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The Big & Dandy Methoxetamine (MXE) Thread - Chapter 14

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I experienced too some detrimental effect from MXE, more about perception than intellectual capacity related... They vanished with time, generally 1 week is sufficient, 2 to be at baseline. What's the duration of yours symptoms ?
These symptom are not entirely different from some of side effect of serotonergic antidepressant, perhaps these are due to the SRI property of MXE.
There is many ppl who get these type of symptom from SSRI around me (on certain kind of SSRI personnaly I don't have these memory/retrieving problem, I just can't think straight, and this take a while after stopping the med to reach baseline).
After effect problems from my MXE usage seem more due to the dissociating part (NMDA), thought.

It's really an all around mental fog, by a month it was probably 90% gone but it seems like it has had some less noticeable long term effects that take much longer to fade. Been quite a while since I've dosed now, not that I haven't wanted to..
Today I officially joined the Uniao Do Rectal =D

I weighed 30mg MXE and put it in a shotglass. Then I took a 10ml syringe (leftover spore syringe lol) without needle, let the hot water run and drew 2ml. I squirted it carefully onn top of the powder and stirred to dissolve, then loaded the syringe and squirted the air out. I buttered it up with diet margarine. I lay in bed naked, warm, relaxed, on my left side, knees up. I calmly inserted the syringe, moving it a bit, until it was all the way in, then carefully pressed down and retrieved the syringe. Success! It was in.

But what happened next was nothing short of a miracle. MXE rectally is a completely different drug than orally or sublingually. It is much more anesthetic, you are just filled with a peace that is indescribable. You feel it in minutes and descend into a super comfortable MXE bliss that feels SO GOOD, the feeling was akin to being a little kid again, after an awesome day, lying in bed and being overcome by sleep. It was so peaceful and euphoric! It felt almost twice as strong as the dose would have been orally, but with much less side effects and I stress, much more anesthetic and euphoric.

After an hour and a half I did it again, and it happened again, so wonderful and peaceful, now even more psychoactive. I emerged absolutely gobsmacked. I been using MXE sublingually and later orally since 2011. After these two uses of rectal use, I don't want to go back to oral. This is harm reduction at its finest. You use almost half the dose so you reduce organ stress (liver, kidneys, bladder), its more satisfying and the dosing is more involved so you use it less often and more thoughtfully and you can get almost twice the bang out of every gram! This is needle use results without needle use dangers.

I heard it was good but dayum, this is GOOD. That "whole different drug" thing is for the better. You are high sooner, higher, and longer. its more potent and more awe inspiring.

I am so GLAD that I literally gave it a shot, who'd have thought that a different noninvasive ROA would be so superior. I don't want to go back, later when I was back on earth I went online and ordered a set of syringes without needles. Why give your body extra organ stress and waste more by using a less efficient dosing method?

2ml liquid feels like you're holding back a wee little fart for 20min, then its dissolved. And so are you =D Theres no sting, it just itches a little bit.

Discovering oral was as good as sublingual was a sensation, but rectal use is a revolution, its so much better, and this without invading your body with a needle.

I had so much resistance to overcome to use a drug rectally. I mean stick it up your ass, and using a syringe, even without needle, it caused great resistance in me. But now that I tried it and saw what it does, oh my I'm a believer.
How does plugging MXE compare with nasal administration? I had great success trying aMT rectally and am very curious about MXE this way but I'm just curious how different it is to snorting it.
Way different, basically significantly different effects. Nasal is more stimulating, and rectal is more sedating and dissociative.
^ That's kind of why I prefer snorting TBH, it's much better suited for parties haha
Way different, basically significantly different effects. Nasal is more stimulating, and rectal is more sedating and dissociative.

