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Misc The (LOPERAMIDE) diaries...

Wow. I feel really good today. Don't ask me why. Perhaps that phenibut was giving me dysphoria or something, but I slept good without needing a wee dose of tia in the night and I woke up happy. It's like a genuine glow that everything is OK and absolutely anxiety free. Took a wee dose of tia before leaving for work and probably will now at the end of my lunch break. Maybe the mood stabilizing effects of the tianeptine have rebuilt back in my system...but even when I had it before I didn't feel this genuinely at peace....expecially many hours after dosing. I feel optimistic and joyous. Today is the best day I've had in a while. Not a high feeling, so to speak, but a natural glow. I know things can change, and for me it has been up and down, but as of 4 this morning when I got up i have been on top of the world. I didn't even feel like dosing the tia first thing like I normally have. I waited over an hour to when I was ready to hit the streets. This is great!
Oh, and now there is a hiccup with purchasing the Lyrica of course. It doesn't look like it's now a possibility, but perhaps it's for the best. I will explain more later.
Fuck phenibut, you live and learn. I think that shit was throwing everything out of whack. It did the opposite of what I was expecting. No WDs whatsoever from the batch I had or the f-phenibut I coupled it with oddly enough. I was taking the stuff for the majority of the last three weeks too.
Thank the good Lord all is well. So chill.
Peace, kiddos.
Wow. I feel really good today. Don't ask me why. Perhaps that phenibut was giving me dysphoria or something, but I slept good without needing a wee dose of tia in the night and I woke up happy. It's like a genuine glow that everything is OK and absolutely anxiety free. Took a wee dose of tia before leaving for work and probably will now at the end of my lunch break. Maybe the mood stabilizing effects of the tianeptine have rebuilt back in my system...but even when I had it before I didn't feel this genuinely at peace....expecially many hours after dosing. I feel optimistic and joyous. Today is the best day I've had in a while. Not a high feeling, so to speak, but a natural glow. I know things can change, and for me it has been up and down, but as of 4 this morning when I got up i have been on top of the world. I didn't even feel like dosing the tia first thing like I normally have. I waited over an hour to when I was ready to hit the streets. This is great!
Oh, and now there is a hiccup with purchasing the Lyrica of course. It doesn't look like it's now a possibility, but perhaps it's for the best. I will explain more later.
Fuck phenibut, you live and learn. I think that shit was throwing everything out of whack. It did the opposite of what I was expecting. No WDs whatsoever from the batch I had or the f-phenibut I coupled it with oddly enough. I was taking the stuff for the majority of the last three weeks too.
Thank the good Lord all is well. So chill.
Peace, kiddos.
Awesome man that's good to hear! I think the lingering lope and Phenibut are finally out of your system or at least reduced to minute levels. Now you can cruise on the Tia until the next part of the plan kicks in, I am glad it's going good now and you have come a long way considering your lope consumption at the beginning of this thread. You have made some serious and positive changes and now that shit is hopefully out of sight and mind. It's a good sign also that you didn't have to wake up and dose during the night or immediately in the morning. It seems that your settling into a stable stage. Just try to not over do it and just dose when you feel the need to. You might even find that you can reduce or cutback a little bit. Again it's good to hear you in the groove and turning the corner.
Wow. I feel really good today. Don't ask me why. Perhaps that phenibut was giving me dysphoria or something, but I slept good without needing a wee dose of tia in the night and I woke up happy. It's like a genuine glow that everything is OK and absolutely anxiety free. Took a wee dose of tia before leaving for work and probably will now at the end of my lunch break. Maybe the mood stabilizing effects of the tianeptine have rebuilt back in my system...but even when I had it before I didn't feel this genuinely at peace....expecially many hours after dosing. I feel optimistic and joyous. Today is the best day I've had in a while. Not a high feeling, so to speak, but a natural glow. I know things can change, and for me it has been up and down, but as of 4 this morning when I got up i have been on top of the world. I didn't even feel like dosing the tia first thing like I normally have. I waited over an hour to when I was ready to hit the streets. This is great!
Oh, and now there is a hiccup with purchasing the Lyrica of course. It doesn't look like it's now a possibility, but perhaps it's for the best. I will explain more later.
Fuck phenibut, you live and learn. I think that shit was throwing everything out of whack. It did the opposite of what I was expecting. No WDs whatsoever from the batch I had or the f-phenibut I coupled it with oddly enough. I was taking the stuff for the majority of the last three weeks too.
Thank the good Lord all is well. So chill.
Peace, kiddos.

