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The Cuddle Puddle v. Can we listen to at least one Non-Electronic Song?

I feel like I could dance circles around some of the people in those videos, though...

of course you could guru of gurus. you are probably the best at everything in life, better than anyone. god bless you.

best drugs
most drugs
most responsible with drugs
most knowledgeable about drugs
best dj
most knowledgeable about music
best dancer
etc etc
of course you could guru of gurus. you are probably the best at everything in life, better than anyone. god bless you.

best drugs
most drugs
most responsible with drugs
most knowledgeable about drugs
best dj
most knowledgeable about music
best dancer
etc etc

funniest BL poster right here
especially that comment in the last thread about almost holding the dj's dick
I wish I still had the most/best drugs... they've mostly been eaten, lmao.

And saying I'm the most responsible is just a laugh, laugh ;) Anyone that's partied with me knows I turn into a fucking fiend after that first dose kicks in 8)

I just don't understand those "shuffling" videos on youtube, though. Most of the time the dancers aren't even doing anything special.. just the same few moves over and over again. I guess I'd rather get up and create some new moves myself rather than watch someone else
I'd love to be able to shuffle that good and slide around and shit, but I can't so I stick to hakken for hardstyle/hardcore, it comes naturally 8) speaking of which, looking forward to Zatox's show this weekend! thinking about going sober as I've been using drugs too much lately, doubt it will happen though, music+drugs is too good

funniest BL poster right here
especially that comment in the last thread about almost holding the dj's dick

another laugh classic "aww man i just played the HARDEST hard style the bass was SO BASSY it was the best. so technical and heaps of drops the DROPPIEST drops ever. super hard."
^ Lucky.. Above and Beyond + Knife Party are playing a New Year's massive but I'd fucking kill to see Zatox :\
I've seen Zatox a few times, this Friday is Zatox exclusive so I hope he does a classics set then a new music set. we got VIP tickets, supposedly meet and greet is included! :) it's in a theatre and sold out, so nice and sweaty.. lol

At the end of this year we're going away on holidays to Noumea (New Caledonia, French) for a week, so going to miss Code Black, Digital Punk and Chain Reaction on NYE.. it's ok though, need this holiday

Does anyone know any phone or camera device which can record video and sound clearly from a concert? every time I make a video the sound is very distorted so it almost seems pointless to record
Does anyone know any phone or camera device which can record video and sound clearly from a concert? every time I make a video the sound is very distorted so it almost seems pointless to record

My HTC One does alright but outside of being hooked directly into the soundboard or lugging gear with you, it is pretty difficult to get high quality live concert audio.
I know I shouldn't be asking about how to get high but...... It's almost NYE. I have an awesome night planned, have a considerable amount of MDMA, Ketamine & Cocaine but was wondering what order to do it in. We're going to a pretty awesome event from 3am-8am So I was planning on doing MDMA for that. Prior to that I'll be drinking So I was thinking Alcohol and Coke to start things off, then MDMA and end the night with ketamine. Any better suggestions?
Hey guys, i'm absolutely off my head on some speed/MDMA shi I took tonight (Silly me)). I was such a dumb cunt, I picked the bag up off the floor of the toilets.... Then I just ate it all and fucked me up. Now I tweaking hard as fuck and I've got restless les syndrome, I actually can't stio, while they're constinly cramping.

sorry for the awful typing, I can barely read the works, it's blurry as fuckk. Beginning to hallucinat too so I clearly overdid it
^ Hope that turned out alright, haha..

I almost went to jail today :( fucking cops singling me out for not having an ID...
Hey guys, i'm absolutely off my head on some speed/MDMA shi I took tonight (Silly me)). I was such a dumb cunt, I picked the bag up off the floor of the toilets.... Then I just ate it all and fucked me up. Now I tweaking hard as fuck and I've got restless les syndrome, I actually can't stio, while they're constinly cramping.

sorry for the awful typing, I can barely read the works, it's blurry as fuckk. Beginning to hallucinat too so I clearly overdid it

hehe, how are you feeling now mate?
Hey guys, i'm absolutely off my head on some speed/MDMA shi I took tonight (Silly me)). I was such a dumb cunt, I picked the bag up off the floor of the toilets.... Then I just ate it all and fucked me up. Now I tweaking hard as fuck and I've got restless les syndrome, I actually can't stio, while they're constinly cramping.

