the lounge discussion v. september 2016

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I'd like to express my appreciation to the staff and members for discussing this issue. I'm confident that a mutually acceptable solution can be reached
Most of this thread sucks.

I'm grateful for the staff for trying to work through this matter and to those of you with positive, thoughtful suggestions as to helping the lounge be a good, fun place to post.

thanks guys. i really appreciated that most of the contributors to this thread came together to discuss the issue respectfully and with a view to finding common ground, not further dividing things.

phr and tude are "leaving".
why the quotes? as i posted earlier: "phr and tude will be leaving the lounge staff with thanks for their time in there. anniegram and blue_phlame will remain and we'll look to add an appropriate number of new staff for the forum in a regular recruitment round soon."

if /r/bluelight today is what those lounge regulars wanted the lounge to be all along - if it wasn't for us uptight senior staff nazis with a big ole stick up our butts - then i definitely think this is all for the best.

thanks all.

just a note that I am not on Reddit

there are multiples handles of me there that have been making people cry, or whatever. hopefully ya'll realize that whatever this comes down to, I am usually not that... biting

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