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The death of warehouse parties and much more...Could melbourne be next?

Here's an idea for a pamphlet:
On the front: "Have you taken 10 pills in one night before?"
On the inside, in BIG writing: "YOU AREN'T COOL!"
Just an idea...
Serotone, I generally tend to think that the few people in the tekno scene that don't take drugs do have a greater appreciation for their music. Don't get me wrong, I know of a lot of dj's and producers that do take drugs and I myself have taken drugs. Why? to stay awake? To provoke emotion that won't be there if there were no drug involved? Everyone has there own reason for doing there own thing. I just wish more people knew about Bluelight because it is a good resource. One recent weekend I walked into a legal warehouse party with two fellow Bluelighters and we walked into the food area. I took one look around and just about everyone was off thier faces. Shameful thing was, most of them were underage. It made me sick. These so-called ravers not having a clue as to what the hell was going on. I don't think that the drugs are the problem, just the people taking them for the wrong reasons.
Ok mr.horse....
Well fer starters i suppose at first glance my alias can be taken in direct reference to mdma, but what it means (to me anyway) is increasing serotonin levels in the brain through music, as tone is related to music. Ppl might think this is dicky, and thats all good, but i don't give a shit coz its what i believe in.
I'm not against drug use. I'm against abuse. Mindless abuse and also the misconception that if u take ridiculous amounts of drugs ppl think ur cooler. And I'm a little concerned also about how mainstram the scene is becoming...yeah ppl mite say okay well who gives a fuck as long as u have fun at the party, but if u've read earlier posts on this thread you would have come accross the point that if it can be seen it can be taken apart....need i say more..
At the end of the day people can fuck themselves up with drugs, I don't really care, its not my problem. What could be a problem, is what is going to happen, if a 15 year old kid dies....
answer that...
drugs are there, they were there from the start, they'll always be there. That's the nature of the scene, u can't dance all night straight, unless ur a marathon runner. I may have come accross a bit sharp in my early posts, but i don't want to lose my scene. Maybe because it'll destroy the chances of young and up and coming artists like myself, but maybe also because it doesn't have to happen.
Just had to clear a few things up.
hehe oh and pssst...
why do u think i started this thread on here and not rdc? (where i used to post heaps)
not dissin anyone but the thread never got far there..
[This message has been edited by [serotone] (edited 26 September 2000).]
fair enough serotone (interesting note about your name!)
I just wanted you to know that this is the wrong place to rant and rave about drug abuse. We all care very deeply about the scene and the music (in case you didnt know, i'm also a musician, I have been studying it now for 7 years, mainly jazz and classical, but also electronic)
But the fact lies, drugs will never go away. As haste has said, education is the key. If we educate the masses (directed through the media) that most of us are responsible drug users (and convince them that there is such a thing) then we are on the right path. Most of the bush-doofs have a very good rep, given by a lot of the big papers (ie, the age on the last earthcore) which is promising. It will be a constant uphill battle, but we must persiveer.
I really admire your commitment to the scene serotone (that goes for you as well nexus) and I agree with your plight. We are simply suggesting ways in which this might happen, thats all.
Anyway, keep on keeping on!
btw serotone, got an icq address?
"In matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity, is the vital thing" - Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest.
[This message has been edited by Mr. Horse (edited 26 September 2000).]
hehe unfortunatley what i say isn't always what i mean..my fault....
Basically..the way i see it, all these people that think the scene is just drugs, obviously are there coz thats what certain media outlets make it out to be....and they come with their ego's and all and think that the more drugs they take the more respected they'll be. Thats what shits me man...
not people who take drugs, because, unless ur just unlucky, u've got less chance of dying on ecstacy than on alcohol, (provided ur responsible, which most people that read this are).
Oh and i saw that article on earthcore, was that the big feature about nye earthcore? I have to say, the age present the scene as it is...which is g00d. I hate the herald sun. I either laugh or cry when i read 'dancing with death' articles in there....haha..
--Fuck the drugs--
--Fuck the clothes--
--Fuck the people--
--Fuck the image--
--There'd be no party if there was no music--
Personally I'm getting a bit sick of all of these warehouse parties.
The few days leading up to PureFlow 5 I was so hyped up about the event. I was basically thinking Yay I love warehouse parties.
Saturday night comes and Funky and I are at PF5. We comment on how nice the place is, ie: clean, nice polished floors (not at all like the docks). Later on in the night however I start to notice something that really has become quite common at big warehouse parties. There's no vibe. Maybe I'm imagining this, but it hasn't just been at 2 tribes and PF5 I've noticed this, the same thing happened at Every Picture 20, and maybe it happened at the Pleazure which was on Queens Birthday (I wasn't at that one.).
Pretty much all I can say is that although I do go for the music, the vibe also effects my impression of the party. I am a responsible drug user, and I know when enough is enough.
So maybe Decimal Dan is right. The death of the big warehouse parties could be a good thing, or on the other hand it might not be. I do know 1 thing for sure though. I won't be going to any big warehouse parties for a while. I prefer to support the smaller crews who I know will put on something good regardless of how much money they're going to make.
Hey Pekkie, how'd you take those words right outta my mouth???