similar to DXM, Tianeptine has a slight affinity for the k-opioid receptor, which is why those drugs can sometimes cause euphoria or dysphoria.

high doses of Tianeptine often lead to extremely bad moods. even low doses, it's very fascinating.
similar to DXM, Tianeptine has a slight affinity for the k-opioid receptor, which is why those drugs can sometimes cause euphoria or dysphoria.

high doses of Tianeptine often lead to extremely bad moods. even low doses, it's very fascinating.
Actually Tianeptine is a low-affinity full agonist at the MU and Delta receptors with negligible effect at the K receptors. Most of its effects come through the indirect alteration of glutamate receptor activity. (The AMPA & NMDA receptors), plus the release of BDNF.
Actually Tianeptine is a low-affinity full agonist at the MU and Delta receptors with negligible effect at the K receptors. Most of its effects come through the indirect alteration of glutamate receptor activity. (The AMPA & NMDA receptors), plus the release of BDNF.

Good to hear - Phenibut is a strange substance indeed. . . keep us posted ( i'd also like to hear the unique symptoms you might develop from not taking loperamide ) i noticed when i stopped Loperamide i had unique-non-opiate-like withdrawal symptoms even when i was taking Morphine . .

stay positive!
Good to hear - Phenibut is a strange substance indeed. . . keep us posted ( i'd also like to hear the unique symptoms you might develop from not taking loperamide ) i noticed when i stopped Loperamide i had unique-non-opiate-like withdrawal symptoms even when i was taking Morphine . .

stay positive!
Hey are you still feeling those symptoms? What are they if I may ask? Are you sure they were from the lope? I hope things get better for you soon.
Wow. I feel really good today. Don't ask me why. Perhaps that phenibut was giving me dysphoria or something, but I slept good without needing a wee dose of tia in the night and I woke up happy. It's like a genuine glow that everything is OK and absolutely anxiety free. Took a wee dose of tia before leaving for work and probably will now at the end of my lunch break. Maybe the mood stabilizing effects of the tianeptine have rebuilt back in my system...but even when I had it before I didn't feel this genuinely at peace....expecially many hours after dosing. I feel optimistic and joyous. Today is the best day I've had in a while. Not a high feeling, so to speak, but a natural glow. I know things can change, and for me it has been up and down, but as of 4 this morning when I got up i have been on top of the world. I didn't even feel like dosing the tia first thing like I normally have. I waited over an hour to when I was ready to hit the streets. This is great!
Oh, and now there is a hiccup with purchasing the Lyrica of course. It doesn't look like it's now a possibility, but perhaps it's for the best. I will explain more later.
Fuck phenibut, you live and learn. I think that shit was throwing everything out of whack. It did the opposite of what I was expecting. No WDs whatsoever from the batch I had or the f-phenibut I coupled it with oddly enough. I was taking the stuff for the majority of the last three weeks too.
Thank the good Lord all is well. So chill.
Peace, kiddos.

That's great news!!

Perhaps you previously got a dodgy batch of tiapentine and this is the first time you've received decent quality stuff?? IDK really....

One thing though. I not that versed on Tia other than what I've read but if it's helping withdrawal symptoms purely because it has opiate agonist properties the be careful as it's really masking them in the way lope does meaning they would return when you stop so be sure to devise some form of taper at the end....Maybe look into some form of volumetric dosing to do it accurately.

