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The Big & Dandy Nootropics Thread

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It's relatively simple to eyeball and cut even those into 10x10 pieces with a sharp knife
Im taking 800mg-1200mg a now, max 1600mg. In the morning with 800mg-1g of chloline and between 10-25mg of Vinpocetine. Along with all the other stuff listed above in my stack.

I took 2800MG of piractem an hour before dropping pills last night. I did over do it, I'm not even going to state how much I took, as a moderator I will get boo'd. but it was more than enough to normally just get side effects for 5 days and the "peak" being a psychotic mess, especially since I mixed them with 2C-B and Ketamine and some of the pills were speedy, it wasnt all over the place, it was one very clear headed long experience. Going to use it any time I use another drug now.

MDMA is just psychosis for me now, mind soup and no euphoria, pirac and vinpo definitely changed it
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I've found nootropics have turned my psychedelic experiences much more empathogenic and euphoric - I actually don't need MDxx anymore, it is redundant -

maybe you will come to this conclusion too, MDMA is not really that great of a drug, compared to the power of some psychedelics, its definitely not good for your mind, thats for sure!
Surprised nobody's mentioned marijuana. If I smoke marijuana once a day, are there any nootropics I'd best avoid or watch out for?
Some people mention taking very high doses of choline supplements. Anybody new to nootropics should slowly titrate up a choline dose, because excess ACh ends up doing the opposite of enhancing mental acuity. I get a serious case of the brain fog above 250 mg centrophenoxine or 500 mg DMAE. I find 100-150 mg centro to be optimal for me.
The only nootropic that should be taken long-term on a daily basis is a good multivitamin and 1-5g of fish oil (DHA/EPA). Fish oil has a tremendous amount of scientific support in terms of it numerous cardiovascular and psychological benefits.
MyDoorsAreOpen said:
Surprised nobody's mentioned marijuana. If I smoke marijuana once a day, are there any nootropics I'd best avoid or watch out for?
No one smokes marihuana these days. It's too 1990's. =D

I'm an ex-smoker so it's all hearsay, but supposedly Piracetam helps the "high" and helps prevent the "stoned".
I don't do MDMA too often, but Im a pig when it comes to it once the puke/anxiety/pre-rave anxiety has gone.. I just keep eating more. I too realise what kind of drug it is and I prefer the comedown part where you start seeing shit in the dark and hearing voiceds in guzzes and music, and nitrous and K can make some pretty damn cool delusions on it.
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Come on you're a mod you can think of something more convincing!
Giraffes have long necks. They kinda freak me outt
And other staff conspiracies.
Ptah said:
What's with the invasion of non-PD forum mods lately? =D

It's the free unlimited supply of psychedelics-by-mail that comes as a perk of being a mod. Duh.

Whoops I've said too much.
I have something to report on phenibut...

Firstly, I love phenibut as I love no other GABAergic substance. In fact, I actively dislike most GABAergics. Even GHB feels mostly sedating and unpleasant to me. Alcohol is something that makes me feel poisoned and depressed. Benzos are the most boring drugs on the planet. But phenibut provides a smooth, natural euphoria that lasts all day, along with some muscle relaxation (although strangely, also muscle soreness sometimes). With a high dose, it can become very sedating and discoordinating and force me to fall asleep.

Anyway, I love it, but tolerance builds rapidly and takes a while to go away. As a subtle nootropic modifier, this is okay, and a dose of 200-400mg a day keeps those effects going. But for the euphoria and relaxation, the dose required goes up daily. I have gotten up to using 3 grams at a time before, just to try to replicate the effects that 500mg gives with no tolerance. Fortunately, phenibut does not seem to exhibit any addictive qualities, either physically or mentally, even though its effects can be extremely positive and pleasant.

So, yesterday, I had been using it in small doses daily for over a week, along with piracetam and hydergine (piracetam has been reported to help phenibut work better). Towards the second half of the afternoon, I began to feel a bit down. This was most likely due to some random mood issues I have been having as a result of long-term abuse of AMT (which I have not had for weeks), as well as a sense of apathy because I was finding myself desiring an altered state. But the main cause was most likely light kratom withdrawal, which I often am going through to soem extent. This consists of a feeling of restlessness in the limbs and discontent with life, and makes it impossible to sleep. I have been taking a small dose (half of a recreational dose) of kratom on many nights when I just can't sleep, so that I can sleep. So I got home after work and decided to try 500mg of phenibut rectally, as I wondered about its effectiveness via methods that do not put it in the stomach.

So I prepared roughly 500mg into 3mL of water. it dissolved pretty quickly and entirely, leaving a syrupy water mixture. I drew it up, but a little bit would not go into the syringe, as apparently I used slightly too much water. So my estimated dose was between 400 and 450mg. Anyway, I squirted it up there and waited. Before long, I began to feel a profound muscle relaxation which totally nullified the kratom withdrawal restlessness. I began to get more and more animated and full of good humor, and very sexually aroused as well. I proceeded to have a nice night of food, fun, and games with my fiance. I spent a lot of time laughing and we were both in a very good mood. This was especially fortunate because right now she's having some difficulties with her direction in life and it was causing her a lot of internal conflict and pain. But as so often happens with us, my mood and/or mind state will almost surely drag her right along, and it happened this time for sure.

