or if you have nothing to hide as he did, you could invite them in as you have nothing to hide. But under other circumstances then yes, no warrant no entry.
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