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The importance of coming out as a Psychedelic user.

I don't get it.

Personally I don't hide my psychedelic use or lie about it. It's not something I'm embarassed about (I don't see why it should be).
That said, it's not something that tends to come up in everyday conversation unless I'm talking with other recreational drug users. I tend to wear sunglasses when I'm out tripping in public so people don't see my massive pupils. Why in the fuck would I want everybody in my city to know that I take drugs for fun???
[note - I haven't watched the video]

Personally, lately I've found a reason to try working it into conversations with people I haven't discussed the topic at all with before. I gauge their reaction(s), and more or less learn whether they're someone worth bothering with, if that makes sense. I'm tired of dealing with closed-minded ignorance, and I feel that should someone have such an ignorant (imo) opinion of certain things, I'm not going to waste my time conversing/interacting with them if I have to dodge certain subjects in the long run. Especially if those subjects hold a kind of 'special' place, lol
Many of my friends still believe LSD kills brain cells/fries your brain. (my non-drug using friends)
One friend told me that LSD is used to reset personalities in mental patients.
Even some of my drug using friends still believe LSD remains in spinal fluid for life, even tho this has been proven to be false (LSD is metabolized by the liver and has a half-life of 2.5-4 hours) One told me if you've done acid and you crack your back you start tripping again, and he seemed to legitimately believe this.
so no, i don't commonly talk about my psychedelic drug use.
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I used to use a lot of LSD and 2cx's and when I talk about my use with people that don't know much about psychedelics they are always amazed that I'm not brain dead from the doses I've taken.
well this is one of the reasons why i think it's important to come out; though it really isn't for everyone as The Teafaerie explained.

but i think that if people did come out more and approach the topic maturely (understandably not everyone will listen maturely) that the opinion of people who are ignorant to psychedelics might change a little.

i have a friend who thinks LSD will cause cancer and that it's addictive (she said that a friend used to use it and then he got cancer and that he used it all day; don't know if i believe her though)

but even though this person has a narrow view i also realize that view can change a little; at least to the point that that person accepts other psychedelic users and doesn't see it as reckless or harmful. furthermore we can teach these people to just say know to psychedelics before talking about them to other people. with maturity i think you could get a person to at least understand that they have to do research before assuming anything about psychedelics.

but yeah; i don't think coming out is for everyone. but i do think that it's important for the future of the psychedelic debate; specifically when society starts to see that psychedelic users aren't just hippies in communes or native americans in churches (which neither is a bad thing but i think some people make these assumptions) but rather psychedelic users come in all different shapes and sizes and colors and cultures and personalities and jobs. at the same time; such as with family and your job: you might consider not coming out or waiting for the right moment to come out.

personally i tell people outright that i'm a psychedelic user but i always know how to respond to someone when they find the context of our conversation taboo.
reminds me of a song from my sunday school class back in 5th grade:
I don’t need no evil weed.
Keep your crack and your LSD.
I’m snorting something that God gave me
and it smells a lot like love!
I used to hide my psychedelic use from most people... I had some friends who I would tell about it but none of them were into it so I only had Bluelight to share on... and good thing I did. Even so, I hid it from my family, and my girlfriend/fiance/wife. It created a lot of cognitive dissonance because I was engaging in lying behaviors actively (especially to my wife - she didn't agree with using them and I felt I should be able to which is true but lying about it was the incorrect choice). It really hurt me, and also made me feel weirdly ashamed of my usage.

Since we split up and I learned and grew, I have discussed my psychedelic use with my mom (who is interested but kind of leary of it too), and I am open about it to everyone, where appropriate. I don't think it really makes sense for most people to just be blatantly open about it and tell every person in their life, just because it isn't necessary. No need to disclose everything about yourself to everyone. But I think it's important not to hide it from major people in your life... I can see hiding it from parents if they wouldn't understand at all and would freak out. But in general being a super secretive psychedelic user wasn't good for me.
I used to be very upfront and open about it. At the time all of my friends at least smoked weed and weren't completely aversive to the idea of taking "illegal drugs". New people I met didn't always share my enthusiasm for psychedelic substances though. I learned it's better to keep it quiet from most people, it doesn't really do you any good. The mainstream perception of people who take drugs isn't very positive.telling everyone you take drugs is probably gonna do you more harm than good.

