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⫸STICKY⫷ The Delphic Oracle- Know Thyself: P&S Social Ampitheatre of Doom

^Plus you did recently attack yourself with a welding...what the fuck is the name for the welding tool? The thing with the stuff and the hot bit.
Electrode. Yea. Bad memoies!

I just woke up to a buzzing sound and found that a moth had been dive bombing me in my sleep. I killed it.

I'm on high alert since I have a phobia of flying bugs.

Annnd now I'm getting ready for school.
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of flying bugs either. I don't mind looking at moths, I think they are quite beautiful but they kinda freak me out when they fly into my face.

What's the spider situation in your territory Nix? One reason I like winter is that most big spiders around me seem...well, dead. I don't especially like spiders. Weirdly, I wasn't scared of them as a child but now their alien patience bothers me. Their Spidery Thoughts. Australia is pretty fucking spidery.

I have quite an interested task for work. I have to help a group of post-grad students on various research topics, basically helping them acquire different resources relating to specific topics. I've been given a group which is reasearching the rise of right wing extremism in Europe. I find the topic really intersting which is great because I basically need to skim read multiple resources and provide a properly annotated bibiliography to present to a group of students. It is a lot of reading. I thought I would call up sick to work and spend the day reading about fascists.
School was cancelled today, due to hurricane Hermine.

I like butterfiles (albeit from a distance)!

Spiders eh? The wood spider is particularly common where I live, but as it gets colder they die.

We recently found a scorpion in our light fixture. And one outside.

I would like to inquire about your occupation, if it isn't too personal or anything.

Anything that has to do with research as a necessity is ideal for a great mind.

Europe is a low key hotspot for extremism. It's always interesting to hear about up and coming fascists paving the way for more hatred and historically proven immoral ideologies.

Hail Hitler.
There's usually a few common factors. One is if I haven't eaten properly; I try to snack a bit when on codeine cos it makes me feel weak/hungry. But, if I get this weird feeling I describe, eating nasueates me and it feels like it takes hours upon hours to digest food; I know if I have a meal, in two hours I will feel really bloated.

The second factor seems to be anxiety. If I've had a really anxious day, this sensation often creeps in. I think it is partly physiological but probably mainly anxiety, but something about it is very unsettling. I hope it is not some manifestation of another problem. I wonder if it is kidneys. I've taxed those poor fuckers mightilty over the years.

I also do not get this feeling if I have taken a benzo before codeine. Or if I am having a break from cannabis. Cannabis causes free-floating anxiety for me if I overuse it.

Codeine has gotten weird for me in the last 18months. It hardly causes that opiate euphoria anymore, just a sort of stunned lifelessness. I used to drink my juice and within ten minutes feel so fucking good, but now it just sort of numbs me.

This may be a weird question, but is there any reasons why paracetemol may cause a strange taste after ingestion? I did a really crude CWE a week ago and, in a fit of nihilism, just drank it. Afte 5 mins, I started tasting this weird, burnt thing. It reminds of times I used to pop 6g of paracetemol at a time (with codeine of course). I had the same taste. It makes me wonder if I am tasting excessive paracetemol or some metabolite in the blood passing through my taste buds.

Sorry to hear about your relatives. Hope everything turns out OK.

I can second the tendency for anxiety before dosing to cause a rather unpleasant experience - I feel like it's connected to the next point you describe, in that codeine after long-term use often only produces this "stunned lifelessness" or numbness; which I feel, if accompanied by general anxiety, results in a kind of apprehensive feeling without much emotion, which (for me) makes it even worse.

As for kidneys, if you're worried, then you should definitely check yourself out. Not only for that, but in general it's good to know what condition your body is in. The toxic metabolite of paracetamol is produced mainly in the liver, but also to some extent in the kidneys - indeed, in paracetamol overdose, kidney failure is one of the main complications. But then again, this doesn't necessarily mean that it's kidney toxicity you're experiencing. Especially considering your own stated connection with anxiety and the fact that benzos help.