sorry for the awful typing, I can barely read the works, it's blurry as fuckk. Beginning to hallucinat too so I clearly overdid it

Well, ermm, sober translation:

'Hey guys, I'm absolutely off my head on some speed/MDMA shit I took tonight (Silly me!). I was such a dumb cunt, picked the bag up from the toilet floor, before proceeding to eat it all. Now I am tweaking hard and I have restless leg syndrome, I actually can't sit still, while they're constantly cramping.

Apologies for the awful typing, I can barely read the words, they're blurry as fuck. I'm hallucinating too, so I clearly overdid it.'

Well, last night was the weirdest thing ever. I had my usual bombs of tested MD weighed up and ready to drop inside the club, accompanied with a 120mg bag to dibdab with chums across the course of the evening. We had some pre-drinks, where I drunk 8 bottles of 330ml beer, so I was reasonably drunk. We get inside and I head to the toilets to drop. I search where I'd put it, but don't find the bomb nor the bag. I look to the floor and spot a bag which looked exactly like the one I had, with similar coloured crystals, so I assumed the bomb had fallen out so i'd just drop the 120mg I knew was in the bag. So I went into the toilet and ate it all. I instantly worried a bit when it had a sour aftertaste, certainly not typical of MDMA, but the chemical taste wasn't far off. It was only when I went into the club and found my friend, I told him I'd lost the bomb and dropped the bag, but then picked up the bag and took it, and he just looked at me and said 'You gave me the bag, remember?' of which it was right then it dawned on me. I had given him the bag, whatever was on the floor did not fall out my wallet, it was some random chemical of a random dosage of which someone obviously didn't want, or lost in the toilets. I tell my friend that shit could go wrong, so he needed to stay with me, to which he did. It came on really quickly, like I'm sure I was coming up at like 10 minutes post drop. The comeup was scary shit too, I remember staring at the lights which were kinda morphing and tracing around, and the anxiety was mental I remember thinking I could die tonight. I told my friend he had to stay with me and help me ride it out. I snapped out of the comeup where I got a rush of euphoria and felt like I was on MDMA, but from there I can't remember much. My friend said I was extremely fucked up for like an hour - like I was in a psychosis all jittery with weird body movements and like dancing in slow motion. Apparently from there I disappeared until I refound my mates at 3:45 of which I can begin to remember stuff. During the time I disappeared I have vague memories of raving with randomers, some periods of euphoria/empathy and chewing my face off. I knew I was freaking some people out, but there was nothing I could do about it. I needed someone to give me good vibes and ride it with me, but it just wasn't happening, I was kind of stuck in a twisted MDMA-like experience. The comedown was so gurny too, I couldn't stop moving my mouth, even though I knew it was happening. I had half a pack of chewing gum in my pocket (which I just found today), which I was clearly uncapable of finding when I really needed it (despite it just being in my pocket... that's how you know you're fucked!).

When I sent you guys that message I was getting some crazy closed-eye visuals, like psychedelics patterns you'd see on a youtube video for rolling. My legs were also involuntarily spasming constantly, and tapping themselves, it was fucked up. I kind of enjoyed the psychedelic patterns while trying to sleep though. While trying to sleep, I kept having really vivid conversations with my friends, of which often I actually replied to them outloud, laughed about it, and said they're not even here now, but then did it again like 10 minutes later. Surprisingly though, I managed to sleep straight away, which makes me think that perhaps it was not a speed/MDMA combo but rather an RC chemical with some MDMA-like properties and a whole load of side-effects. Maybe it was even MDA, as it was trippy as fuck and the dose could easily have been 200mg +. Either way, it certainly didn't feel like a strictly MDMA experience, even like a 200mg+ experience, it was far too trippy.

