• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The Engagement/Wedding/Honeymoon thread

I like option 3. That said, ours was pretty much a non-kid event... mostly because our friends and family didn't have many tykes at the time. We had a flower girl (my niece) and ring bearer (my cousin's son - first cousin once removed) and that was all in terms of kids. I guess it would depend on how many kids we're talking about and their ages.

Engaged at the beginning of this year to my bestfriend and we couldn't be more thrilled about it!

However, him and I both talked and decided that we'd like to finish school before the big day, I have 9 months left and he has 2 years. In your opinions, should we wait on announcing it until a later date? I'm not sure if it seems tacky or almost not serious to be engaged for so long?

My husband and I were engaged on New Year's Eve 2008 and married in August 2011. We were dating for over 3 years before we were even engaged. I am SO glad we had a long courtship and engagement for many reasons that don't matter. IME there seems to be less pressure to get married so closely to the engagement date. I could see people raising an eyebrow if someone was engaged for over a decade and had children with that person etc. but simply having a slightly longer than normal engagement doesn't suggest (at least to me) that it isn't serious. You should definitely live up the engagement for its entirety! People love hearing about engagements and will celebrate your future with you if they're in their right minds. :)

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i would also go with option 3. for the most part, my friends with kids left their kids at home with a babysitter as they wanted the night off. the kids who were in the wedding were all exhausted and went to be on their own, there was no need to have a "kid free" time, it just happened naturally. of course, my wedding was in a hotel, so it was easy for parents to put their kids to bed and take turn hanging out in the hotel room with them.