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RCs The Ethylphenidate (Ethyl phenyl(piperidin-2-yl)acetate) Megathread V3

Yeah I don't think it's worth the pain to honest hoping things get better soon
so guys - 3F-Phenmetrazine or eph? in terms of harm redustion and euphoria and value for money? also, 3F-Phenmetrazine seems to be DA meanwhile eph is DARI? whoch one would be your drug of choise, providing one wants to be naughty from time to time? cheers.
If you want a recreational stimulant Ethylphenidate shits on 3F-P. The only way i see people rating it highly is if you are new to stimulants otherwise it's barely stimulating with no euphoria. 3f-phen doesn't even supress hunger, if you are able to eat on a stimulant it can't be too intense or worthwhile in the recreational sense.
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only.read pages 1&27 but been watxhin shows on meth and fiending so.thought I'd post up.
Tried this shite ~3years.ago. ordered it some reason somewhere online.
I'd tried adderol a few times (good stuff) and meth only via a bunk ecstasy pull or two. Lots of proper MDMA back in the day.
I'm really a downer guy but the stimulant high rocks me.

Ordered another 'RC' online and thinking about EPd again.
First time I tried it I played GTA for hours, best time ever .. then walked a few miles to a friends empty house, did more, tweaked.off the walls for hours. Didn't sleep all nite and thought my heart was gonna explode.
Used it one more time when my (anti-drug) Sis came for a visit ... Drove my 70s car with shit brakes a few counties away and up/down a mountain. Was crashing..hardcore on the way home.and had to.kick her out.

Think I flushed the rest after that. Stims really aren't for me.
But done with herb these days and craving new highs. I'm an alcoholic & RC-benzo semi-addict so wondering how EPD might morph with those.

Not planning on living that long but then again don't wanna kill.myself at 30 from an OD
Does anyone else here find EPD to provide visuals?
A cursory scouring of the internet reveals I am not alone.
Initially, I assumed it was down to pupil dilation and permanent serotonergic changes due to heavy tripping.
However, my missus indulged on a few occasions and mentioned the visuals without me letting on about my experience.

The visuals are minor - no Tryptamine dreamscapes, but colour changes, slight morphing, objects coming to life, geometric CEV's etc.,

Visuals like morphing and objects coming to life usually come to me as an effect resulting from sleep deprivation, not from the drug itself.
Visuals like morphing and objects coming to life usually come to me as an effect resulting from sleep deprivation, not from the drug itself.

QFT, it isn't this drug especially, but rather it is anything that keeps you up for days..... though some DO indeed induce stimulant psychosis/paranoid delusions far quicker than others I.E. Meth, but this stuff will sure do it and for some people far quicker than others. Though FWIW I have no experience with this doing it, and never will as this stuff is indeed shit in the long and the short run and I won't ever have more experience with it. Ever.

Not planning on living that long but then again don't wanna kill.myself at 30 from an OD

Well hopefully you do plan on living to your 70s at least my friend, at least I hope so!
Anyone with diagnosis - sz/sza/bipolar1 out there, on anti psychotic and anti depressant medication, taking ethylphenidate? Please leave a message.

Dx of SZA, not on meds, but have ab/used EPD.

The DA action will induce psychosis and manic tendencies faster than you could think.
Add in Sleep Dep. and Anorexia, along with a TERRIBLE half-life and it should ring a few alarm bells.
Plus, psyche med interactions would worry me.

Visuals like morphing and objects coming to life usually come to me as an effect resulting from sleep deprivation, not from the drug itself.

That was what I first assumed, but notice it after good sleep, good food and short-term dosing.
As mentioned, a few others have noted it.
Maybe it's the mythical idiosyncratic effect that many drugs warn of and I simply fall into whatever percentile experiences it. :)

I find it enjoyable at times - like 25-50ug Acid visuals but only stimulant effects.

The Stim Psychosis, if reached, is of a completely different nature, IME. More paranoid, delusional and delirious.

The pupil dilation is EXTREME though, so may explain some distortions, but not entirely.
Anyone with diagnosis - sz/sza/bipolar1 out there, on anti psychotic and anti depressant medication, taking ethylphenidate? Please leave a message.