Is it easier to reach the "m-hole" when plugging? I've always had an extremely hard time "holing". The only thing that seems to work is mixing large doses of ketamine/dxm with even larger amounts of nitrous and cannabis. I love mxe but unlike k or dxm large doses leave me uncomfortably stimulated. Is this because my only ROA has been insufflation?
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Its much more anesthetic, sedative and dreamlike so I figure it must be easier to Hole on. the Wiki on Drugs-forum.com pegs maximum Common doses of MXE as 3:2:1 Oral/Rectal/IM so its kind of in the middle between dropping and shooting.

Folley it depends on what kind of party, I can imagine it being quite a fun trhing to do for a gay couple to give each other a buttshot of MXE =D

I had hilarious jokes about it on my mind the whole time, like I vividly heard Trainspottings Renton say "for all the good its gonna do I might as well shove it up me arse!" but oh MAN it did.

Its an enbtirely different way of flying, altogether :)
this is probably a stupid question, but is it fine to take vitamins before doing some mxe?
Is it easier to reach the "m-hole" when plugging? I've always had an extremely hard time "holing". The only thing that seems to work is mixing large doses of ketamine/dxm with even larger amounts of nitrous and cannabis. I love mxe but unlike k or dxm large doses leave me uncomfortably stimulated. Is this because my only ROA has been insufflation?

I have heard snorting makes it difficult to reach the hole, and more stimulating. The time I hit the MXE hole, I took some orally and then a booster rectally and that's when it changed. Rectal dosing isn't stimulating at all for me, and I found the hole to be incredible. Not everyone agrees.
I used to hole VERY hard with snorted doses.. like, would watch the world rip itself apart and go through holes within holes. Oral could never do that for me for some reason, it just lacked any kind of punch.
Way different, basically significantly different effects. Nasal is more stimulating, and rectal is more sedating and dissociative.

Considering I suffer from very bad insomnia, I'm definitely going to try plugging this stuff next time. The after stimulation is my only complaint about this material.
I used to hole VERY hard with snorted doses.. like, would watch the world rip itself apart and go through holes within holes. Oral could never do that for me for some reason, it just lacked any kind of punch.

I have no problems reaching the hole via insuffilation but I'm a bit new to NMDA antagonists and thus have probably next to no tolorance.
I heard someone say rectal use is the only way he can Hole on it. If you consider that nasal is the most stimulating ROA and anal with IM the most anesthetic and dreamy, yesits probably your ROA playing a large part.
That said..

Today I tried rectal administration again.

I followed the same procedure but this time with 40mg of MXE. I lay in bed and got overcome with the same deep relaxation and euuphoria of the former experiments, it really is a LOT different rectally than orally.

But then..

As I lay there I connected with a young Chinese woman lying in a hospital bed, head on a big fluffy pillow, who was regaining consciousness after surgery. In her state, the state I was in to, I heard her murmur "Tzu.. Tzu.." over and over, as if wanting to communicate. When I got out of bed an hour and a half I googled "Tzu" and found out it was a honorific for a respected ancestor.

I'm not saying I actually telepatically linked up to someone in real life, but thats what the experience felt like, and that she mistook my presence to that of an ancestor.

A very beautiful, very fulfilling experience
and which is better IM/IV or rectal?

I've tried IM & IV, and I would choose IM. It's worth noting IM is my preferred route for MXE, Ketamine, 3-meo, and 4-meo.

IV mxe is easier than IV ketamine, but it still comes on fast (caution!).

You lose some of that floaty lucidity on the come up with injection, a quality I very much enjoy. I only do one dose, I think breaking the dose into separate administrations is a bad idea.

My preference in administration would be

IV - I have a preferential dislike to IV'ing drugs

I've never tried rectal, or subq.
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Try it, see how it compares with IM If its a close second, you might want to go for that instead of injecting.
Haha! I'm so glad you joined the club Asante.

Having tried both i.m. and rectal I can confirm rectal is superior to i.m. Dose, come up and duration are the same, but it feels so much more natural plus you don't have to stab yourself with a needle etc. Safe and smooth.

Rectal MXE <3

At the moment I'm all out of MXE but (butt) plugging 3-MeO-PCP in therapeutic doses instead. Brilliant.
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