I think of my life as a series of sketches; each one funnier than the last
serotone: you said "u can't dance all night straight, unless ur a marathon runner"
well how would you like to come to one of the next sunny side ups and i'll be happy to show you how it is done.
this attitude is all too common and its false.
im a phat barstard...so i guess I can't dance all nite long hehehehehehe...
pekkie: yes i have to agree...while i wasn't at pf5, from what i saw at rotation 4 and two tribes, the vibe is too 'serious'. Even at the wet party recently, at commecial lounge, if it wasn't for the music, i wouldn't have enjoyed it. I felt the same 'lack of respect for one's space' as i used to when i went to underage metros back in my pre-pubic hair days.
Basically, my opinion is these days, the main vibe at a big party is drugs, because the big parties are the ones everoyne knows about, the media give the public the impression that it's just about drugs, when in fact the drugs just one of the scene's elements(well it used to be), and the general mainstream community come to parties believing that it's just about drugs, thus equalling a fucked up vibe. I know some people have thought this thread to be a load of shit, and good luck to you's. BUt i got fed up a while back at it all, when my presence was questioned at a party because i was straight.
Oh and hehe i know i've already replied with this, but mikeysammy, it was a more a figure of speech. The body isn't designed to dance hard for 15 hours straight. Not when it has a sleep debt of 12 hours+. I'm sure it's possible to dance for a long time straight, I've done it here and there, lately though I can't be fucked...too tired.
school is way to demanding on mah bodaii

