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The Big & Dandy Nitrous Thread

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How do you guys get 2 min "trips" off N20. I have the little whip cream cannisters and a crack that was like 9 bucks if i recall correctly. off one balloon i only feel a body buzz for like 1 min and no trippyness, maybe a bit lightheaded.

huff it....

exhale fully.
breath in from balloon.
exhale into balloon....

repeat until you can't any longer....

its a little more wasteful but with my whip cream dispenser i just hit it straight off the nozzle.... straight nitrous with every hit....
^Aren't you just depriving yourself of oxygen this way?

I just take a deep breath and hold it in for like 10 seconds. I can usually do a single balloon in one lung full. Works great for me.
huff it....

exhale fully.
breath in from balloon.
exhale into balloon....

repeat until you can't any longer....

This might sound like an effective method, but really it doesn't work any better than just holding it in for ten seconds or so. Also, repeatedly inflating a balloon with your own breath puts a lot of pressure on your eardrums, and can worsen tinnitus issues already associated with nitrous, as I've experienced.
to me the craziest thing about nitrous is not the gas itself (which i find to be euphoric, silly and slightly gratuitous,) but the people selling it. it just boggles my mind, no matter how small the show, at set break the tanks are right fuckin there, on the streets of nyc, (or pa, or ma, or nj) in plain view. and if that weren't conspicuous enough, everyone's sucking on brightly colored balloons the size of watermelons. it cracks me up.....

...... until someone dies at your favorite festival, sucking nitrous off tanks or gets bludgeoned to death with tanks. then it's just ugly.

which is why i use dinky little whip cream chargers
which is why the garbage weighs like 100 lbs.

anyone else have thoughts on nitrous mafia? is this a strictly east coast phenom?
I've enjoyed experimenting with Noz, I think most in the uk use balloons, at least they do at raves & festivals and so on....
Taken alongside other drugs it certainly enhances whatever you have already taken.
Used noz with legal highs, at one point the girlfriend and myself were rushing so much we felt pretty nauseous for several minutes....
Easily remedied by just doing a part of a ballon and saving the rest till the rush began to subside...worked really well then...the music was just lush, really boosted empathy.

Another little enhancement was a snort on a popper - no longer amyl nitrate of course, it's isopropol nitrate...or something like that - either before taking the noz or immediately afterwards....or add a little of the liquid to the charger....interesting...

Have just used a pipette to put 3 little drops directly into a balloon before filling it with Noz, that worked really well, a big enhancement to the hit.

Also thought I'd try taking some popper directly from a balloon...er...put too much liquid in the balloon and almost blew my head off as a result...not recommended.

Was too many pages to read through to see if anyone else had tried noz with poppers, so has anyone tried it?

to me the craziest thing about nitrous is not the gas itself (which i find to be euphoric, silly and slightly gratuitous,) but the people selling it. it just boggles my mind, no matter how small the show, at set break the tanks are right fuckin there, on the streets of nyc, (or pa, or ma, or nj) in plain view. and if that weren't conspicuous enough, everyone's sucking on brightly colored balloons the size of watermelons. it cracks me up.....

...... until someone dies at your favorite festival, sucking nitrous off tanks or gets bludgeoned to death with tanks. then it's just ugly.

which is why i use dinky little whip cream chargers
which is why the garbage weighs like 100 lbs.

anyone else have thoughts on nitrous mafia? is this a strictly east coast phenom?

definetly just an east coast thing. at least the organization of it. the thing that boggles me is that there are different groups at different shows. people from philly at one, while people from NY at another. Crazy shit, 3 for 20 is what some people pay....fuck that.
well the nitrous mafia is not as bad as people crack it up to be. its mostly just lot rats selling gas. most of the times they are on some kind of hard drug. and the whole scene around them seems to just be a little more sketchy than most. but from what i understand that both of those festival deaths that you spoke of were just od's and this is all just rumors about the nitrous mafia having anything to do with it. the deaths just happened to be around where the gas was being sold because of the shadier scene that surrounds it.
This might sound like an effective method, but really it doesn't work any better than just holding it in for ten seconds or so. Also, repeatedly inflating a balloon with your own breath puts a lot of pressure on your eardrums, and can worsen tinnitus issues already associated with nitrous, as I've experienced.