About 11:30, 5.5 hours after ingestion, I began to get really tired. I had been toying with the idea of making kratom anyway because I was sort of convincing myself I wouldn't be able to sleep (part of the reason I became addicted in the first place 8(), but the phenibut made me not really care about that, and anyway, I was barely able to stay awake. So I laid down in bed, fell right to sleep, and had a long and peaceful slumber without interruptions.

This morning I woke up with an afterglow and feeling a bit lethargic, but after I took a shower I felt well-rested and ready to go. And now here I sit, feeling 100% normal, chatty, and happy.

I just wanted to report on a different way to take phenibut. It worked really well with a low dose, and quickly, too. I suspect I could use even less, maybe even only half, for a good effect, despite having built up tolerance to it recently.
I'll try plugging it this weekend, xorkoth! I'll probably try 250mg as I am a bit sensitive to GABA agonists -
I'd like to report something which I can at this point only attribute to the phenibut...

First of all, I'd like to reiterate that plugging phenibut is a much more reliable means of getting an effect from it. And the dose required is smaller, too! And so far, tolerance has not built to the positive effects, although it has somewhat to the sedating effects.

Anyway, first a bit of background. I began using kratom almost 4 years ago now (has it been that long??). I fell in love with it immediately as an opiate-like substance with much more grace and character that produces a strong, empathetic euphoria very much unlike the dull and apathetic contentment that opiates produce. Needless to say, I used it a lot, being the addictive personality I am, and after a few months, I learned the hard way that it is quite addictive, not only mentally but physically as well.

Since then, I have been in and out of physical addiction, pretty much never out of mental addiction. I stopped for as long as 4 months before when I cracked and decided to try it out again "in a controlled manner". That backfired as well, and since then, I've not been without it for more than a couple of weeks. I have withdrawn from it a number of times, and it's not pleasant. it involves extremely restlessness of the limbs, especially when trying to sleep, and resulting inability to sleep at all. My mood drops and depression/anxiety follow. I feel unfulfilled. This lasts 4-5 days, with the worst being days 2-3. Of late, I have been at a point where if I don't have a dose at night, I can't sleep due to beginning withdrawal symptoms, that restlessness which is so bad that it has become the most feared part to me. Plus I would often dose during the day or evening because, well, I wanted to. :|

That brings us to this week. I had decided to start taking nootropics again for a little while because I was feeling in a bit of a rut and they're good for kicking me out of those. Specifically, I've been using phenibut to good effect.

Then, as detailed in an above post, I was feeling down one day during work (Wednesday), so when I got home I deecided to take approximately 500mg of phenibut rectally, a dose which, with tolerance (which builds rapidly), is very small. Within a short time, I was overcome with a beautiful phenibut euphoria and felt completely content all night. I got to sleep (in fact, couldn't stop myself from it), and slept a full night. I woke up the next morning still feeling good, and took another 500mg orally. All day at work that day (yesterday), I really barely even thought about kratom and was very chatty and happy. Then that night (last night), I plugged 300mg more when I got home and had the same result, a happy, euphoric state of contentment. Surprisingly, I had no hint of withdrawal last night either. Nor do I this morning (when I plugged another 400-500mg). For the first time in quite some time, I am sitting here at my desk at work without restless legs and a general feeling of wanting to have some kratom. I feel happy and at peace. Have I discovered some means of bypassing kratom withdrawal? I feel like it's not even a concern of my body or mind right now. And I love it!

Just wanted to report on my success with this. Maybe the withdrawal is going on in the background, and the relaxing and mood-enhancing properties of phenibut are masking it. I don't know. What I do know is that usually by now I would be in full-force withdrawal and rueing the day I ever laid eyes on kratom in the Erowid reports. But yet, I'm just perfectly happy and content sitting here, posting on BL, getting work done, and feeling motivated to work on outside projects I have been neglecting. Awesome!

Finally, I'd also like to report my success with the rectal method of administration for phenibut. Normally, to get the same effect orally, I would need to take twice the previous days' dose each day, and the tolerance would take yp to a week to drop back down after stopping. This week, however, I have used the same dose each day, and in one case, slightly less, and it's worked just as well each day. And it comes on faster, but still lasts all day.

That is all. =D
So this phenibut... I wonder if it has been explored for clinical use? I can't believe how effective it's been this past week. I managed to get through almost a week with no kratom, and no withdrawal, no negativity, nothing but sociability and a positive outlook. And a glowing from the solar plexus.

Plus it mixes well with psychedelics. ;)
I've still been meaning to try it again (rectally this time) - it will probably wait until next week since I poisoned myself with the GABA agonist alcohol so really don't feel like doing anything similar -

It does have a very uplifting effect, which lasts quite a while (after acute effects disappear) -

howev er, one must watch to not consume too much in one dose otherwise one may become rather lethargic (experience of myself and a couple friends who 'overdosed' one night)-
^ Too true, regarding the sedation. I've definitely overdone it several times before. In fact you can overdo it to the point where it makes you feel icky and really not euphoric at all. And then the hangover is shitty as well.

But rectally in small doses seems to get right past the sedation entirely. I read a report on Erowid a while back of reports of successful insufflation with low doses as well. I would not (NOT!) want to snort phenibut though, so I decided to try rectal administration, and it's been quite effective, as several posts of mine have evidenced. ;)

With phenibut, be prepared to have a strong desire to commuicate, and to talk a lot, and feel good about doing so... speaking does feel so nice in the solar plexus, doesn't it? Seconded only to singing.
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