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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Dead snakes and long breaks

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n2n: I get small break outs after MD as well, usually a few on the face or chest. I've put it down to my body's immune system being weak and the profuse sweating from dancing :)

I went to Defqon.1 AU last weekend and got on MDMA+2cb at sunset- like with any trip, it's difficult to communicate with words...

The raw hard dance music, hot sensations from the flames on stage, cool water being sprayed on the crowd from the stage and the cool breeze created a very unique positive trip experience for me, it opened my eyes a lot and made me feel like my body had an extra sense that I didn't know existed. FUCK it was awesome!

During the sets of Frontliner and Gunz 4 Hire, I had such strong feelings deep inside of evil, I know that sounds stupid but that's the best way I can describe it. When one favourite tracks came on it lifted me onto a level of euphoria I've never experienced before, my girlfriend says I kept moaning like I was having an orgasm and kept yelling out things like "YEAHHH DEFQON" "OMG" "WWWAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

I wish I had better words to portray my experience, BEST festival + drug experience ever! I love Defqon.

Yeah I usually get an increase in acne as well after dosing mdma. Like 5000m said above my reasoning behind it was because of all the sweat.

@5000m, Sounds like an amazing time, truly jealous that you got to experience Defqon. :3
Sounds like an amazing time yo, I really enjoyed 2C-B and MDxx this weekend too

Might be going to my first real rave this Friday, though I just got GTAV so it's doubtful lol :sus:

I'm still working on my Euphoric Hardstyle mix haha, I've added a few more songs and changed up a few of the parts I didn't like as much. I feel like that mix is gonna be the one that will get me some publicity
Looking forward to listening to the re-mastered version. :)

So stoked for this weekend, Saturday I'm driving an hour and a half north to go 4x4ing for the day to test out all the mods on my Escape and then I'm opening a forest rave the same night! Got 300mg of MDMA to split with one of my best friends for after my set, also gonna load up my car with a ton of fluffy blankets and an air mattress and blast tunes! I got a subwoofer in my car so the air mattress is gonna be epic (Thanks Folley for that idea.)

Really stoked to see how my new BFG A/T tires do on the muddy roads and trails. :)
I'm still working on my Euphoric Hardstyle mix haha, I've added a few more songs and changed up a few of the parts I didn't like as much. I feel like that mix is gonna be the one that will get me some publicity

Where did you begin with making music? I've never tried it, but I would love to give it a go some time. Is it ok to use just software and play around, or do you really need additional hardware for sound creation etc?
^ Are you looking to explore music production or DJing?

Both Folley and I use midi controllers to DJ with, from what Folley has said in the past it's safe to assume that he really enjoys it along with myself. :)

For music production most people start off with just software and with DJing it really varies, I find most people start off either with software or midi controllers now adays. (a midi controller is hardware that controls software btw)
Ohh ok... probably music production - like start out by creating a kick sound or a basic melody? just to get the idea of how complicated it all is :)
Music production is to be seen as a skill, not a study. I have noticed in the years that I've been doing it that really it's all about DOING rather then studying. You can watch all those boring youtube tutorials on how to make tracks but it won't do you nearly enough good as just downloading a cracked version of ableton/logic/reason or cubase, install a VST synth of choice (I recommend Nexus2, Massive, z3ta+2 or anything from Rob Papen) and start having FUN.

Don't try to make the best track ever, but rather try stuff out. If you come across something and your wondering how it works THEN search a tutorial for that and learn it on the fly. This has been by far the fastest and IMO most fun learning curve of producing music for me.

For drum samples you can check out anything from the TR series, I recommend TR-909 which has all the basic claps, kicks and snares. Combine that with any of the VST's I mentioned and you should be good to go for a long time. Stick to 1 VST plugin though, you only really need one at the start and learning 2 at the same time is a little bit too much.

Good luck!
I tried getting into production, but I never really got past putting pre-made loops together. Mixing is a lot more fun, IMO. Plus it's really awesome to put together a mix specifically designed for certain drugs

I've got something for just about every mood haha, from Chill Goa to Twerk ;)
Production is boring at first but once you "get" it there is nothing like a 12 hour production session building a track. It makes you feel like an audio god. Really the learning curve is tough but once you get the hang of it it's a blast IMO. Think of anything that pops into your mind, you can create it with your DaW the next day. You just can't do that with a guitar or drums.
I tried production as well but couldn't get into it. I love mixing so much and I'd love to be able to play my own tracks but I just don't have the time or patience haha.

T-73 hours till my first ever gig. Playing a forest rave! :D
What you gon play, got a set list or gon freestyle it. Look forward to pics :)
Would Logic Studio be any good for a beginner?

A 2007 classic, ff to 2:00!
What you gon play, got a set list or gon freestyle it. Look forward to pics :)

I do have a playlist I've been creating for this rave that I'm going to play off of but I don't have any cues or transitions or anything really set up, so pretty much free style. :)

Still got to get a few more tracks so I don't cut my 90 min set short haha.

I'm going to be playing some bass heavy house, funk, bassy dubstep, electro and some electro trance

I'm planning on recording my set and I'll post it here once it's up! :)
Wait what, you create a playlist for a rave? You do know the DJ's job is to read the response of the crowd and change your set accordingly on the fly right? ;) Preplanned sets are no good
So I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, haven't been in a few years and I just need to get a check up. If my doctor asks me about my drug history, should I be honest or deny it? I am not dependent on any substances I'm just a recreational user.
Wait what, you create a playlist for a rave? You do know the DJ's job is to read the response of the crowd and change your set accordingly on the fly right? ;) Preplanned sets are no good

It's not like I'm planning which songs I'm going to play when, besides I have enough music in the playlist for a 3 hours set now so it's definitely going to be mixing on the fly. I just made the playlist so I don't have to go through my entire music library to find certain songs cause a ton of the music I got I wouldn't play there since the scene is much more bass music instead of trance (which makes up half my music library.)

So I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, haven't been in a few years and I just need to get a check up. If my doctor asks me about my drug history, should I be honest or deny it? I am not dependent on any substances I'm just a recreational user.

after my experience...I would keep it to myself unless you truely believe that the ailment you have is directly drug related. I told one doctor that I used drugs in the past and now I can't even get an asprine in the ER. I went to the ER after a hard workout with my arm swollen 3 times its original size. it hurt so bad I could not straighten it. they checked me for clots and found none...sent me home with a huge perscription of "toughen up pussy".

That could have been because they really didn't see a need for pain killers or muscle relaxors but I dont think so...my wife goes to the ER for a owie finger and they send her home with a pharmacy....something aint right.
So I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, haven't been in a few years and I just need to get a check up. If my doctor asks me about my drug history, should I be honest or deny it? I am not dependent on any substances I'm just a recreational user.

You will for ever be labeled as a narcotics user by them,everything is stored electronically now.
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