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The Cuddle Puddle vers. "Dude, can't handle it unplug this bastard"

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Do we need to turn this thread into a Philosophy A Level Class? :p

Positive thinking Sam, your own brain and mindframe is key to happiness :) One day you've got to say "fuck it" and make a change for yourself. Not changing and staying sad isn't a long term option bruvva.

This good post stutter

Folley made me soo jelly, like what dah fuk, send me some wax and edibles through FedEx
Come up here December 8th and you can buy some yourself ;)

Dude, seriously though I think Washington may have the best growers in the world. We're all fucking potheads up here, and the weather isn't good enough to grow large amounts outdoors so our growers have been mastering the indoor grow since like the 70s... I know people that are like 40+ and have been growing since they were like 18, and most of them do it legally now with Medical Marijuana
I have the strange ability to drink just about any kind of booze placed in front of me while tripping on L.

Hell i drank black ass coffee and filled that bitch up with jack daniels at a party one night and i thought it was the greatest thing ever....everyone else who tried it did not seem to think so hahaha

Oh, and anyone from the midwest participating in the event happening for a whole weekend in january here in wisco????? Gunna be a good time :D
Smelly urine, does anyone experience a foul smelling piss for the next few days after rolling. For me the first morning after is the worst, it smells so bad I could gag and its dark (due to dehydration) but the bad smell is a bit eerie. Thoughts?

Kidney strain can become severe during heavy stimulant use. My thoughts are that your dosing, overheating and dehydration are to the point of no longer being safe.

Does your urine smell like ammonia?

There can be other factors, I would research a little into kidney disease and conditions. Stay alive :)
My urine almost smells sweet after rolling haha.

Gotta go chiropractor they think it's a trapped nerve. So much fucking pain man since 11:30 this morning too. From my shoulder blade through to my chest hurts when I fucking breathe.
To awnser to the reply's a page back, let me make this clear that if you believe in "something" that controlls the chaos, I totally respect that. Folley, I thought you meant "god" god when you mentioned it. Like from the bible. I am aiming at the catholics, the musslims, those people who follow a book written a LONG LONG time ago by the letter.

Disrespectful or not, in my opinion the culture has hold back science, progress and explorations of our enviroment for many years. Let me point out the fact that we have to travel more then a million years to travel only the smallest distance in our galaxy, which is, enormous and is surrounded by many more enormous galaxy's? You and I, we are a tiny dot naked to the eye in the big scheme of things, smaller then bacteria are to us, I don't understand where people get the idea that they are so important that some super natural being is watching over them. Again no offence Folley :)

In my head life is harsh, things happen for no reason and it's your job to increase your chances of finding happiness in this ever changing chaos, until you dissapear into nothingness, and in about 100-200 years (which is 1-2 seconds on the grand scale) you are forgotten by everyone, gone. Most people find this depressing I've noticed, but I find that this lack of meaning gives me the feeling of liberation. It allows me to focus on one thing, YOU are living your life, it's YOU who needs to be happy, before you know it you're gone and you have lived your life for others with nothing to show for, so do what you really WANT to, not what you HAVE to and enjoy the company of those you love :).

That was my last philosophy post lol.
any o you guyz done some nice drugz today?
In my head life is harsh, things happen for no reason and it's your job to increase your chances of finding happiness in this ever changing chaos, until you dissapear into nothingness, and in about 100-200 years (which is 1-2 seconds on the grand scale) you are forgotten by everyone, gone. Most people find this depressing I've noticed, but I find that this lack of meaning gives me the feeling of liberation. It allows me to focus on one thing, YOU are living your life, it's YOU who needs to be happy, before you know it you're gone and you have lived your life for others with nothing to show for, so do what you really WANT to, not what you HAVE to and enjoy the company of those you love :).

In other words YOLOOOOOOOO
Pretty much Chesh,

A nice post by Dezz anyhow though, lots of thought and meaning into it.
Disrespectful or not, in my opinion the culture has hold back science, progress and explorations of our enviroment for many years. Let me point out the fact that we have to travel more then a million years to travel only the smallest distance in our galaxy, which is, enormous and is surrounded by many more enormous galaxy's? You and I, we are a tiny dot naked to the eye in the big scheme of things, smaller then bacteria are to us, I don't understand where people get the idea that they are so important that some super natural being is watching over them. Again no offence Folley :)

Well, who do you think made all those galaxies ;) I don't believe in coincidence, especially not one that could lead to something so EXTREMELY complex as life itself..

Please though, don't confuse religion with spirituality. I can be extremely spiritual, but hate every religion that is around today... and I do. Religion is holding us back, you're right. If your "religion" tries to deny scientific fact like evolution and Climate change.... well, it's no longer really a religion. More of an institution that tells you how to live your life.

Personally, I like to believe life has a bit more purpose than to live for a short time and die, never to be seen again. I believe as humans, we will eventually be judged by our actions. I mean, if people were able to just get away with staging things like 9/11 or worldwide genocides and nothing happened to them, I really don't think I could go on living. Humans are stupid and evil creatures, I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that we could be the highest authority in life.... there has to be something more.
Well, who do you think made all those galaxies ;) I don't believe in coincidence, especially not one that could lead to something so EXTREMELY complex as life itself..

But then there's the issue of the creator, which must be far more complex than the universe itself.

And if you say "The creator is eternal and has existed for eternity" then why can't the universe do the same thing? I reckon the universe has existed forever in a constant cycle of expansion and contraction (hence the big bang).

Sorry just had to chime in.
Well, how do we KNOW that this universe is even real?

Maybe we've been living in virtual reality chambers our entire lives and we're really just the play thing of some mad scientist ;) As humans though, we can never fully understand this shit. We can do plenty to try and make sense of it, but we can't even know if we're right lol. We simply can't wrap our head around what could exist before anything came into existence, or how it got there in the first place...... all we can do is guess and try to make our lives make as much sense as possible when we are constantly surrounded by the confusion and chaos that distracts us from the real answers.
Well, how do we KNOW that this universe is even real?

Maybe we've been living in virtual reality chambers our entire lives and we're really just the play thing of some mad scientist ;) As humans though, we can never fully understand this shit. We can do plenty to try and make sense of it, but we can't even know if we're right lol. We simply can't wrap our head around what could exist before anything came into existence, or how it got there in the first place...... all we can do is guess and try to make our lives make as much sense as possible when we are constantly surrounded by the confusion and chaos that distracts us from the real answers.

But wouldn't this mean the universe was real if we were infact in a virtual reality chamber of some mad scientist Folley? :)
Well, how do we KNOW that this universe is even real?

We don't KNOW anything.

We don't even know we exist, because our concept of existing may be incorrect.

But I think it's best to bring in Occam's razor when a discussion starts going like this.
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