I used to use a balloon and cyclicly huff as many as possible in a row. As many as seventy or eighty, to kill an evening. I would inhale, hold, hyperventilate it a bit, take a fresh one and do it again until I lost motor and would repeat the whole process as soon as possible. I'm glad I wasn't a vegan at the time. B12 is pretty precious to me now.

A pretty good method, if you're a whore. Snorting some K beforehand makes it really heavy. Unfortunately, both really, really don't agree with me anymore.
ive done pretty much every drug multiple times but i have never done this. where do you find this at headshops?
^Aren't you just depriving yourself of oxygen this way?

I just take a deep breath and hold it in for like 10 seconds. I can usually do a single balloon in one lung full. Works great for me.

There is my fault. I inhale and exhale into the balloon to quick! I got

Huff...2 seconds...blow out to balloon...breathe through nose....huff.... 2 seconds... and so on..

Thank you! :)
Nothing beats a good ole dispenser. You can put way more than one charger in it and no playing around with ballons. In other news the time has finally come to combine n2o and dmt! I ll most likely already be tripping when i do it some im pretty sure itll be insane.
well the nitrous mafia is not as bad as people crack it up to be. its mostly just lot rats selling gas. most of the times they are on some kind of hard drug. and the whole scene around them seems to just be a little more sketchy than most. but from what i understand that both of those festival deaths that you spoke of were just od's and this is all just rumors about the nitrous mafia having anything to do with it. the deaths just happened to be around where the gas was being sold because of the shadier scene that surrounds it.

well i wasn't at vibes so i have to concede that it's entirely possible that the "beaten to death by a tank" story is just a rumour. but i saw people being robbed at .down 9, these thugs were just waking people up early saturday morning and stealing there drugs under the guise of "security". A guy camped right next me had a tank in his tent. they started screaming at him and shredded his tent to ribbons with a big knife, then they carted him and his tank off. it was really scary and confusing. i'm sure some people with tanks are just harmless and kinda creepy, but these guys were definitely violent assholes.

.down 10 was way cleaner. they confiscated over 300 tanks and everyone was there for the music (and of course the ditch party)
the .down this year was SO much cleaner than last year (or previous years for that matter). The weird thing was coming out of the music saturday, and seeing how desolate shakedown was, none of the usual lot rats/scum hanging around that the tanks seem to attract. quite nice, just a bit shocking. DITCH PARTY!!!!!!The ditch was directly behind my tent, i was just up the treeline a bit more, where it was much deeper. great time as always, i love moe.down.
When is the best time, In your opinion, to take N2O during a trip?
I enjoy taking it during the peak because thats when its most powerful and awe inspiring but if your looking for something less intense you could do it a few hours into the peak right before the comedown.
When is the best time, In your opinion, to take N2O during a trip?

i just recently finished a 20lb tank with my friends, and i had dosed before we started doing balloons, and then when the tank was empty, i was left tripping VERY hard, and it was quite strange, the nitrous really seemed to have a negative effect for the first 40 minutes afterward or so, my balance was really off and i was just really really scatterbrained.

I think the best time for n20 during a trip is during or after the peak.
i just recently finished a 20lb tank with my friends, and i had dosed before we started doing balloons, and then when the tank was empty, i was left tripping VERY hard, and it was quite strange, the nitrous really seemed to have a negative effect for the first 40 minutes afterward or so, my balance was really off and i was just really really scatterbrained.

I think the best time for n20 during a trip is during or after the peak.

How tall is a 20lb tank? That sounds like it could be very interesting.
its like 2 1/2 feet tall, maybe a little shorter. you probably get somewhere in the realm of 300 or so FAT balloons from one tank. Its a blessing/curse to have a tank.
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