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The death of warehouse parties and much more...Could melbourne be next?

dont have much to add, just wanted to have the 100th post

bring on the spam!
I don't have much to add either - just wanted to use my 1000th post!! woooohooooo

Careful with that axe Eugene....
Ahh, moderators doing the right thing and showing the people what not to do... Gotta love it.
I was right tho wasn't I? You guys are just showing that we shouldn't spam right? That we shouldn't post when we have nothing constructive to add yeah? And your next post was gonna point to the above one saying "don't do that, it's naughty!" right?
...Thought so...

On a side note, you seem to be getting the first post of a new page in a lot of threads lately Horsey... What's your secret?
Accept that some days you are the pigeon and some days the statue.
[This message has been edited by Tarsarlan (edited 06 October 2000).]
just pushing the point of how we need a social forum

Careful with that axe Eugene....
muahahahaha *cough* *splutter*

nice bump though.
Re: media interest in 'raves' ...
I've only read about the first 1/4 of this thread, so perhaps this has been mentioned, but I was interested to see someone comment that the media are interested in what could be percieved as a 'big deal', eg "10,000 people at a warehouse rave" (I'm paraphrasing, but you get the picture)..
This jogged my memory about a weird occurrence about 2.5 years ago - who else remembers (like you could forget) 'Freedom' in the Alexandra Gardens , around April 1999?
That party was fucking amazing in terms of scale - ok, I was a little sleep deprived/wasted, but even so I'd still argue that there must have been at _least_ 10,000 people, if not a LOT more, turned out for that event. The Alexandra Gardens were _way_ more packed than you ever see them during moomba... so where the hell was the media??
My guess is that if 10,000+ jehovah's witnesses/[insert other 'minority' group of choice here] were to take over the banks of the yarra for a day, it'd be big news. _But_ - 10,000+ 'ravers' do the same thing, and there's no mention of it anywhere. I assume that the reason for this was that any photographs/footage they may have acquired would simply have shown a whole shitload of 'young people' having an _awesome_ time.. this wouldn't have served the media's "raving is evil" agenda very well, so no mention was made of it. However, if a couple of people had been decent enough to OD/die at this party, it would have been front page news ("Massive drug & dance orgy on Melbourne waterfront claims our youth!") .. sucks, eh? Kinda makes me wonder if any positive attention will ever be given to this 'scene' by the mainstream media..
Anyone else out there with me on the media conspiracy regarding the Freedom party? I'd forgotten all about it until I came across this thread..

Today a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration... that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively - there's no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves.. here's Tom with the weather!
nice to go back and look at this thread.
Well, i think that warehouse parties are quite dead in melbourne, Good prediction aijey.
-When the lights are out, all woman are beautiful-
i started in this scene about 4.5 years ago when a friend of mine dragged me out to kryal for a party. i don't remember what. but it was fun.
since then, being underage until 1999, i have been going to things like pleasure and every picture. i have been collecting "electronic" music cds and just loving the music.
once i turned 18 i started going to just about every party i could.
all of this i have been doing without drugs. up until the past summer, 2000/2001. a friend always dropped, so i decided it was time to try what everyone had been talking about. i used to just go for the music, cos i loved it so much.
after the summer holidays, dropping twice, i stopped taking drugs.
when i went to wild things 3 i heard nexus's set and it had me in tears and on my knees, i am not joking. i was completely straight. it was this moving feeling from just the music and the company that reminded me that i was really in the scene for the music.
during the past couple of weeks i have been without one of my closest friends. and for the first party i didn't take anything. and didn't have a great time, maybe it was the music, or the lack of company.
the next party: belfast, i decided to drop. i had a great night. it was the first time i met a lot of bluelighters. i am not sure, but i think that even without taking a pill that night i would have had a great time. the musik was all the stuff that i used to listen to. it was really wierd, not being in a wherehouse. (i used to sneak in with fake id) but the musik was still great.
depth charge came around: the club sucked big time, sorry guys but it did. the musik wasnt' great, and i had dropped again. but this time, i didn't have that great a night. until ferris played. that was a great set.
from this experience i think that for me the music is more of a measure of how good the night is, not what pill i take.
what i think i am saying, is that for me, and this is not to flame anyone elses opinion,
first: the music is what makes the night.
second: is the company
third: the location
and finally drugs, if taken.
i miss being able to go to warehouses, cos they were dark and mysterious and fun. it added to the feel of it being hidden from the "real" people. if i were able i would build or buy a wharehouse somewhere so i could set up a party there. but i think that is in the future.
hints for people:
go to the parties for your own reasons.
if you aren't enjoying them, find another party. i did (left sunny to go to NRG4)
if you don't like the people, ignore them. it's not that hard
"if the comedown outwieghs the good times, it's time to stop" and if the parties are a comedown for you, then don't go.
i think it will take me a long time to become "jaded" so:
See you at the next one
Dancing is the perpendicular reenactment of the horizontal desire
Freedom's official figure was just over 3000 people. According to Billy anyway....
Funnily enough, after doing some preparation for a nice warehouse party that will hopefully be going forth in the near future, it ISN'T too hard to put on one. Provided you come across professional when you go to get your permit and liability (and u need to knwo where to look), and also come accross professional also when you approach a venue owner. Some venue owners don't want a bar of a 'rave', some do. Some try to stitch you, some realise the long term benefits of maintaining a good professional business relationship with promoters. Basically at the end of the day if you are dedicated and put in the effort, it isn't impossible to put on a warehouse party. It may have been easier 7 years ago, but its so easy to stroll into a club, pay them a bit off the door, hang up some decor, and play music. Its cheating though, because your skipping the fun part, the part about transforming an empty shell into a 'playground' that everyone will hopefully have cherished memories of for the rest of their lives. And as for the media, blah they just like a good story to headline with. They want their stories to have an effect on peoples lives. Why report on a little intimate 2000 people party, when a 4 page spread about 'the two tribes all night dance/drug party' would definetly be a cause for concern with parents. Just having seen better living through circuitry for the first time last week, its good knowing that the things that have been goign through my head about the topic are actually spoken about in teh documentary. My strongest point, and the reason i hate sensationalism is that a rave is dressed up by journalists to look like a dirty, dangerous place 'injecting room'. Lasers are there to intensify the drugs (they are a beautiful thing to watch, i'm sure they look good on drugs but thats the whole point of drugs though isn't it? To make things appear better than they are?) Supoer large sound systems that can be heard for kilometres (air brakes on a truck 1 k away on hume hwy make my window frames vibrate at 2am too, but thats okay isn't it)
people dance all night on drugs (better than lying wasted on russel st with a syringe hanging out their arm).....
I dunno you can go on forever with this shit. It definetly is becoming a lot cooler to be a 'raver' though. you see more and more egotistical wankers (ie wogs/muzzahs/whatever) that know fuck all about music, etiquette, respect and other things at parties, but i'm sure the one thing they can tell you about is the drugs they've just had....
Hopefully, like reebok pumps, sideways caps, acid wash jeans, and big brother, being a 'raver' is just a fad for these people, and they'll move on to something else once they've grown up........leaving us a nice, ripe scene to go out and enjoy alllll to ourselves...
Good to see my nice little piece of handiwork has been dug up out of the dirt. Nice work fellas.
By the way, before someone mentions Altona, thats not a warehouse. Thats an overused venue that might as well be a club, as it is relatively easy to get the place......
Bring on the new warehouses!

ACtually lets have a vote, what suburb do you guys think would be ideal for a warehouse event?