I've never actually tripped either, apart from weed, so I actually dealt with the situation pretty well. I'm still kind of shocked at what happened, like the chances are so miniscal. I had to A) not find my bomb of 150mg of tested MDMA (which my friend later found sitting where i'd put it...) which I planned to take when I headed into the toilet. B) Forgotten that i'd actually just given my mate the bag in the queue before we went in (I blame the alcohol for that, it makes me pretty forgetful). C) Spot a bag on the floor, which was the same colour on the sealing bit at the top, and similar colour and amount of crystals to what we had brought in. D) Conveniently spot this bag immediately after rummaging my wallet, creating a false idea that this bag had in fact fallen out of my wallet while I was looking for the bomb. E) Not question myself (blaming the alcohol for that) to go and tell my mate I'd lost the bomb (of which he would've just found it) and/or told me he had the bag, not me, so I would never have consumed what I found on the floor.

Well, it has provided me an interesting insight into what it can be like to take random chemicals at random dosages perhaps brought from someone at a club. Pretty fucking scary. Luckily, I feel ok today, perhaps because I had the thought to drop a multivitamin and 100mg 5-HTP before trying to sleep. Still, my jaw is sore as fuck, I feel kind of depressed (but only mildly), and I have had some weird auditory hallucinations which kinda freaked me out.
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HOLY SHIT dude. Glad you're fucking OK.. that could have gone so much worse.

although, that still could have just been pure MDMA.. even at ~150mg doses without the addition of psychedelics MDMA can get pretty visual. A quarter gram and up and I'm sure you'd hardly be able to see anything but visuals in the dark :sus:

Sounds like you still had a (decent) night though, all things considered!!
HOLY SHIT dude. Glad you're fucking OK.. that could have gone so much worse.

although, that still could have just been pure MDMA.. even at ~150mg doses without the addition of psychedelics MDMA can get pretty visual. A quarter gram and up and I'm sure you'd hardly be able to see anything but visuals in the dark :sus:

Sounds like you still had a (decent) night though, all things considered!!

I know, I feel very fortunate as to how it went. I could have easily have ended up in hospital. There were parts of the night that I had a blast (vague memories with strangers) and parts feel weird as fuck. Like I don't know if that was happening or like I was just hallucinating. It didn't really help when this guy stole my hoodie right in front of my own eyes, but I was too fucked to even do anything about it. I had been holding my hoodie all evening because I didn't wanna queue and pay for the cloakroom. At one point during the night, out of nowhere this guy grabbed me and shouted 'Are you trying to take my wallet!!!!!??' And I was like 'No man, not at all, sorry bro!' and then he looked at me and said 'But I'm taking your jacket' before just walking away with my jacket right in front of my eyes. I followed him for a while trying to grab it but it felt like he was trying to lead me outside where he'd attack me and take all my belongings (he was a fucking hench guy, he would have destroyed me). So I just didn't follow him. A wise idea in hindsight. Still, I look at the people right behind me and I'm like 'That guy fucking knicked my jacket, what a cunt!' and they ignore me completely, as if they were in on it too. What a shitty vibe that gave me for the rest of the evening.
^ wtf? what an asshole. good call not following him outside and getting mugged though, especially if he already has a physical advantage, plus you were off your face and probably couldn't put up a fight anyway. Glad you didn't get too ill from whatever those drugs were though, I bet your stomach was turning and anxiety was through the roof for a while after you realised you'd taken someone else's disregarded chemicals off the bathroom floor! I hate that sort of situation, fucking shit

Zatox on Friday night was awesome.. probably one of the best sets I've seen lately, the crowd was going crazy and the laser show inside the theatre by HSU Events was really good.. the only down side to the event was the temperature inside the theatre it must have been 40 degrees C very uncomfortable imo but definitely worth it
Bought myself tickets to edc vegas that should be fun.

3 days of that and then 3 days later another 2 days festival, and then my birthday :\
Wow Wills way to make a fucked up night seriously worse... last saturday there was a shuffle circle and someones goes up to "challenge" another dude, all in good fun. This dick straight flung him back like 6 feet and all the people watching had to break it up. The vibe went from amazing to FUCKED in like 10 seconds... I was pretty glad I was sober haha. It all turned around but for at least 15 minutes everyone around that area had their vibe killed :\

Just goes to show there are fucked up people on both sides of the pond.

My first rave was around 300 people, last one was 1000+.. the next one is probably going to be more like 10,000 :p
