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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Put your pretty lights in my face

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Xanax works as quickly as alcohol for me, so I never even considered snorting it lol...
Hahahaha good point.

So this morning i had a very very strange experience while sleeping. I woke up on time for work yet my ride didnt show up, so i had 2hrs before break when someone could pick me up. Went to sleep and started dreaming, i was aware i was dreaming because the guy who normally picks me up just showed up in my house and i "woke up" and tried to speak to him yet i couldnt do it, mouth would move but i couldnt make any words, no sounds, nothing. Tried to move but all i could do was sit up and had to shake my legs to get them to work. After that i had fallen "asleep" (still dreaming mind you) and i had an alarm set on my phone to get me up when it was time to get ready. Turned it off atleast 5 seperate times when i heard it while dreaming. The final time i awoke to it, exactly when it was supposed to go off. Yet in the dream when i turned it off the time was 30min ahead of when i actually woke up. All i could think of for the first situation is that i had "dream paralysis" the other situation i cant even explain.
Happens to me every day in the following weeks of a high dose shroom trip
Thing is i havnt tripped in a while.

Only possible explanation is that i took ONE res hit out of my pipe which i smoked dmt through a while ago. But the pipe isnt that dirty and didnt really even get a hit off of it.
I made this kickass 5-layer dip for my lunch break, and I'm not even hungry enough for it now. How is candy this filling??
I don't know who was asking but don't sniff xanax, it doesn't even reach its full potential (not sure if that's what the word I'm looking for). I popped in to say I love the title. Good day all.
Why do i not believe this?

Also, gettin some zanny tonight, whats a good dose if i want to just be outta it....PERIOD. Like gone gone. Ill have 4mg so what....2?

.5 mg gives a great buzz without any tolerance. 1 mg is perfect to start if you wanna get fucked up. follow up with another 1 mg about 4 hours later, and another mg another 4, and so forth :)

I wouldn't snort it though. Too much filler. very little drugs. Just take it on an empty stomach mayne :)
With no tolerance don't take 4 mgs. Tolerance is a huge part of dosage. A person with a tolerance can take 5-6 mgs and be less 'messed up' than a person with no tolerance on 1 mg. It's a weird drug like that. I would take 2 mgs with no tolerance and you should be feeling good. 4 mgs you won't remember anything. Also, you will probably feel the urge to just take the rest of the xanax (at least it always happened to me), try to hold off. The reward from taking more usually isn't worth it. Drink a FEW beers to get a better buzz.
I don't know who was asking but don't sniff xanax, it doesn't even reach its full potential (not sure if that's what the word I'm looking for). I popped in to say I love the title. Good day all.

sniffing lorazepam was pretty fun, a little overwhelming after like 15 min cause it hit me all at once, but it was fucking funny at first, cause when u snort a line of fine grained white powder, you're expecting quite the rush (at least i do lol). However, i was immediately like "ahhhhh" and melted into my chair.

i've heard the call of the thread, here u go
^ this. beers and 2 mg ftw. I would not surpass the 2 mg mark as the beers taste very very good and refreshing for the dry mouth the xanax causes. In fact 1 mg and a few beers would probably do! xanax is a dangerous drug in high doses IMO/IME. You can black out and do something that could land you in prison.. I think it's more dangerous than alcohol in this sense because you can be blacked out and still walking/talking, where usually with that much alcohol you might vomit/pass out, xanax doesn't cause the same alcohol sickness from taking too much. Instead you could actively engage in crime and not remember a thing (this includes something serious like killing somebody for all you know... blacking out is scary...)
Xanax makes me produce more saliva...hmm.

And x2 for drinking a beer or two instead of redosing over and over. If alcohol is involved, limit the zannies and don't bring extra with you.

I have a prescription for it, so unfortunately I always have more around, and it's so easy to keep on taking them when I drink....Then there goes a whole chunk of the night, never to be remembered. =P
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