Since we split up and I learned and grew, I have discussed my psychedelic use with my mom (who is interested but kind of leary of it too), and I am open about it to everyone, where appropriate. I don't think it really makes sense for most people to just be blatantly open about it and tell every person in their life, just because it isn't necessary. No need to disclose everything about yourself to everyone. But I think it's important not to hide it from major people in your life... I can see hiding it from parents if they wouldn't understand at all and would freak out. But in general being a super secretive psychedelic user wasn't good for me.

That said, I do agree with this though. Keeping your use a secret from those closest to you is not a good thing to do. Feels bad on both ends...
I think it has to do with age maybe. When I was younger, like 18-24, I thought that it was in a sense "cool" perhaps it gave me a better understanding of myself, others, and the world as a whole. I was never one of those people parading around claiming any of that new age nonsense (even the teachings of Leary et al) I never thought it was something that everyone should do because even as young as 21 I had cared for my own ballistic crazy person and had seen both the good and bad of psychedelics.

Once I got out of college basically I stopped talking about psychedelics mainly because I was no longer meeting people with a like mind set. I am not about to announce to my coworkers anything about psychedelics or drugs, maybe marijuana only because of its "budding" (hahahaha pun) acceptance. Otherwise there is no one to come out to, those in my life that should know do and those that shouldnt never will. I think once we get older as a whole we realize the older people we deal with are set in their ways, thats not to say that someone who is 30 (almost my age) cant first experience them at that age, you are just way way less likely to find people open to new things.

This is all my 2 cents.
using and possessing psychedelics is illegal and punishable with prison in my country. i do not share details of behavior that is illegal.

with other people i talk about working on my computers. the craziest stuff happens when you work with computers. i herd a famous guy on the internet talking about how he found a dead mouse while changing his graphics card. so, watch out and and dodge rats.
I just say it to people I know are open minded and curious enough in their life. some people I will never say though
I had real bad cognitive dissonance in my life until I came out and told my SO that I was using psychs. She was more hurt that I had been hiding it for a year rather than that I was actually using them. Now I openly discuss it with her frequently, and it has helped us to overcome previous issues as she feels she can trust me now. I don't hold anything from her any longer.
using and possessing psychedelics is illegal and punishable with prison in my country. i do not share details of behavior that is illegal.

with other people i talk about working on my computers. the craziest stuff happens when you work with computers. i herd a famous guy on the internet talking about how he found a dead mouse while changing his graphics card. so, watch out and and dodge rats.

Was the guy deadmau5? That's how he got his name.
I keep my use very private. The older you get, the more you have to lose. These are illegal substances and if co-workers found out I believe it could put my job at risk. I have only confided in the closest of friends and most do not approve, I think primarily due to ignorance about these substances and the increased conservatism that comes with age. Taking psychedelics is viewed as destructive, risky behaviour with the stigma that somehow you have not grown up or not learned that you don't need to get high to enjoy life. Sure wish I had more friends to trip with, but I guess I am somewhat of an anomaly at my age.
Sounds like you need new friends; particularly those which won't pose a drain on your sanity and intelligence lol
For me it's a neutral topic. If it comes up I'm open to discussing my experiences, but I don't go looking to start talking about it unless I feel it's pertinent to something being discussed.

Psychedelic use is a very personal thing.
I find it's good to be able to talk about it with people in your life. I avoid the topic with some people, but most of my family and friends know that I use psychedelics and I really wouldn't be happy having to hide it from them. I am lucky to have mostly very open-minded people in my life though. For me it's actually gotten much easier to talk about it as I get older - I think partly because people like my parents can see in action that psychedelics have helped me to thrive. When you're a little older you have more autonomy and people kind of just have to accept your choices. I never would have told my parents I used psychs when I was a teenager living in their house, but now I feel very comfortable talking about it and they respect it.

I have no trouble talking about it with my friends, family, boss, teachers/mentors, etc. Mostly because I've ended up on a path in life in terms of career, social life, creative life, spirituality, etc where I meet a lot of 'psychedelically-inclined' folks. Probably mostly because of what I've learned from taking psychedelics.
Hi guys; thanks for so much feedback! i sometimes go about talking about psychedelics in studies to random people as a conversation starter but usually most people i come across are relatively accepting of it. personally i'm glad my mom, dad, and sister knows and some close friends. personally i do feel better knowing that these people know about my use because it does feel bad to hold it in and keep it to myself.

thanks again for all the feedback everyone! with love and peace and eternal bliss - Just Say Know