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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Y.O.L.O. - "You Only Love Octagons" Come back Sam!

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Slang is allowed in the social thread, I have decided :p Yea it's mephedrone, buzzing my nut. Going cross eyed well hard to type. Soooo fiendish, easily 6g between the three of us. If aint that strong so been doing massive lines
Is it almost that time of the morning to start bringing out the bottom righters?

Hope your having a good one, im 16 hours deep into my assignment.

Soooo fiendish, easily 6g between the three of us.

Which is why I should probably stay away from it haha...

Hope you have a good time, just hope you don't go too crazy ;)

I haven't rolled in fucking 6 months and will be next Friday, can't fucking wait! It's probably going to be the most mental night of my life lol
Which is why I should probably stay away from it haha...

Hope you have a good time, just hope you don't go too crazy ;)

I haven't rolled in fucking 6 months and will be next Friday, can't fucking wait! It's probably going to be the most mental night of my life lol

Yea I fiend on all drugs really, I never wana come down, but mephedrone is the worst. Feel like utter shit as soon as you aint high anymore. I've done so much im not even really feeling it anymore no matter how much I put up my nose.
Yea I fiend on all drugs really, I never wana come down, but mephedrone is the worst. Feel like utter shit as soon as you aint high anymore. I've done so much im not even really feeling it anymore no matter how much I put up my nose.

I think the worst is when you can smell it coming out of your skin in the shower and on your clothes the next day/days :| Mcat also gives me really bad vasoconstriction I dont know why, when it was legal and we where getting the 99.8% pure stuff at like £3/g it was mental and every single person in the whole country was on it, long gone now though a lot of it seems cut to shit. Its the closest to MDMA though out of any other RC...
I think the worst is when you can smell it coming out of your skin in the shower and on your clothes the next day/days :| Mcat also gives me really bad vasoconstriction I dont know why, when it was legal and we where getting the 99.8% pure stuff at like £*Snip*/g it was mental and every single person in the whole country was on it, long gone now though a lot of it seems cut to shit. Its the closest to MDMA though out of any other RC...

I dont think its like anything like MDMA other than the cracked out feeling you get when you do over a gram of it. Its cheap and cheerful stuff with a nasty hangover (for me). But it's all we could get. £*SNIP* a quarter Oz could get a quarter oz of decent md. But guy doesnt have any, hasnt for a couple weeks!

EDIT: Edited out prices, didnt even think lol. Man I was fucked up last night big time
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A mod with price disscusion?...I thought that was a rule or some shit...could be wrong though
Hey, he's a cracked out moderator on a comedown. We should give the guy a break, or some Ketamine.... =D
Lol edited my posts. We are human as well, I was so fucked up last night :eek: Comedown Sunday initiated.
Friday was fun, went to a Mexican bar with a few friends let tequila fuck me up. Went back to a friends house smoked a few g's. Not a bad night. Saturday was a shit show went bar hopping some more in sleet lol I'm lucky I didn't slip and break a hip.
So, this might surprise you guys lol.... Folley is acually preloading!

Nothing much, I've just been taking L-Trytophan and an amino acid blend that is in my protein powder but who knows maybe it will make some difference. Not really expecting anything but maybe a lighter comedown though lol, I haven't rolled for 6 months so it's not like I need more serotonin or anything :p
So, this might surprise you guys lol.... Folley is acually preloading!

Nothing much, I've just been taking L-Trytophan and an amino acid blend that is in my protein powder but who knows maybe it will make some difference. Not really expecting anything but maybe a lighter comedown though lol, I haven't rolled for 6 months so it's not like I need more serotonin or anything :p

I'm still debating if I should go all out for a show on the 25th. I really want to because the venue is amazing, last time I did MDMA was around the 18th Dec and I did 250-300mg in a bomb. I'm sitting on a nice amount of Nintendo's and all my friends will be doing them so I really want to `feel the love` and have an awesome night.

So I ordered this sexy piece of gear the other day. On back order so it will take a while to get here but still stoked!

Wish I had the funds for a proper CDJ set up but I don't and there are more important things in my future right now than spending every penny I earn on gear.

Once I get my DDJ SX I can start doing some gigs for the promotion company I somehow got involved with so that should be fun. Also got to play with some CDJ 900's the other day, was a blast! :D

What have you guys been up to?
Looking forward to next weekend!


Lol, tasty, heehee. On another note, I thought when I first started rolling that it would be a great way to get with women...starting to think I was waaay wrong. Thinking i'll save it for doing it with close friends + family from now on.

Dropped 1 whole (c) blue ghost 2 nights ago when it was just me and my brother there (very nice, btw), then my mum and other brother came over to visit, she didn't suspect...even when she was talking to one of them an I had my arm around the other brother and was telling him I love him and kissing his cheek while he was laughing =). Didn't re-dose but had a fun night.
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