So it looks like you won't be getting the lyrica? Years ago I used to get prescribed 600mg a day but didnt like it and would end up throwing them away!! (free prescriptions in the UK). I had know idea they were sought after....man what an idiot I was!!

Have you planned it so you won't run out of Tia? The last thing you want is to run out and resume the lope...also don't forget to start tapering as soon as possible.

Pleased you're feeling better though mate
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Hi! good question - i've abused many drugs in my life to extreme extents! i was never the type to mix drugs - so during withdrawals i was able to isolate the symptoms. . .

i could be wrong perhaps there are different reasons for the symptoms i experienced. .

For example, during opiate withdrawal i never had numbness/tingling/electric feelings all over my body/arms/face/neck - i execlusively had those for benzodiazepine withdrawals.

Also i'd get extreme cold shakes/shivering, which i only experienced when coming off a VERY high opium habit when i lived in the U.K . . . since it was legal to grow them in the area i lived. . .

however when i was coming off Loperamide i had extremely high dose of morphine daily - and still experienced shivering spells!

i think even though i had other opiates, the loperamide gave me methadone/fentanyl-like withdrawals, was bizarre!

furthermore, i'd get extreme moments of panic/depersonalization/visceral fear, borderline psychosis, which would last for minutes, just extreme panic attacks. . . which i only ever experienced from benzo withdrawal/strong opiates. . .

another symptom i had was, oddly - i was able to sleep, TOO much - i was tired 24/7 , and during a typical opiate withdrawal i can't sleep do to RLS ( more like restless BODY )

I wen't to the doctors/e.r twice, part of me felt it had to be something else, i had ultra sounds of my legs/arms for blood clots, EKG of my heart, mri/ct scan of my chest/lungs, blood work, urine test, chest xray/lung xray . . . etc. . . everything came back great . . . expect my stomach lining had inflamed.

Note, i also developed gastritis AFTER quitting the loperamide, not during.

I had an amazing doctor, who actually was in contact with upstate Poison control ( thanks mad Margaret! ) - as well as her own years of experience with strange drug abuse . . . and she postulated that since the loperamide effected how my body digested food ( so many months of water being moved strangely around, due to absorption via Lope - as well as high levels of HCL from the pill )

she believed it effected my bodies natural ability to produce it's own HCL . . and thus when i stopped - i had low stomach acidity, which then caused inflammation,

i'm in the process of doing a thorough journal to one day submit, here or to mad margaret, because i think it's something that is not looked at with Loperamide abuse, since the focal point is the heart problems it causes. . .

sorry for typing so much - i first found this thread when it was made, ( which ironically was when i quit loperamide and began my own journey, from breaking my foot via fainting, to getting clean )

also - i'm on a diet now that is no meat, beyond fish, no sugar unless it's from fruit/vegetables/raw honey. . . no bread/gluten ( only certain rices ) no dairy/alcohol/coffee/soda/caffeine. .

i've been living on brown rice sushi, avocado, plantains and almond milk. . .

This shit ruined my life and nearly killed me. . . well, my bad choices, did - i'll probably have to eat like this the rest of my life. . .
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Great dietary decisions!!! Im still on methadone maintenance and plan to be indefinitely, as well as take my prescribed 2 mg a day clonazepam for my panic disorder (both as i have for years).

Anyway, my point here is that i agree strongly in the importance of a healthy diet. I mean extraordinary importance. My success with these medications in the long term (years - contrary to norms, recommendations, and strong opinions of others) seems to be largely dependent upon my diet, daily exercise, my choice to consume no cannabis (tough choice after 14 yrs daily use), alcohol or anything mind-altering whatsoever. It seems that avoiding substances that even indirectly affect the same receptors as my medication keeps them functional and minimalizes downregulation (?) Via cross tolerance, while my raw produce diet (lifestyle) - veggies, fruits and proteins (a mixture of plant sources complimented by some meats) keeps my vitamins, minerals, and amino acids stockpiled sufficiently to keep building these neurotransmitters i need to fill in the gaps meds/tolerance previously didnt cover.

