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The EADD Maintenance and After-care Thread

Having said that, bupe scripts are very strictly monitored these days (certainly are in my experience anyway). You have to take it in front of the pharmacist and stand there with it under your tongue til dissolved (took a good half hour for me -

Man I'm glad my pharmacists haven't been like that whilst I've been on supervised. Pop em in your mouth, sit their for two minutes and then out the door. I could easily have been cheating on my script and palming them as soon as I walked out of the door but I've not been doing that. Only on one occasion whilst visiting a different pharmacy on a visit was I made to do the whole mouth inspection routine, which is how it should be done really, but that would have totally fucked with my abiliity to attend uni on time and get on with my life.
How the fuck can you find that offensive? What part of my post is offensive and judgemental, where are the insults? Im not a fucking idiot, I know codeine is addictive, its a fucking opiate. I was curious and questioning why Subs? Mainly because subs seem a lot more psychoactive than codeine. Sorry for not knowing. And also sorry for discussing drugs on a drugs forum.

Good day!

I don't think you can describe posts like that as judgemental and offensive, Evey. How do you expect anybody else to ever know that codeine comes with as much potential for problems as any other opiate? Or that it really does have pretty damn vicious w/d? He was asking a question not mocking. If you read his follow-up post you can see that once explained a bit he sees why bupe can be an option and why it really doesn't make all that much difference which opioid or opiate you happen to be addicted to the end result is the same - you are addicted to an opiate or opioid so treatment options are broadly the same.

If you want to help to get the message out that codeine is an opiate with much the same risk as all the others and addiction to it should be treated just as seriously then you can't get annoyed with people asking questions. There is a widely-held belief that codeine doesn't really count as an opi and we may know that it is but the majority of people probably don't. Surely it's better to explain and educate rather than get upset over somebody daring to ask a question, no?
As I've just put in the OD suboxone thread - I've done something that's either very brave or very stupid. I phoned my key worker n asked if I can reduce from 12mg to 10mg. I know in terms of withdrawal i won't be affected as others have told me n I've been taking 8/10 mg sometimes. It's just that it's official now. I'm reducing after almost a year on suboxone (23/05/2013) n I'm petrified!!!
Not of the withdrawals but of going back that self-destructive person I was before. I don't want to be that person again.
I know people laugh at me n think I'm a wimp because I couldn't beat codeine addiction on my own but stopping codeine felt like grieving n like the world had stopped for me. I was trapped by that feeeling n it played with my mind, making me think that life was horrible without codeine. I can't go back to that. But I can't keep staying on codeine either.

Now to phone the other matter that's made me anxious for months - the DWP :(

Hope you're all doing ok.


They put you on 12mg of bupe for a codeine habit?

That seems like way too much given the ceiling dose of codeine, which is kind of confirmed by the fact you said you off your face for a couple of days. I would have thought 4mg or 8 tops would have covered it. That's some pretty shitty practice IMO, they've given you a bigger habit in terms of physical dependency than when you went in there.
Please don't start. Not being rude but I'm not in the mood for this today ok. I'm talking about reducing not why I was put on suboxione. And I'm too tired n anxious for all this right now.

Been doing some gardening today but like everything I seem to make the effect on lately, seems to not make any different. Perhaps I was born to work hard on things for them to come to nothing. Really don't know why I bother with anything anymore :(


Start what?

I think you would benefit from not taking posts like that as a personal attack. I was merely highlighting in my eyes what seems to be malpractice on their part based on the evidence you've provided. They've given you a bigger habit than you went in there with, 12mg is the sort of level you put somone who's smoking a few bags of smack a day on.

All the best. <3
So ive had my meeting with the doctor at the clinic. My problems at the moment arent physical, well nothing more than sniffles maybe. The main problem being my mental addiction which I've never really shook off.

I got offered 12mg but I turned it down as I thought id get by on less, so ive opted for 8mg with the option of going up to 12 should I feel the need.

As long as I give clean samples ive only got 4 weeks of daily pickups, bit of a pain but I know some folk have been on daily for a much longer than that.

Hopefully this is the start of the end for me. Im tired.
Good luck with the subbiez, Mr Mist :)<3

On the dosage thing, I suspect the reason they suggested 12mg is because that is the dose most commonly found to more or less completely eliminate cravings (certainly any strong cravings) so has come to be a bit of a standard starting dose unless your habit is high enough to warrant higher dosages to prevent nasty w/ds. I recall when I was coming off of years of methadone it was only once I got to around the 12mg mark (probably 16mg where I first noticed) that I just felt a lot better than I did on the higher dosages I started on and actually felt better than I had in ages and - most noticeably - I wasn't interested in fantasising about fukkin the script off and going off for one last fling with the gear.

At higher doses than ~16mg I felt kinda uncomfortable in strange ways. Not in w/d but just not right. Very odd sensation. When I was in the 16mg down to 8mg range I'd say that was perfect for me. All cravings were gone, I felt physically, mentally and emotionally fine (actually felt pretty good cos I really do like the somewhat stimulating and upbeat - bordering on antidepressant (only without related horrid side-effects) - feel of bupe). I discussed this with my prescribing consultant when I recently went back on bupe for a while and he explained about the 12mg sweetspot thing. It certainly appears to be the case with me - slap bang in the middle of my ideal dosage range if I were left to pick my own dose. 8mg is on the lower end of that range for me but still within it and that is also me not you.