I'd QFT what sproutonsmack said..... x100


Notice you responded.

Initial visual hallucinations
From someone without ANY diagnosis and doubtful I would get one... those don't and should not happen when plugged man.... bad bad bad.

Now... three days up on the stuff and THAT is another story. Honestly I considered getting this shit again but quickly batted that idea right out of my mind.
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I've been told MDMA doesn't mix well with bipolar /anti-psychotic meds but I didn't have any noticeable negative effects when taking ethylphenidate.
Sure wish I had trazodone / diazapines back then tho
I've been told MDMA doesn't mix well with bipolar /anti-psychotic meds but I didn't have any noticeable negative effects when taking ethylphenidate.
Sure wish I had trazodone / diazapines back then tho

I'm honestly surprised at the number of people who find trazadone does something significant... had some once and tossed it with a "wtf, all kinds of shitty side effects but NO actual indicated ones."
After a 3 week eph "binge" I can safely say this is one of the most useful, fun and damaging drugs I've ever used.

My usage consists of both functional and recreational use.

Oral - I find 25mg oral amazing to wake me up on a morning and give me that kick I need to do things. 50mg oral will speed up the process of how I do things, but I mainly took this as the 25mg wore off.
Anything above that and the functionality of it tends to drop - 50mg+ sweating becomes a problem along with changing body temperatures - cold hands and feet.
75-100mg is a dose i've used a few times for tidying - I can't say it's much use for anything else - Everything has to be rushed and done instantly or stress sets in and arguments will happen. On these doses everything has to be done my way because everything will be faster and perfect if I do it my way (or so I believe)
Even at lower doses I've noticed stress levels are increased - if something isn't on time my anger levels rise whereas generally I am a very calm (although not exactly patient) person.
I've also noticed it to be a very "subtle" drug from other peoples point of view - in a sense they won't really notice you're on something; it just seems to cause a general mood increase and heighten the levels of sociability - It's nowhere near as noticeable as amphetamines for example, you won't speed around and look cracked out at low doses.

Insufflated - I only tend to use this as a quick "boost". The onset is obviously much faster, but it is also much more euphoric and very fiendish. I'm not a huge fan of stimulants so couldn't possibly comment on how it compares to others in this sense, but being a past regular mephedrone user I find this to be almost as fiendish as that (although not half as disgusting - stinking of pissy sweat isn't the best personal image). Personally I would lay this down to the fact that I just enjoy ramming powder up my nose - I'd probably snort my prescriptions if someone told me they'd work better...
The main point I'm trying to get at here is if you want functionality, railing lines of this isn't going to cut it. I would only use it as a form of "waking myself up" when my brain is playing the old "Fuck this I've not got a clue so don't bother mate" trick.
The effects also wear off much faster and are not as subtle as when used orally.
Overall, I couldn't rate this for functional usage as I just end up distracted by the drug and popping away for another whiff.

IV/IM/Rectal: I haven't tried these ROA's as I would prefer not to destroy my body with something likening the caustic properties of sodium hydroxide. I generally prefer not to stick needles in myself or pop syringes of solution up my arse. Each to their own I suppose.

To keep it short - set and setting is everything for recreational usage. I'll not delve into individual ROA's here as there's no sense in doing so.
If you're sitting alone in bed at night you're not going to have much fun. Most likely you'll end up talking bollocks to people you barely know, eagerly waiting for a reply; jittering and feeling like you live in an igloo.
Spending a day/night out with friends is a different story - It'll make you more sociable, encourage you to join in activities you'd generally have no interest in, and overall increase enjoyment.
Once again - this is dose dependant.
Small doses will give you the inner effect but not essentially show you've taken a stimulant.
Banging down a huge dose will make you look like a fet monster with widened eyes and head movements of a fucking lunatic. - 200mg oral and 4 bumps just made me wired and look like a nutter.

