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The Drug Culture Video/Documentary Thread

According to his story he does 8 bags in like three and a half hours! How much does a bag weigh? I'm not a fan of way he tells story so I didn't watch whole thing but still pretty neat hahah
he mentions the usual 10bag = bundle. it's the same deal as most; and this is from 09 so we are not talking about dope from the mid 90's either (or at least I dont think so). so being he had a bundle he had a gram. so he wasnt a heavy hitter if all is the truth but still shooting a bundle a day but over the period of a day is not the greatest. see, I was a diff type of user; when I bought something I'd use it ALL AT ONCE. i wasnt the type to break it up or leave some for later; I needed to get FUCKED UP and FUCKED UP THE MOST right away. that was my problem w/ using; esp. w/ OD's. i always had to do the most, go the furthest, etc. I never felt "fine" and always thought there could be more/better.

thinking back to when I used makes me sick nowadays. crazy how that mind worked (and still does but I keep it far, far away from dope).
Yeah a gram isn't very much. Sounds like he has good self control with my dope habit and habit for other things... Give me a million dollars I'm dead in a week.
He talked like he was in horrible withdrawal an hour after he shot his last 2 bags...He did 10 bags in like 4 hours. Im prettty sure he could go to sleep and wake up and be in minor withdrawal at the most. Liar liar pants on fire exaggerating his story.
tell me this doesnt sound like a "normal" day to some of us at one point in our lives.

although, he talking about blasting 2 bags and getting a nod. you'd think the guy w/ millions would be blasting a lot more than 2 bags. I am assuming his tolerance was much higher than what he talks about here but who knows.

check it out and just listen; for those who have been there in the past its funny/interesting just to hear. you can relate. well, maybe not to the whole blasting away 2 bags unless your a newbie, but the idea behind it all is something we've all been through/done.


I was and am a huge Pantera and Down fan. I watched this a while back and despite the fact that the man clearly loves the sound of his own voice, he did live the life and def has some pretty unique and useful views in regard to recovery.
I particularly liked the story about him dosing his friend, the friend ODing, and Phil bringing him back by repeatedly punching him.
It was entertaining but it also hit home when he said that in a panic he came to the realization that he'd just, "Killed his friend." A lot of us have been there insofar as administering a shot we thought was reasonable and it almost put someone out.
I wanted to be Phil when I was a teenager. He seemed larger than life. Strength Beyond Strength and all that. He's just another human, apparently. Fallible as the rest of us.
Yeah a gram isn't very much. Sounds like he has good self control with my dope habit and habit for other things... Give me a million dollars I'm dead in a week.

Ditto! I always said that if I was rich back in the 80's (when coke was super popular) I'd have killed myself in no time flat. I had a groupie of our band once hand me a razor, a mirror and a quarter ounce of coke one night after a gig and I almost died. Dumb shits were too scared to call 911, but thank God I came to. Doing things like that are not a good recipe to be around for long. I still wonder if I hit the lottery if I'd be smart enough to make it last and not kill myself with excesses of various kinds. The odds are obviously stacked against me, so no worries!
Krokodil is real, unfortunately. These people are poor, heroin isn't cheap, and codeine is otc so... it's a shitty situation.
Typically, the people who shoot krokodil are IV heroin addicts, and codeine is just not strong enough regardless of the ROA. I know the complications from IV codeine are for the most part less extreme than impure desomorphine, but the histamine reaction from IV codeine can be extremely intense, there's also a higher risk of death than other opioids.

There is also the risk of pulmonary edema as well (your lungs fill with fluid). When talking about IV codeine, many will say it's deadly but they're only half right. It very easily can result in death, but many shoot it with no troubles, it's quite common in other parts of the world (Turkey for example).
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They synthesize a completely different drug using codeine as their starting point. Start with codeine<kitchen chemistry<Desomorphine (AKA Krokodil). It's alot stronger than codeine.