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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Bsiren's last time

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The beginning of something beautiful, my friend.
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yo folley,

Since i bought that vape, ive put on around half a stone in weight,
and im seeing some good muscle gains on my arms,

I did bicep curls earlier, I only have one Dumbell's worth of weights, so i just hold a 2litre bottle in one arm, then the weight in the other and switch,

i pulled off 10:10:10:8 @ 12kg earlier, very good form throughout.

half a stone? You brits and your crazy measurements...

Ive started working out again too, Ive been sober the past 2 days, so whenever I get a craving I just do as many push ups as possible, or sit ups, or curls, you know... the usual stuff lol

Ive been 10 stone and 16 stone lol (At 6 foot 1)
I really took that breakup bad i guess (10 stone i was then)

lol.... Im light as a mother fucker, back like 2 years ago I used to do a shit load of addy, like 3 times a week at least. Never ate on that shit, and I dropped like 25 pounds I REALLY didnt need to lose lol.... went from like 120lbs to 90 at my lightest... yeah that was bad
Lol i eat every 2 hours
i eat all day long,

Amphs are really bad for anyone who has any interest in their physical well being/ fitness
Sometimes I feel like Im starving, but I cant eat
then other times I eat so much I feel like my stomach will explode... yeah Im fucked in the head lol

right now Im eating a giant piece of ham
Nope, just you, fpt. :D

Yup lol.

fuck I need to smoke. Baaaaddddd.

Its only when Im sober that BF3 gets me mad enough to kick someones ass... seriously. Screaming at my TV is not productive...

Im going to remedy this, shots and bowls. Thats what I need.
I could put the bowl in the shot, let it soak for 2 weeks, take it out, let it dry, smoke and drink the shot...

or just shoot that shit up into my dick vein like I normally do.

Time to get obliterated. Who's with me?!?!?
No? Bastards...
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Well thats an inconvenient way of measurement :\

kinda like kilomiles
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