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The Big & Dandy Psilocybin Mushrooms Thread

the first time i did acid & mushrooms, i thought that i wouldn't get high. i sat waiting (my first acid trip) for 4 hours for something to happen. i know it was real acid, because after those 4 hours, i started to trip balls.

when i would do mushrooms, it took 2 hours for it to hit me. i don't know why it happens... but maybe that's what's going on?
A friend of mine says that an eighth does not even give him visuals. Except for some "sliding" effect like on walls and etc. He says the same is with lucy. Except once i fed that hard head some family cid and had to baby sit em.

Mushies effect me easier than L does. For some reason it takes about 4 hits to get a hard trip in. That being if it's not "family" style cids. And it almost always takes about 2 hours to really kick in. After that, all is well.
I have a friend who says he's never, ever gotten any effect at all from mushrooms (I don't know if he's ever tried higher doses though)... however, LSD works just dandy for him over the 15+ years he's been playing with it. Over the summer I watched one acquaintance have to take 3x the dose of another friend in order to have what he characterized as a fairly light trip, despite our friend outweighing him by nearly 50lbs!

Brain wiring can be weird.
Have you tried chewing the mushrooms throughly, letting them sit in your mouth for a bit before swallowing them? Supposedly that helps.

Some people just aren't affected strongly by certain drugs. I can a take quite a bit of acid and get a mild effect, while somebody taking the same amount of the same same acid will get a much stronger effect. I've taken up to 10 hits without any of that "on the edge of your seat" wildness. It was fun, just not very strong.

Mushrooms have a stronger effect on me, but I'm still rather tolerant of them. Pot, DXM, meth, mescaline and salvia, OTOH, affect me greatly...

Maybe you're a serotonergic hard-head like me :D
you guys aren't eating amanitas are you?

try making tea, or soaking ground up mushrooms in lemon juice for 10 or 20 mins then drink the slurry

also, i wouldn't expect mushrooms to trip you out as hard as DMT
but probably harder than MDMA (from what i've read..i've had neither DMT nor MDMA)
what is the general body high to expect from trippin on shrooms (cubes)? how does it feeelll
i find that psilocybin can feel quite pushy at first, and if u are experienced you will feel the energy running through you, the comeup is probably the most anxious part of the trip, after that you should be more relaxed and the visuals will become more prenounced. depending on the dose you can get some patterning and swirls too full on morphing and swirling,, back to the body high, it can be quite pleasant. though i do kno people that simply do not like the high.
I find the body high of shrooms to be euphoric (kind of MDMA-esque) or feels like an energy running through your body.

I've had experiences of a melting warmth cover my body to that typical fight or flight response of adrenaline kicking in where I'm almost shivering with anxiety or too much energy.

Most of the time it's quite pleasurable though... and any anxiety I may have had was always helped with some deep breathing or repeating something as simple as "Let Go" or "time to relax".
^^^ thanks for the post resilience i needed that :D anyone else have any info on the body high? like any other experiences or what you feel . i guess i understand that anxious energy rush high since ive taken mdma
it's ridiculous how much it potentiates it to put shroom powder in lemon juice and just drink that up. half an eighth, so like a mere 1.75g, provided quite a surprisingly intense and profound trip. granted, not as much as taking a full eighth of course, but definitely felt like in the 2g range in terms of intensity. i do think the lemon juice thing works in potentiating the psilocybin in some way.
it's ridiculous how much it potentiates it to put shroom powder in lemon juice and just drink that up. half an eighth, so like a mere 1.75g, provided quite a surprisingly intense and profound trip. granted, not as much as taking a full eighth of course, but definitely felt like in the 2g range in terms of intensity. i do think the lemon juice thing works in potentiating the psilocybin in some way.

I've heard that from many people. Are there any credible theories on the mechanism involved? I'm also a cynic and a fan of the placebo effect.
I've heard that from many people. Are there any credible theories on the mechanism involved? I'm also a cynic and a fan of the placebo effect.
It's nigh-impossible to find actual hard scientific data on the subject, mostly just conjecture and hypothesizing on both sides.

There's this semi-infamous thread on the shroomery, of course, which contains a lot of people 'confirming' the idea that lemon juice potentiates or speeds up the trip in some way.

Then there's this post I dug up from a couple years back which seems to be a more plausible theory. I think the lemon juice speeds up the absorption, making the trip come on quicker, but maybe not necessarily "intensifies" the trip, even though it sure feels like it does. But who knows, really.
It seems simple to me, really. Citrus stimulates the digestive system. So it'll 'potentiate' or temporarily increase absorption of whatever you put in your stomach. Mushrooms included.
Could this be a similar mechanism that grapefruit is supposed to have in many diets (stimulating metabolism and digestion i believe)?
does the body high feel euphoric?

I find that if you can break through the come-up feelings, then the body high and great, euphoric, organic, and beautiful. But the come-up tends to feel pushy, crawly, weird, alien, and anxious. Coming up on mushrooms is the most anxious I evfer feel on psychedelics. The come-up really doesn't agree with me and generally makes me feel a bit panicky. If you succumb to those feelings, they can stick with you the entire trip (what many might call a "bad trip", though there are still lessons to be learned). But if you remember that they're just temporary and that everything will be fine and that you WILL come down and no, you did NOT cause brain damage or go insane, then when the peak hits you'll be washed away in the glory of the mushroom.

Could this be a similar mechanism that grapefruit is supposed to have in many diets (stimulating metabolism and digestion i believe)?

No, because grapefruit juice actually inhibits the CYP2D6 enzyme, which affects the processing of various compounds.