have fun..
enj0i da muzac
I agree with lots of things people have said in this thread, everyones got sum good points and generally everyones right about certain aspects.
Ill ad my addition to this topic by saying that im still young as some of u know, and ive been listening to the music since pre-pre pubic hair days, and ive been involved in the music deeply, listening, creating blah blah for most of that time,
hmm..oh yeah,
what i was saying was that i havent been goin to parties as long as many of you had so i cant comment on what the "good old days" were like but as i said i go to hear the music as my first priority, which is why i started going in the first place and im not all that interested in takin drugs cus im fit (heh heh, u lazy kunt serotone
) and also it doesnt bother me if everyone around me is taking drugs or whatever as long as everyones havin a good time with nice smiles on their faces for whatever reason. But what makes me sad is when im there enjoying myself and everyones having fun but then i look next to me (this is what happened at a recent "event") and theres a guy whos clearly taken too much of whatever he was takin and is sittin there slumped against the wall with a really mean look on his face, scary shit in fact. And its worse when u go to a party and theres people who normally wouldnt be caught dead listening to that kind of music (also people who bag it normally) but are there just to get fukt cus its an acceptable place to do it.
Basically, people who shouldnt be at these places are coming because its a safe haven to get fukt on drugs and get away with it.
(um.. the bluelight stall would be a good idea but i say if they wanna get fukt up to look good then let em o.d., cus if thats the way they think, they shouldnt be there doing it in the first place)
Im not refering to the many responsible users here on bluelight, but to the people that come to pretend they're ravers cus they get extremely fuked up on drugs and go round telling everybody about it and giving everyone else a bad name. Especially all the young people, most of em are just doing it to be "kool" and have no klue what theyre doing.
Im young as well but i can see what all of u older guys are talkin about cus when im at a party im straight and when ure straight u really see what goes on.
U see all the happy responsible users who make you feel welcome and who apreciate everything that goes on, who like the vibe and the music and are generally fun people but you also see the people who are ruining everything for all u "older" peeps and for people like me who want to keep the good atmosphear of the "scene" alive by pumping all of u full of good hard music.
I think Serotone might be thinkin what im thinking but i dont know what he's thinking so i cant say but if u know what im tryin to say than its k00l.
Anyways, the topic was the death of warehouse parties so ill finish this off by sayin that i dont give a fuk where parties are held, in warehouses, clubs, bushes, churches, abandoned police stations in the city or whatever, as long as theres no dumb fuks who spoil it for the rest of us just cus theyre tryin to be k00l.
If i have offended anyone its nothing personal or intentional and hopefully you can understand my point of view,
And also i cant remember what i wrote up there and its too long to chek over it so if ive written anything stoopid in the heat of the moment let me know please and ill correct myself if its just a mistake.
Let the Bass KIK
fucken werd komplex! totally agree.
wish I had thought of it earlier

its the people who use parties and clubs as a haven to take drugs that are ruining the scene. They are the dumb fucks that are spoiling it for us. I can respect that they may not like the music, or do like to take a lot of drugs, but why cant they do it at thier place? Its like these bloody bullies coming to play on our play equipment.
hmm, i'm too stoned to be ranting and raving, but beware, I'm gonna do a hella post soon
wh0rd komplex

I think the problem stems from the idea that there are certain 'rules' one must follow to fit the 'raver' stereotype in some peoples eyes. I never thought much about this, and it might be a little O.T, but, we all know about PLUR and what it's supposed to represent, however a lot of the people who preach it aren't very 'individual'. Why you might ask? Well, what does U stand for? Unity, which i take to mean you be yourself, who you are, and you'll be accepted. Why is it then, that majority of people who attend parties deem it necessary to wear so called 'wonky wear'. Not that i'm against it, it's just a question i've been pondering on. Like...it don't make sense. Here we are talking about people who don't belong in the scene, yet we are treading all over the sacred PLUR. Personally i think it's a load of shit to be honest with you. I mean I'm not a rude prick at parties, i'm a happy chappy and i love meeting new people and all that, but i think PLUR is just a front for drug-fucked-edness.
Hmm, *looks at his watch*. Sorry I'm tired as fuck as this post probably dont' even make sense ill check it again tommorow morning when i wake up. OO OO OO brunny st.
yum see yaz there
being involved with the organisation of small warehouse parties myself, i find this discussion very interesting. it helps alot see the general opinion of people in the scene, and assists in choosing the right path for future projects.
i think the major problem most people are facing, is finding their appropriate scene, or community to apreaciate. i've found the melbourne scene is subdivided into many smaller groups. ex, rdc/smilepolice, gatecrasher/hk, dnb crowd, acid/techno crowd, etc etc.
I personally pay no attention to gatecrasher, trade, and the like because it doesnt interest me. i wouldnt even consider the docklands a warehouse venue these days, because its so overused. It's a different scene. dont get me wrong, diversity is good, but in general, i dont enjoy myself as much at these types of events.
i think the key to keeping parties safe, and away from the media, is to make sure the apropriate crowds are attending the apropriate parties, like you say, someone into the club scene, metro, qbh etc, really isnt going to find great interest at a wetmusik event, and theyre going for the wrong reasons, they wont have the respect that they should, and wont be as careful.
look out for a system my group will be trying out in the near future, rather than doing regular promotions, we'll have the truely interested party goers approach us for a freely available 'pass-in'. word will spread as usual, but only the people seriously into our parties will track down the pass-in's. there are some other issues to consider, but i wont go into them here.
"Good people and good music make a great party"
Everything has been said.
Another thing I have noticed though: Overage gigs tend to have a better vibe than all-age gigs. Don't get my wrong - I got nothing against responsible underage drug users. But the majority of underage people are just too YOUNG to be doing this shit! When I was 14-16, I was at the bowling alley and the cinemas most weekends doing things that young people should be doing.
YOUNG people's brains are just not MATURE enough to understand the social interaction that SHOULD accompany the use of drugs. They are only doing it due to peer pressure or to look good. They are going through pubity - one of the cuntiest times of life. They shouldn't be taking mind-altering substances while in this phase. What's going to happen when they grow up? They'll have done everything by the time they are 18, and they'll be bored of it! They'll also figure out that they have missed out on their childhood.
So sorry guys. Parties should be 18+. This isn't discrimination. This is COMMON SENSE.
Let the flaming begin...
you asked for it Dan