I only learned the importance of these aspects a couple years ago. Prior to that, i smoked cannabis, drank alcohol weekly-ish, and ate decent, but nothing compared to the garden of Eden i consume now. Like clockwork my methadone always quit controlling my pain and even ceased to hold off withdrawals no matter what dose (often woke up puking). Similar situation with my clonazepam.

Im getting way off topic here, but my main point is: diet and exercise (imo) is at least equally important if not more important than any medications. Our situations are very different but i cant ignore that coinciding with my healthy choices -daily- clonazepam once again and still does keep my panic attack away, still relaxes me (i can still feel the effects after dosing) and is still at the same dose. My methadone not only holds but controls my pain fully dosing once daily. I even still get a mood lift and feel antidepressant effect. (My way of getting a little high now is to work my ass off all week, then on my day off i go take a nap shortly after dosing and wake up feeling warm, fuzzy, and nicely opiated all day).

My near-perfect diet is almost certainly to thank for much of this increase and consistency of well-being. Yes, people say it all the time, but how many really (i mean really) believe it? i am now a firm believer in the power of food regarding these physical and psychological aspects of our lives.

Thank you allowing me to share.
Hey guys...day off, feels nice.
My last dose of tianeptine was at 4 in the afternoon yesterday. I went to bed pretty early and slept like a baby for hours for once and woke up at 8 redosing then (managed to last 16 hours). Going to run some errands here shortly with my gf. Today should be nice and laid back. I have another shipment of tianeptine coming today and the next one will show next Wednesday which is a good six days away. Hopefully I have enough to cover me til then. If needed I may just have to lower the amount I take. Today, tomorrow, Saturday off...then back to work for 5 days. No complaints...in good spirits. Woo hoo!! It has been a few days off the tianeptine since that one crazy day and I'm certainly glad I decided to stop taking it. That stuff was just no good.
That's great mate!!

Maybe look into the solubility of tianeptine and prepare a liquid solution of known strength in order to dose very accurately and keep a track of exactly how much you need and look to begin a taper as soon as you have stabilised....

