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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Y.O.L.O. - "You Only Love Octagons" Come back Sam!

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idk really man I just got into it recently but im sure there is. there's a lot of people
I didn't know if PA was like KY. I feel like I am the MDMA scene here. Blegh
people actually call the middle of PA Pennsyltucky because its basically like Kentucky.
people in ohio call everything south and east of the ohio river pensyltucky. except west virginian...that's west by-god virginia =D
I just saw this posted on fb. you're welcome for the laugh.


Molly has been a common drug lately & everyone is trying it. Pop 1 and your sweating? Let me explain why your sweating: Molly is a drug made up of cocaine, crack, ecstasy, meth & bath salt. It slows your heart rate 10x the normal limit & reeks havoc on your immune system with just one pill. Take two & it damages your brain without you even being able realize it. It becomes an addiction & soon a cry for help. By the fifth one you take, it starts killing your organs & preventing them from functioning as normal. It increases your chance of stroke & heart attack and can cause your lungs to stop functioning all together! It is a very powerful & VERY DANGEROUS drug! More harmful than crack itself. Many rappers are promoting it to involve young people in the manufacturing, selling, and usage of the drug. Spread the word to save lives of young people across the country! Show them the truth so they can make an informed & smart decision if they're ever offered it.
who wrote that?

soounds like something out of the DARE hand book. I hope you politely explained to them why they are dumb as dog shit
My cousin shared it with me. It's either a joke or the person who wrote it is missing a few chromosomes.
was it everything you hoped it could be?

I watched a girl snort plastic "dust"...before I could even open my mouth to stop her.

we used a serated knife to saw a bic pen in 2 to make snorting straws for a K party we had. the dust was on the counter...looked alot like K :\
M.A.N.D.Y. January 2013 mix

1. Fabio Gianelli - "Maintain", M.A.N.D.Y. Remix (Get Physical)
2. Tim Green "Just People" (unreleased)
3. X (unreleased)
4. Alexis Raphael "Brickwall", Marc Houle Remix (Heidi pres. Jackathon)
5. Simon Baker "Hideout", Thermalbear Remix (Last Night On Earth)
6. The Draughtsman"Cocdicil", Roman Flügel Remix (Marketing Music)
7. Matthias Voigt "Copying the future", DJ Le Roi Remix (Polytone)
8. X unreleased
9. Nicolas Duvoisin "Now you sing" (Foundsound)
10. Dave Aju "Caller 7", Seth & Subb-an Remix (Circus)
11. Clayton Steele "Passion", DJ T. Remix (Nr.19)
12. Re.You "Insanity" (Souvenir)
13. M.A.N.D.Y. "Twisted Sister" (Get Physical)
Last night was an adventure, went to a friends house and took a few hits out of the vape. Grabbed a few beers and on the way to the bar my friends finds a xanax he lost like 3 months ago lol. We proceed to have a few beers each. Later we crush the bar and split it 3 ways. Rolled a blunt cruised it and went back to the vape. I never tried this combo before, and boy was i not disappointed. Fuck I couldn't even speak lol!
I cant really give you a high five for driving around drunk, on xanax, and smoking a blunt


I drive fucked up a lot but never when alc is involved
After a looong break I'll be having a date with Ms. Diana Molly Anderson soon.
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