Side effects (Both short and medium term) - These will be different for everyone I'm sure. Everyone reacts differently and what I'm listing here is just what I've noticed from personal use.
Sleep deprivation/insomnia - Naturally as a stimulant this happens. Although it's far easier to get to sleep on than certain other stimulants, and a little "helping hand" at sleeping will knock this on the head.
Initial jitters (This wears off quickly and after several "tests" is no longer noticeable)
Anxiety - The anxiety sensed for me is not a social/general anxiety, but more a case of "Fuck what if I come up even more and someone notices". Simple solution - Dose carefully and don't dose if you're at risk.
Pupil dilation - this is something that occurs at higher doses, I have never had pupil dilation while using what I'd refer to as a functional dose (<50mg)
"Wide eyes" - another high dose effect, looking surprised at everything or however else to explain it.
Hyperactivity - Everything must be rushed and done as fast as possible. Also acting like a child after their first red bull.
Appetite suppression - I know I'm hungry but don't feel hungry. I can eat, but decide not to. Although when I do eat it never feels forced or sickening like with other stims.
Stomach discomfort - After around a week of using, my stomach felt uneasy and sensitive. Two weeks in and I'm shitting 3+ times a day and feeling the need to "go" when I'm empty.
Diarrhoea - Relative to stomach discomfort, two weeks in and I could blast a shit out so fast it could be mistaken for a particle collider.

The most obvious one here would be the caustic properties of eph. Upon beginning using I could happily alternate nostrils with minimal discomfort (It still fucking hurt) and go at the shit all night like it was milk powder. Initial nose bleeds and blasting red shit out of my nose happened for the first week. After that - my nose no longer bleeds and pisses snot out like it's going out of fashion. My right nostril is unuseable as it causes further side effects which will be stated below. After heavy usage it causes soreness, irritation, and possible septum perforation. I dread to even think about what's going on up there, never mind looking. I imagine I've doled out some serious damage from the relatively short term usage of eph. I've only got myself to blame. - If you do decide to take this route I would highly recommend pre/post spraying each toot with saline solution. This will rinse the nose of any remaining substance and reduce inflammation of the membrane.
Tooth ache - I find this happens only when I use my right nostril. I'm no doctor but my best guess would be it fucks with the nerve endings or something. Every so often I will rinse my nose with the solution and some antibacterial spray, hopefully it'll prevent infection. Maybe it'll cause it to mutate into a horrible disease. Who knows.

I think I probably stated a lot of the side effects and problems complaining about my poor nostril in that first section. Either way, it's no fun walking round with "the sniffles" 24/7.

I would suggest highly against this ROA and if you must, use all the necessary precautions and safety measures possible.

TL;DR - Anything you'd consider longer than "short term usage" isn't fun. And I'm a pillock. (I'm sure nobody read this far anyway - I fucking wouldn't have).

This was intended as a method of harm reduction, hopefully for some it will help. In no way am I encouraging use of this substance, it isn't as people make it out to be.
Apologies if this offended anyone in any way.

Hope this will help in some way :)

Stay safe

Hi guys. I'm about to bomb 200 mgs. How long will this last roughly? Add any more info you feel necessary regarding effects at this dosage. My weight is 160 lbs.
Hi guys. I'm about to bomb 200 mgs. How long will this last roughly? Add any more info you feel necessary regarding effects at this dosage. My weight is 160 lbs.

Real bad idea..... ridiculously large dosage.... and a long time.... read the thread before you "bomb" 1/5gram of some chemical.
Hence why I'm posting here first. Would 150 be more acceptable? Why is 200 too much?

I don't even know what you mean?

Why is 1g of MDMA too much? Because it is..... why is 1g of LSD WAY WAY too much? Because it is.

Start wayyyyyyyyy lower..... like with 30-40mg orally and see how you feel my friend. Don't go downing 1/5 gram of a chemical you're not familiar with.
Ok I'll start with about 50 mg and see how I feel. Does tolerance build up fast on this?

Harm reduction in practice for sure! Good choice! Remember, you can always take more, you can NEVER "untake" something.

And I would say that it will build as fast, and mess you up as fast as any stimulant. So yeah, there is tolerance - but you'd have do define fast....
One last question I know I should search this thread but I'm on a mobile and it is a very large thread and time is running out till I dose. How is it for music enhancement, does it mix with alcohol and should I stay hydrated?

Thanks for the responses so far :) I've done lots of stimulants but I'm a noob to this chemical.