I don't really know about the weird taste. I would probably go with the explanation that it's just paracetamol. Reason being, 5 minutes isn't long enough to absorb enough paracetamol AND metabolize enough of it into something. 5 minutes is usually the minimal time it takes for a significant amount of something to be absorbed and distributed throughout the body (assuming very quick absorption). What is the taste like anyway? I would imagine that it'd be similar to the taste you feel when drinking the solution, as paracetamol is in contact with your taste buds at that point. To me the solution tastes fairly bitter, although I don't know if it's the paracetamol or codeine (alkaloids often taste bitter due to the nitrogen base), but varying codeine concentration doesn't seem to change the taste.
^The taste is like a smokey, almost burnt flavour. It reminds me ever so vaguely of some of the weird taste/smell things I experience before I have a seizure. The taste doesn't really taste like paracetemol though, or at least it doesn't taste like the solution. Its very odd. It doesn't always happen which you'd expect it would.

The first time I ever experinced this taste was when I took 6grams of paracetemol at once. It freaked me out until the codeine kicked in, so I did this many more times before finally realising how fucking dangerous this is. :\

I have just enough drug knowledge to really freak myself out, not quite to offset my fear. You are right, I should get checked out- I've had some stomach and kidney problems before... At some point, yes.

B_D, in what are the doses/formulations in Estonia? Typically, in Aus we have the standard 200mg ibuprofen/12.8mg tablet which is notiously well known. Then we have the lower dose 8mg codeine/500mg paracetemol tablets. Next step is 10/500, and then we have my personal choice, the 15mg/500mg combo. The maximum pack size of any of the paracetemol combo's is 40 tablets, and they've just started restricting purchases by recording your personal details. For that reason, the latter is what I purchase (one pack yields 600mg of codeine which, with my decreasing tolerance, more than enough) though they are more expensive, but one particular brand of these dissolves perfectly within 5 minutes, and filters easily and rapidly, resulting in a cloudy but not completely opaque liquid. For some reason, this particular brand has stronger effects on me than others. This shouldn't really be possible besides placebo.

I quite like discussing codeine. Do you find redosing useful? I always do it because codeine is so short acting. Have you combined it with promethazine? That is certainly interesting and different. My 600mg dose and 10mg of temazepam is the perfect sedating euphoriant.

Babbling, fuck my cold sucks.

Wish codeine were OTC over here.

Got that Dextromethorphan though!
Face is a bit numb. Mouth funny, head hoo.
@swilow: the only OTC formulation we have here is 8/500 mg codeine/paracetamol. The cloudiness is not just paracetamol, but the fine fillers/binders as well. Both me and sekio came to the same conclusion from our tests.

All the centrally-active antihistamines are prescription-only here, so I haven't tried combining. Codeine + benzo is nice. I like mixing it with zopiclone, but also diazepam and nifoxipam.

I usually don't re-dose. Even if I re-dose with the same amount some 6 hours later, there's no rush, and the overall positive effects are diminished (at least subjectively). Feels more like a stoned numbness as opposed to the euphoric giddiness of the first dose. Also, since I'm more of a daily/regular user, even once-a-day dosing leads to pretty severe physical dependence and nasty WD after stopping CT. I've been lowering my tolerance lately, trying to cut down on my use because I was using up to 1-2 g/day (1-2 times one gram dose per day).
Damn. Another of Bluelight's great posters has expired. RIP Jamshyd <3

This has been a fucking terrible few weeks.
Fucking rip. This sucks guys.

I hope you're doing okay swilow.

It's tough stuff.
condolences to all the P&S posters who have lost friends these last few weeks. Heart goes out to you for your loss.
Well, everyone, I had my doctor's appointment today. She wants to set me down in Oxazepam and we eventually agreed I'll go down from 25 to 20 mgs for the next 6 months.

The thing is, I can outfight most doctors, but I thought a better strategy would be to be humble.
Yeah if you try to argue too much they'll probably consider you a drug seeker and it will be worse for you. But anyway, 25 to 20 over 6 months should be fine. After a bit the 20 should work just as well.
Yeah, that sounds like a reasonable and achieveable goal. I wonder what their thinking is though, 5mg drop isn't going to really change much. Still, that's a better outcome than being taken off benzo entirely.
I'm not taking six months to go down to 20...I'm set down 5 from now and she said it will be six months until it would be set down again. Hopefully I've found something else by then.

The situation is that I really need benzos for sleep but they still want to wean me off it.