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The Cuddle Puddle vers. "Dude, can't handle it unplug this bastard"

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^ lol right? I watched it again but replaced "ecstasy" with meth and it actually made a LOT more sense
Just watched that trailer =D

Might try and get the film, looks like there might be a bit of tit in it.

I actually watched most of that film. They made a film of Irvine Welsh's book Ecstasy. I tried to download it, ended up with that one by accident. Got about halfway through it thinking "This is fuck all like the book!" then realised it was the wrong film haha.

That trailer should be an advert for ED. Executive Producer: Folley.

Thats called harm reduction my friend. I fought and died to watch that sort of shit right there.

i watched that trailer and think its a pretty accurate representation of what happens if you take ecstasy if your female.....

pop a pill, get raped, have a breakdown, go for a brain scan (will probably find holes in the brain as per the US's totally fabricated antidrug propaganda from the late 90's/00's), get shouted at by your mother then get hit by a truck.

^ happens all the time like that
Lol europeans in the cuddle puddle


is that a forced-air style vape? or do you have to pull on your tube for 30+ seconds (at least) to get a decent hit?
That trailer should be an advert for ED. Executive Producer: Folley.

Are you fucking dense? Yeah, me telling people to wait a month in between MDMA uses is EXACTLY like that movie.

Go home. This is a HARM REDUCTION site, if you think I'm going to stop giving people HARM REDUCTION advice, you're fucking crazy.
You guys, I have two raves coming up a day apart, and I would like to be intoxicated on both hehe... I was planning on doing some mxe the first and mdma the second. However I can't seem to find anything about interaction from the two. Will it dim my roll the next day?
^ MXE is an NRI I believe, so it's bad to combine the two... some people even say it can lead to complications like Serotonin Syndrome (but it's not SS), but many others have done the combo in the same night and been just fine...... so no one really knows.

I would always roll first though, that way you can be SURE your roll will be the best as possible. A waste of MXE is no big deal.. but a wasted roll is one of the worst things ever :(
Personally I would say that's fine, but i'd advise a 3 month break.

MDMA 2 days in a row is a waste, it won;t work properly the next day.
Well I ment both raves not both chemicals at the same time, I was planning on doing just mxe the first night. It's a really good party drug for me so it'll be a blast, then do mdma the next day, but I tend to still feel the dissociation a bit the next day so I'm not sure if it will diminish the roll
Well I ment both raves not both chemicals at the same time, I was planning on doing just mxe the first night. It's a really good party drug for me so it'll be a blast, then do mdma the next day, but I tend to still feel the dissociation a bit the next day so I'm not sure if it will diminish the roll

I believe it's the NRI effect that gives you that lasting anti-depressant type effect I believe, so if you still feel that on the next day it's pretty likely the two would interact in some way...

You sure you couldn't just switch the nights around? Roll first then MXE the next night? Should be no problems there.
Well the first night is trance which suits mxe much better tbh, the second night is full on dark techno which = MDMA for me... so yeah. I'm not going all out with the MXE though, something like 35 mg's tops.
Think we need to sort out this forum. Gonna speak with admin and see what we can do with the layout here.

The same threads everyday is just getting tiresome; can people not read?
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