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The End Is Nigh, hold you loved ones close, there is nowhere you can hide.....


Bluelight Crew
Nov 9, 2013
So that is it then, the end of an era, one that has changed the face of UK drug culture forever, an era of prosperity where one could legally buy acid, experiment with some of the most unique and (perhaps still to be seen) toxic range of stimulants and choose to use some of the most powerful benzodiazepines on the planet on a daily basis and have the option of self treating any dependency issues through the same commercial sector. Not even the great Magic Mushroom Legal Loophole of the mid 2000’s can come even close to the fantasy land that has seen one be able to have to some of the most powerful drugs ever used for recreational purposes delivered to ones doorstep by the Royal Mail. It does have its some benefits, I for one will be glad to see the back of synth noids (why people In the UK can’t find a decent gardener is beyond my comprehension) and the many other toxins that have been sold alongside the ‘good stuff’.

Although the removal of ease of access to these materials can only be good thing for my mental health, I am have been stockpiling certain materials that I will continue to have use for with regards to the foreseeable future – and I am about to make my final set of purchases while I can guarantee that not all of the vendors will rip me off, and I was wondering if any other last minute shoppers who want to stick their toes into the suddenly extremely muddy waters that is the legal trade in NPS wished to share their early summer items with the rest of EADD

Hopefully by the end of the day, I will have received confirmation that at least some of what I have ordered has been processed and is available for dispatch.

3 grams 3fpm Crystal

25 100mcg blotters 1P-LSD

50 5mg pellets of Norflurazepam

2 100mg pellets of BK-2-CB (this final item has been offered as a potential free gift by one vendor. As I have never tried this drug and already have one 100mg pellet that I requested as a sample – I have heard that 100mg is an extremely underwhelming experience, and that with the extra 2 pellets – that will leave me with 2 150mg doses of a drug I have not had to pay for – I expect the 1st 150 dose to be long, intense and possibly unpleasant, but on the off chance that I like it, I will have one more ticket for a final ride.)

Anyone else grabbing any last minute items? No vendor talk please
The only thing I had intended to stock up on was 1p-LSD. I did stock up when I thought the ban would be enforced in April but it's all gone now :\

It's hard to resist with all the reduced prices, free gifts, and discount codes. I might get a few more blotters but not a big amount.

With regards to the BK-2-CB, I think we already talked about it but even at 150mg I find it pretty underwhelming. It had some pleasantness at ~200mg mark. Despite the body load and phlegm overproduction, it did go well with the 1p-LSD. Even 25ug of 1p was enough to change the character of 100mg of BK-2-CB.

This NPS era has thrown up some really nice compounds for me to try, and some really nasty ones. It has been both good and bad for my mental health, if that can even be considered a sensible statement. 1p-LSD and methoxetamine are the only two that I've felt are very positive and they are up there with my favourite drugs that I've taken. Methoxetamine is easily my favourite out of any drug I've ever taken but that's been out of my reach for a few years now. This era has also taught me how to respect benzos, after much silly use. I'm just glad I'm not in the position that I have a nasty taper ahead of me.

Ah well, I guess now I shall wait and see if I've caused myself any serious damage from all the experimentation in the past few years. I'm also curious to see how it will affect the already poor quality of street drugs.

T'was, overall, a fun ride. I imagine I'll be doing the, ''back in the day..'', speech to the next generation of youngsters as I nurse my Guinness in the corner of some brown pub in twenty years time %)
What an absolute joke this new legislation is.

Rather than being able to control and tax a substance the government, being the slut of the popular choice of the uninformed, decides to send what was something they could control and keep an eye on, further underground.

The government no longer serves the best interest of the people, we now serve them and they are slaves to big business. Absolute fuckheadery
The government no longer serves the best interest of the people, we now serve them and they are slaves to big business. Absolute fuckheadery

I am nowhere near as radical in my political views these days compared to years ago or when I first became politically aware but I think you could argue that that statement is business as usual, unfortunately :\
Only thing I need to get is kratom. Got enough benzos for my taper and have no interest in the shitty legal stims. My hope is that we will hopefully see a reduction in price, increase of the quality and quantity of the good old illegals. So all in all Im not overly fussed about the ban as most of the drugs I like I would not buy online anyway.
This Country and any joke of freedom died a long long time ago
Kratom is the only thing I'm really going to miss. The government have already banned my favourites, and most illegals are readily available anyway. I'm sure underground business for Kratom will pick up, however I'm not sure it will ever match the selection of plain leaf and extracts that are currently available legally today.
So this new date is a definate then? What exactly have they changed since they determined that the April ban couldnt go ahead?

