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⫸STICKY⫷ The Delphic Oracle- Know Thyself: P&S Social Ampitheatre of Doom

It would be nice if people got what they deserved but IME this isn't the case. Suffering happens to all humans regardless of what they themselves do. You can be as loving as you want and still be treated like shit. Our society and capitalism mean that assholes often accrue massive rewards.

I don't understand why people blame themselves if people are fuckwits to them.
I do blame others. That's where my anger issues stem from. Like thinking about how I was really kind as a child, but other children weren't.

It's like I perceive it as injustice or it's something that makes me angry to think about. When I should just get over it as that's just the way of the world. You could say it's more like I was in the wrong, but that's not a good way to see it, either.
Its tempting to blame others but how useful is it? I experienced abuse in my childhood and spent a large part of teen years and my twenties blaming people when it would have been better if I had focused more on not blaming myself.

Don't stop being kind or compassionate just because its not always reciprocal. Its always worth it anyway.
There wasn't exactly abuse but I remember there was a lot of cruelty...and I didn't have the heart for it. But you're right in that there's no sense in thinking about it. It's just one of the things that come up when I get into an angry state of mind.

I've also gotten more into focus in how I can do harm to people. I can't really do it in a direct way where I'm confronted with the other person's pain, but I'm very able to do people harm if there's something for me to gain from it, or it's something I can't bare to deny myself or live with. Then I dissociate from the effects it has on someone else.

Drug abuse is a good example, and how it can adversily affect those around you.
Thanks for recommending the Malazan Book of the Fallen to me swilow... this is wonderful. But you're right, it's pretty heavy reading. There's no attempt made to explain anything, you have to take it in as it comes, as a watcher with no context. Really cool. :) I'm used to just blazing through books but it's been a week and a half and I'm on page 110 of the first book. Partly this is due to being really busy, but I think I'm about to devote a few hours to it. Took a minute to get into it but I feel the hooks now...
Thanks for recommending the Malazan Book of the Fallen to me swilow... this is wonderful. But you're right, it's pretty heavy reading. There's no attempt made to explain anything, you have to take it in as it comes, as a watcher with no context. Really cool. :) I'm used to just blazing through books but it's been a week and a half and I'm on page 110 of the first book. Partly this is due to being really busy, but I think I'm about to devote a few hours to it. Took a minute to get into it but I feel the hooks now...

Yeah, he basically starts midway through the story. You've got to pay attention and then it makes 'sense'. Some things are explained in one throwaway line, others are never explicitly explained.

It gets brilliant in Deadhouse Gates, some epic shit ahead. Good for when you're sick :)

The Joe Abercrombie stuff I mentioned is a lot easier to read but is incredibly violent.

Glad you're enjoying it.
Yeah I keep finding myself re-reading paragraphs when I realize I didn't quite grasp it. It's cool because you get explained stuff through the perspectives of various characters who already know their world, so passing thoughts of theirs become your explanation. So rather than being explicitly described, you're kind of left to build up your own idea of what the world "looks like". Although there are some really great physical descriptions of people and places that paint a strong picture. And the language used is SO evocative and dark and poetic. Really great stuff, never made the bestseller lists either, not sure why because it's better than just about anything else I've read so far. Actually I do know why, it's fairly inaccessible compared to most fantasy and not too easy to read. If you're not reading really carefully, you'll totally miss stuff. Took me about 80 pages to stop finding it tedious and get into it, just because, like, wow, what am I even reading? This almost makes no sense.
^Yeah, you are experiencing exactly what I hoped (and what I suspect the author has planned). Just imagine, Gardens of the Moon was initally proposed as a movie. What?? And it just gets weird.

I had to take a break after 4 books, it was consuming so much time. Fortuntately, the series is so distinct that you don't really forget anything.
Yeah last week I was just reading one little segment at a time, not even a chapter (as those are pretty long), just one little 2-3 page segment, when I'd have a few minutes. And somehow I remember it all, even though it's really weird and intense and a lot goes on.

I can't imagine it as a movie, in fact I was thinking of some popular fantasy that has been turned into movies/TV shows as I was reading last night and I was thinking it wouldn't even be possible with this. Somehow a massive amount of plot and happenings get fit into just a few pages, it's really something. I feel like the first 200 pages could make an entire movie already except I have no idea how someone could actually represent it on screen.

Really unique, this guy is a fantastic writer. I love the poetry of it, and how it's so beautifully dark. It's actually a 100% unique world that doesn't really reference any other thing I've ever read or seen. And it's so dense... I can read your typical fantasy novels quickly, like 3 days for a 1200 page book (if I get drawn in and spend time on it I mean). No way for this one, I have to re-read paragraphs all the time, sometimes I don't have to but I just want to because the language is so beautiful. A lot of the time with fantasy books, I read really fast and I sort of start skimming by accident, and I miss little details but don't realize it but still understand the plot entirely, but with this I am savoring every word. You can't skim, it's impossible, if you do you'll have no idea what's going on.

I can't wait for my girlfriend to read it, she loves fantasy too, it's one of the initial things we bonded on. I might be done with the first book in 2 weeks when she gets back... maybe.

The Sword of Truth that I recommended to you is great but entirely different, a lot more "standard". Like I said the first 3 books are kinda fairy tale-esque, and they get a lot deeper and darker from there, very philosophical. The Kingkiller Chronicles I told you about are more in line with these but still nothing like it. I dunno, generally I feel more strongly about whatever I'm currently reading compared to everything else but this is blowing my mind. :)
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Nice, I haven't tried that one yet. One day I suppose I shall.

After digging up F&B's old 2C-EF report, I think I might want to try that one more than anything else now. DOEF also sounds wonderful from PIHKAL.
I was just reading up on dharma, it's good stuff.


I have a work called "Cosmic Moral Law" by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov and it sounds a lot like that. I first started reading his stuff as a teenager and at the time his work sounded very fantastical and fairy-tale like to me. But over time I've come to realise more and more he was right about everything.
Don't mess with cats.

[video]https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/22659123131198732871574618112_3a3b1a292a6.2.1.2817 893365371174239.mp4?versionId=1nnyUBrCe0c_ZauekxQ5 Ue0OHGG7J.tt[/video]
^^Wise words. Cats are supercreatures. That's why it feels extra special when cats love you. Anyone can get the love of a dog, they want nothing more than to love you.
Yes. I far prefer cats, although you do get a stronger relationship with a dog.

Dogs are more innocent, though. They're more hesitant to attack, while cats have no such scruples. But a cat's reaction time is insanily quick, both mentally and motorically.

I love how clean and sweet-smelling cats are, too.
anyone ever watch these lectures on Justice?

For some reason the content is too emotionally overwhelming and intellectually strenuous for me at the moment.

Could lead to a good discussion..

i might try reading the book:

That looks interesting Sig. I will peruse. :)