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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Bsiren's last time

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Meh not really lol, I've been way further on MDMA then last night lol, I really like being absolutly fucked up on the stuff haha
Meh not really lol, I've been way further on MDMA then last night lol, I really like being absolutly fucked up on the stuff haha

So do i haha, but then one night i was getting like all the dirty looks from the drinkers and it made me feel all dirty :(
I was absolutely mangled on it to be fair, not sure how many different directions my eyes were trying out lol.
I know lol, this was way too hardcore to be in that kind of enviroment, but when I'm at a good tech rave everyone is absolutly rolling balls so I won't stand out so much :)
While the substance in question may be one of epic euphoria and open mindedness, moderation should still be thought lingering overhead while you indulge ;)
While the substance in question may be one of epic euphoria and open mindedness, moderation should still be thought lingering overhead while you indulge ;)

Well im sure lots of mdma users go through a stage of 'how far can i get'

180mg is certainly my limit lol... 150mg mangles me nowadays
How's sam today?

Stressed, having one of the worst weeks of my life:

Paranoid schizophrenic mum who ive been seeing in hospital dont think i want to see her , my divorce papers came through and they are not looking good at all. To top it off i have something wrong with my prostate, i nearly fell to my knees when i pee'd the other morning because i was dehydrated. (painnnfull) for about a minute felt like 2 stanley blades in between my legs....
So yeah its okay i guess.

Go for blood tests on monday make sure nothing serious about my prostate, but the dr seemed quite worried, maybe i even look ill, who knows lol
Hows Thizz today? Lol
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I am wondering if anyone has ever taken a light dose of Mdma before a job interview? And if it worked out? Lol not that I'm doing that poorly but I find I'm super eloquent on it and I somewhat lack confidence when I'm sober which is holding me back. I understand this is a rediculous idea.

The other approach I am taking is going out dancing up a storm on it which will eventually get me laid, it always does it's the only way I can do it it makes it easy... causing a confidence boost as my sex energy is extremely repressed.

Some yummy stuff is falling into my lap, usually I have to go out looking. Not when you've got acid that other people strongly desire but can't find and are willing to bribe you with brown crystal yummm. Nom nom nom sniff sniff sniff lol.
While the substance in question may be one of epic euphoria and open mindedness, moderation should still be thought lingering overhead while you indulge ;)
Yeah, I know my place with MDMA, and I usually space it out a month-2 months so I'm good. Lol it's amazing how I don't feel bad at all after yesterday, I'm actually more happy haha.
Oh god, all the times ive done the "how far can i go" deal, it does not work out very well....i mean it does but it doesnt
The ”how far can I go” deal is why I try not to drink alcohol often lol
lol my old E dealer used to get really pissed off at me because I would call him up and try to get more bombs like 3 or 4 times a roll

the "how far can I get" thing usually ends with me broke, out of drugs, tired, and in a multiple day comedown
"how far I can get" results in myself and friends passing around a pair of high quality headphones blasting dubstep at 8:00 am on campus and taking turns screaming with delight and dancing around while people are walking by on their way to morning class.
Not when you're on your way to a lake to rock morning joints, which requires passing through campus.

90% of the Mdma I have done was at a campus bar which played epic techno. Best times of my life.
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