I mean what "problems" with enforcing the original law have they "ironed out" to make it workable this time?

I'd love someone to explain this to me as I just don't get it.
I buy most of my Goodies from outside of the UK anyway so hopefully won't make any difference in practical terms. In fact there seems to be loads of decent-looking new chems recently released on overseas sites so I see no end to postie-based anticipation.

The law is fukkin' ridiculous all the same :\
I was going to try 1p. Aside from that, nothing changes for me. I could still have the most powerful drugs ever used for recreational purposes delivered to my door by Royal Mail should I so desire. I guess everyone's circumstances are different but I for one was very glad when DNMs came along in about 2012 and I could settle back down to a select half dozen or so drugs with a long history of human use, rather than being a human Guinea pig all the time :/

Joke law is joke though. One of many I guess.
Not that I want to actually buy anything from it but the darknet scares me a bit.

Like i say ive never used it but have done a lot of reading on it and i doubt it's as secure and anonemous as many think it is.

I think it comes down to LE not being particularly arsed to trace and track someone buying a small amount of drugs for personal use.

If darknet vendors suddenly decided to start selling thermonuclear warheads to someone who's name is Jong-on or Al'Baghdadi and the anominity of the darknet might suddenly become very non existent.
Oh yeah, I'm fully aware that it's not infallible. Lot of effort to trace my IP just to discover that I bought a few grams of weed, ket and maybe a gram of mdma in the last year though. Better off going for the dealers.
So this new date is a definate then? What exactly have they changed since they determined that the April ban couldnt go ahead?

I mean what "problems" with enforcing the original law have they "ironed out" to make it workable this time?

I'd love someone to explain this to me as I just don't get it.

It sounds like they've created some kind of Tardis or that is what they'd have us believe,

When the Home Office confirmed the delay in March, it said it was in the final stages of putting in place a programme of testing to demonstrate a substance’s psychoactivity before implementing the ban.

However in the next breath

Police Scotland told MPs last year that a qualified medical expert with experience in working with psychoactive substances would be needed in each case to identify the substance and prove its psychoactivity.

Sounds like 'innocent' will no longer be considered during any Court Prosecutions and with any 'dummy' law they make that is not black and white it enables wide scope of any interpretation, 'they' so wish'. That is why from my point of view it has always been such a dangerous not to mention psychotic Act. This is an iron fist of such magnitude, one can only dread the next installment. Spiked heads on Tower Bridge?
Oh yeah, I'm fully aware that it's not infallible. Lot of effort to trace my IP just to discover that I bought a few grams of weed, ket and maybe a gram of mdma in the last year though. Better off going for the dealers.

These have always been my thoughts. "IRL" you can see how it kindasorta makes some form of sense to bust people for possession cos it ups the figures for very little cost. When both dealer and punter are more or less equally as hard/easy to trace it makes far more sense to go for dealers. I suspect things will remain much as they have - occasional big takedowns of naughtweb sites with a handful of arrests to follow. Scare tactics rather than much actual policing cos the latter costs money and plod have no money these days.

On general principle I am very much of the opinion that this law in particular is an abomination even by WoD standards but there's always hope that it will descend into such a complete farce that even Joe Public will start to question its validity. Eventually.
Oh yeah, I'm fully aware that it's not infallible. Lot of effort to trace my IP just to discover that I bought a few grams of weed, ket and maybe a gram of mdma in the last year though. Better off going for the dealers.

Exactly Josh mate ......

Its not that they can't, it's just that it's not worth the effort for small personal use.......

The very fact that they're there and possibly watching would scare me though. Even though I know they're unlikely to actually DO anything.....

I would just keep thinking of everything I have to lose.....
quit crying and deal with it
shouldve shown a bit of self restraint in the beginning huh
fucked it up for yourselves