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The First Possible Cannabis Fatality (merged threads)

The First Possible Cannabis Fatality

I do not want to junp to any conclusions, but this is some bad news for the marijuana using community:

Cannabis is blamed as cause of man's death
By Richard Savill
(Filed: 20/01/2004)

A man of 36 is believed to have become the first person in Britain to die directly from cannabis poisoning.

Lee Maisey smoked six cannabis cigarettes a day for 11 years, an inquest heard. His death, which was registered as having been caused by cannabis toxicity, led to new warnings about the drug, which is due to be reclassified this month as a less dangerous one.

"This type of death is extremely rare," Prof John Henry, a toxicologist at Imperial College, London, said after the inquest at Haverfordwest, west Wales.

"I have not seen anything like this before. It corrects the argument that cannabis cannot kill anybody."

The inquest heard that Mr Maisey had complained of a headache on Aug 22 last year. Next morning he was found dead at the house he shared with a friend, Jeffrey Saunders, in Summerhill, Pembrokeshire.

Michael Howells, the Pembrokeshire coroner, said Mr Maisey was free from disease and had not drunk alcohol for at least 48 hours. Post-mortem tests showed a high level of cannabinoids in his blood.

He recorded a verdict of death by misadventure because Mr Maisey had died while taking part in an illegal activity. The death led to a warning about the changing strength of cannabis, which is to be reduced to a Class C drug on Jan 29.

Dr Philip Guy, a lecturer in addictions at the University of Hull, said: "Cannabis is not the nice hippy drug it used to be. It has been experimented with to produce stronger varieties."

Dr Guy said that death was more likely if users ate the drug rather than smoked it. "I would not be surprised if in this case the deceased had ingested a fatal amount of cannabis."

Last autumn police issued a warning that big consignments of strong cannabis were being smuggled in from Africa. On Jan 29, cannabis will be reclassified from a class B to a class C drug.

The shadow home secretary, David Davis, said last night: "This highlights what we have been saying about the effects of cannabis all along. When will people wake up to the fact that cannabis can be a harmful drug?

"By reclassifying the drug David Blunkett has shown he has lost the war on drugs. In my eyes, it's nothing more than an admission of failure."

Tristan Millington-Drake, the chief executive of the Chemical Dependency Centre, a charity that provides treatment for people with drug problems, said: "We have always taken the view that cannabis is an addictive drug, unlike the pedlars who try to persuade us that it is harmless. The Government's decision to reclassify cannabis is a mistake."

From: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/mai...0.xml&sSheet=/portal/2004/01/20/ixportal.html
Sounds like stupid media crap.
Just because someone died and the first thing they checked was blood contents, and found no alcohol but lots of cannabinoids.. it seems theyre blaming weed straight away. I want a second autopsy on this poor pothead!
Who cares... 1 person dies, and millions upon millions are smoking everyday Good odds to me.:D
Still though.. I say this is not a cannabis-only related death.
Re: The First Possible Cannabis Fatality

nater said:

Lee Maisey smoked six cannabis cigarettes a day for 11 years

GOD, ANYTHING would lead to death with these quantities... try to drink 6 beers a day for 11 years...

"This highlights what we have been saying about the effects of cannabis all along. When will people wake up to the fact that cannabis can be a harmful drug?

Fuk you and your hypocrisy...
"Oh oh I told you weed is dangerous, don't use that... instead use tobacco and alcohol as you want (since we get the money)"
I hate these kind of people.

I'm disgusted of this CLEAR political measure of some fuckin prohibitionists who didn't want marijuana to be fairly considerated less harmful... disgusting, disgusting...
They don't even give an explanation of how he actually did die. Did the cannabinoids stop his heart? Whats the deal? Sounds like bullshit propaganda.
Re: The First Possible Cannabis Fatality

Lee Maisey smoked six cannabis cigarettes a day for 11 years, an inquest heard. His death, which was registered as having been caused by cannabis toxicity, led to new warnings about the drug, which is due to be reclassified this month as a less dangerous one.

"I have not seen anything like this before. It corrects the argument that cannabis cannot kill anybody."

Umm yeah, you haven't seen it before, but it is now scientific proof.

The inquest heard that Mr Maisey had complained of a headache on Aug 22 last year. Next morning he was found dead at the house he shared with a friend, Jeffrey Saunders, in Summerhill, Pembrokeshire.

Soundz like the poor fella died of a headache.

Michael Howells, the Pembrokeshire coroner, said Mr Maisey was free from disease and had not drunk alcohol for at least 48 hours. Post-mortem tests showed a high level of cannabinoids in his blood

Well he died while he was high, I suggest it was natural causes.

He recorded a verdict of death by misadventure because Mr Maisey had died while taking part in an illegal activity.

While taking part? Make up your mind. Is it from smoking over a course of years? Or from getting more blazed than anyone has ever been (which I am sure isnt possible)?

As for high cannabinoid levels in the blood....
See This Thread

Good thing no one's ever died from smoking cigarettes.
Good thing no one's ever died from drinking alcohol.
Indeed, people complaining of a headache and then collapsing is a fairly common way to die - it usually means something like a stroke or one of those hard to pronounce brain conditions from ER.

He could have been drinking a cup of coffee at the time, would they have blamed the scourge of caffeine? 8)

--- G.
i'm sure the guy died of an aneurism or something, but since they found cannabinoids in his blood first thing, they figured they'd get in good standing with the government if they blame it on weed, saying "OMG OMG FIRST MARIJUANA DEATH EVER!!!! we told you drugz are bad!!! chalk one up for the WAR ON *illegal* DRUGS, cause the drugs we profit of are okay, even though they do kill many more people than all illegal drugs combined!!!!" shut the fuck up.

but jesus, anyone is going to have fucking brain problems if they stay high all day every day for 11 years!!! try staying drunk or anything else that long, cause it aint gonna work. you'll die long before the 11 year mark.
What a coincidence...he dies right when cannabis is about to be moved to a class C drug...8)
have you ever noticed how the media NEVER seems to give the full details and exaggerates everything. They dont say exactly how he died; was it from that one occasion of smoking or from years of it?

And yeah the whole alcohol and ciggarettes thing - they dont mind them at all. Its just because they take a lot longer to kill you. If u smoke anywhere near as much dope as you do ciggarettes ... you'd be a gonner long before you would if u dint smoke dope. And same with alcohol, and other drugs.

The government/media only ever has their own interests at heart. Making money!
No he didn't die right before it changes. He died in August. They rooted this one up and now its news worthy because it will create controversy. I really dislike the media. At least in places other than the US you can normally tell when a source is Right or Leftist. In the US half of them come under the guise of being liberal then they just spout Conservative ideals and morés. Its quite sickening.