Well done though.....hopefully it is all starting to come together for you after what has been an awful few weeks....
Good idea, may look into that...
5 days off the lope!
So, yesterday I took 3 separate doses of tianeptine...the first at 8am and the last one was at 4 in the afternoon. I woke up just before 5am now, 13 hours later, feeling a bit restless, but nothing like it had been before. I just redosed around 5 and I'm sitting here online waiting for it to fully kick in. Things have been pretty easy this time around and I think since I was using lope spread out the last few weeks (those couple times that I fell back because I ran out of comfort meds) that it almost eased coming off it that way...like relapsing on it wasn't a full set back since when I had to go back to using it it was only for about 2 and 5 days at a time.
Today and tomorrow off still which is good. Making headway!!!
I should also let it be known that as of this morning my shit is back to being extremely messy...on the verge of diarrhea once again. The tianeptine can't seem to aid me with that even though, right now, I am taking pretty high of a dose. I finally broke and bought a scale a few days ago which I saw was delivered to my house yesterday (I'm at my gf's now)...I'll finally be able to weigh out the EXACT amount I'm using. This too will help for titration.
Oh, I also need to let it be known that I WAS able to order the Lyrica. We'll see how that goes. The only payment method they initially offered me was via Moneygram. So, I attempted to send one online rather than walking to an agent. I submitted everything and shortly thereafter received an email that my transaction was suspicious and that I needed to call an 800 number to speak to a representative to answer some in depth questions. I called and they asked about the nature of the thing...all kinds of questions which I totally BSed. Said it was for a friend (in Bulgaria, haha) who needed a loan for medical bills who I last saw three months ago, blah blah blah. Obviously, a great number of other people past and present have been Moneygraming this random dude so I know that popped up in their system. Anyway, their security department denied me and I was told to go through some other wire transfer service. I email the med company about my woes and they finally just let me do Paypal (which is stated on the site as only for their longtime trusted customers). I Paypaled $105.00 bucks and received an email saying it was to be shipped out the morning of the 22nd and I'd receive a confirmation email with shipping info (tracking #, etc.).
We'll see how it goes! I haven't found anyone who was scammed by them, just a handful of folks who did the Moneygram method numerous times and were generally pleased. More than likely this will work out. I'm told the entire process takes about 2 weeks or so...I'll be waiting patiently. I think I'll slowly start to taper from the tianeptine here in a bit and then switch over to Lyrica for a few days (as long as my 56 75mg capsules manage to last) when it shows. I have a really good feeling that this is all going to work out and go fine. When the lyrica is gone I assume I'll be a changed man, just as I was when I quite methadone using it for about a week's time or so. I just need to find some non-narcotic solution to my anxiety in the long run...I would just stick with the tianeptine in the recommended dose, but I'm not sure that's a good idea or that I'd really get much out of about 50mg spread out in doses 3x a day. Eventually I'm going to the doctor when I get my new health insurance at the 1st of May, not too far away...but I don't know how long it will take me to get into a new primary care physician.
That's the "up & up" for now, mates!!!
^^^Congrats staying off the lope : ) Many of us here are so used to reaching for a pill when the dreaded anxiety rears its ugly head. One tried and true method for reducing anxiety is exercise. I'm easing back in to workout mode and it's already helping my anxiety immensely. Keep us posted and have a great weekend.
You could try taking just a *few* mg of lope, near the recommended dosage on the box, and that should help with bowel consistency. I have found that the bowel slowing properties of it peak out not far past the recommended dose so I think it should still work for you regardless of how much you used to take. Let us know how that goes, good to hear you are feeling better.
Hey! Thanks guys. I'm feeling a bit proud of myself again. As for the exercise thing...I don't go out and run or hit the gym and lift, but on the days that I work I literally walk anywhere from 12 to 17+ miles which I'm sure helps. Also, I was considering a couple lopes for the bowel issues, but honestly I am not sure I even want any in my possession. We'll see if it gets bad enough. I could always try eating a shit ton of cheese ;)
I woke up again at 8 or so from a deep ass sleep. Was off in dreamland. My gf has an interview for her master's credential (PPS-school counseling) program at a local middle school so she had to be up early. I gave her a tiny bit of the tia for good measure. I did the same yesterday when she had a different interview at an alternative high school she worked for in the past. Apparently, yesterday it made her stoked on life. She said she was extremely upbeat and outgoing and couldn't differentiate it from perhaps a placebo glow...which I doubt it was, she had roughly 50mg which is 4 times the dose of a Stablon pill.
She like-a-the-tia!
Mate whatever you do DONT take any lope....even just a few....

Remind yourself what this whole struggle is about....(i.e. getting OFF the lopes for good).

You may think a few won't hurt but honestly as inconvieniences go you're better off just putting up with the bowel issues than ending up back where you started.
Mate whatever you do DONT take any lope....even just a few....

Remind yourself what this whole struggle is about....(i.e. getting OFF the lopes for good).

You may think a few won't hurt but honestly as inconvieniences go you're better off just putting up with the bowel issues than ending up back where you started.

I must wholeheartedly concur with you. This entire struggle IS about dropping the lope for good...no more lope. I constantly remind myself about the possibility of impending health problems and that horrendous feeling inside every single time I walked to the store knowing that I was going to pocket another box or two when I honestly didn't want to. Almost two full years and I never paid for a single lope...EVER. Thank God I never got busted. Thank God things never went pear shaped!!! It would only be a matter of time.