this has already been discussed in another thread but I will give it to you from my point of view.
Took my first eckie last year in November (I was 17 and 2 months) and I liked it (but not hugely because it was a speedy pill) then this year, jan the 5th I had my fist MDMA bickie and I loved it. But I have been hella responsible all fecken year. There have been times when I have wanted to let my hair down and go nutz but I have kept in control which I can say a lot of other people havent (who are a lot older than me!)
Bluelight has been the reason I have tried so many drugs. But bluelight is responsible for teaching me how to take them as well.
I didnt get into the party scene really until mid this year. I really only liked listening to the music at home and rolling with friends at home, but I have got into it a little now.
I can see what you are saying. LOL at "puberty is one of the cuntiest times in ur life" absolutely. I hate it, it has been fucken tragic as, but you have met me, I'm not a drug fucked kid whos life is going to be over by 20. I believe there are HEAPS of things I havent done which still interest me. Havent been to a SSU, havent been to a bush doof, havent rolled during the day, havent tripped during the day. All these things I cant wait to go to/try. And once I get bored (which is inevitable) then I will move on and do something else, but until then (or at least after the exams) I am gonna go a little crazy. Hell, I fucken deserve it after this year!
I have met my fair share of 18+ dickheads who wouldn't know how to poke themselves in the eye let alone be responsible with drugs. EDUCATION is the key. Support the Bluelight Stall and maybe we can change people's attitude - oh ok it was a shameless plug

Careful with that axe Eugene....
Horse: Maybe I should I have said "some" younger peeps. Myself? I was aged 20 when I was 13. So even if I started taking drugs early, my personality would have stopped me from doing stupid things anyway. It mostly depends on personalities. I just find that an older crowd tends to do more of the "interaction" thing than a younger crowd does. And I find myself more at home with an older crowd. (Even if there is the odd drunk dickhead...)
Haste: Enough of the plugs! Especially the butt ones! It's really starting to hurt now!

O.. K.. ahh, dan, i think i will choose not to comment on your last comment in the above post... because im pretty sure i took it the right way - just be careful what you say that could possibly incriminate you directly or indirectly.. cause i think some people might take that the wrong way..
anyway.. i'd like to reiterate my opinion on the topic of age, which i laid out in some other thread around here somewhere - i'll go find it at some later point -
age is not a factor. there are smart teenagers out there that know what they are doing and are there for a good time without the fucked attitude and with good intentions in mind, and there are also a lot of adults that go out partying and cause a lot of trouble, arent really into the music, are being irresponsible, and are ruining it for everyone else.
so dont generalise! its not going to get us anywhere!
who - told you - you could do it - like this - you cant do it like this - what who told you you could do it - like this - you cant do it like this