Are you intending to try to maintain on bupe for a while or planning to use it more to taper relatively soon?
I know what you mean about the high dose making you feel uncomfortable, I started a 3 week detox on 24mg of subs and they did make me feel quite strange, even after id adjusted to them and I was on 20mg or so I still felt... hard to remember but it wasnt pleasant.

As I said ive got the option to step up to 12mg if its not doing the job but id rather give the lower dose a go so ive less to travel on the way down if you know what I mean.

Yeah im planning on maintenance for a while, no time frame in mind at the moment to be honest, I just want to be free of using gear or craving it.

Ive always gone for detoxs, which have worked in the past but a series of events have lead me back down the same path. Im hoping whilst on the subbies and ive some stability to make a number of changes to my life, the way I work, the company i keep, hobbies etv etc, so when I feel the time is right to come off them ive got the kind of life around me that I want, also that my family want, hopefully then I wont be drawn back in..

Thanks for the :)<3
Sounds like a plan, Mr Mist. No point giving yourself a longer path back down if you can avoid it. In hindsight I wish I'd spent longer maintaining and working on other areas of my life rather than being so preoccupied with tapering and quitting as soon as possible. If I'd known just how different it is being on bupe to maintain compared with methadone I may just have done so but was frankly sick of the whole thing and just wanted to put it behind me. I think bupe is especially handy (for those it works well for) for maintaining and doing those things I suspect all addicts need to do as it seems to fit into a normal life much better than methadone ever did. Rebuilding life and finding new ways to cope and to keep away from situations that will never end will seemed far easier once I switched to subbiez. On 'done I still felt like a junky but I really didn't on bupe. Energy and motivation instead of sedation and depression - makes a huge difference. Obviously people react differently but I hope you're amongst those bupe works especially well for. It was probably the best decision I ever made switching from 'done to bupe - I rather suspect I'd still be flitting back and forth between bouts of heroin use and drying out on methadone in between times still otherwise. It really did make a difference above and beyond simply keeping w/d at bay.

Good luck with it and keep us updated :)
Sounds like a plan, Mr Mist. No point giving yourself a longer path back down if you can avoid it. In hindsight I wish I'd spent longer maintaining and working on other areas of my life rather than being so preoccupied with tapering and quitting as soon as possible. If I'd known just how different it is being on bupe to maintain compared with methadone I may just have done so but was frankly sick of the whole thing and just wanted to put it behind me. I think bupe is especially handy (for those it works well for) for maintaining and doing those things I suspect all addicts need to do as it seems to fit into a normal life much better than methadone ever did. Rebuilding life and finding new ways to cope and to keep away from situations that will never end will seemed far easier once I switched to subbiez. On 'done I still felt like a junky but I really didn't on bupe. Energy and motivation instead of sedation and depression - makes a huge difference. Obviously people react differently but I hope you're amongst those bupe works especially well for. It was probably the best decision I ever made switching from 'done to bupe - I rather suspect I'd still be flitting back and forth between bouts of heroin use and drying out on methadone in between times still otherwise. It really did make a difference above and beyond simply keeping w/d at bay.

Good luck with it and keep us updated :)
Shambles I understand about "not feeling right" because I think 12 mg was a bit much for me n it 's hard to explain' isn't it? I tend to go from feeling like ive had 10 coffees to absolutely exhausted.
I also get angry quickly. Before i was on subs I 'd not say boo to a goose but this man basically accused me of not having an eye sight problem when i went in front of him in the queue by mistake. I completely blew my top at him, swearing the lot. I hardly ever swear so when i do i'm mad n subs brings a that but on a positive not i have more confidence n can talk to people instead of being a nervous wreck.

Mist I'm pleased for you n you'll
Have lots of support here.

Subs made me feel normal n so i felt empty n flat. If you feel like that we're here. Subs affects people differently n my advice , if you haven't already , is to check out the suboxone megathread in Other Drugs. There 's an ace moderator there called Mr.scagnattie who really knows his stuff, been through a lot (his story is under "addiction stories") and also members too.

Shambles knows his stuff n is ace with the advice too.

Good luck.

SM - you don't have to thank us. We're here for you. 23 May last year I went on subs so know how the whole thing is - the feae , but also the relief; a lot of other stuff.

Mist you don't realise what a big step you've made (not trying to sound condescending, I know I was only on codeine) - however, as the staff at my local recovery groip remind me it's still an opiate. My parents, and I know they meant well, raided my house for codeinr, had all my parcels I wasn't ready n thus, after a friends' suggestion, jumped on subs.

I am one of those people that once I have a goal in mind, will obsess over it n go all out for it, until I achieve it - and did this with subs.

That's why I want to help because for a year, I have lived subs n understand life on subs.

So no thanks needed. That's what we're here for; to be help n to give that help to others.

You should be proud as you've taken a huge step which I imagine, can't have been easy. ,

Evey xxxx