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The Big & Dandy Flashback Thread

Glad some people are adding insight to the thread instead of just dismissing the idea because they dont feel what others do.
Yo Deadwing I'm really sorry to hear about your post psychedelic condition. I'm really curious to know details about your visuals, current mind state, and the way your approaching life with these effects.
these are some questions I'm most interested in
1) Are you feeling better? to what extent and over how long a time did it take to see improvements
2) How much have u experimented with psychedelics + other drugs
3) What is your mind state..has it been effected other than the visuals
4) how has your life changed with this problem
5) Are there any treatments for HPPD
6) What is the highest dose you have taken of acid..like how badly were u tripping? Loss of ego with tons of visuals?

I myself experience get mild forms of flashbacks when I smoke
Hello, cool we're getting somewhere :)

1) After a year and 2 months I am definitely feeling better. When I first got this I felt no connection to my family members, their faces seemd alien and sitting at the dinner table was like eating with the devil, you just don't want to imagine the mind state it's not like feeling human at all. This is known as 'Derealisation' and I think I had that quite severely and still do (definitely not so bad). Hand in hand with DR is DP (depersonalisation) where you don't feel like you are in your body, just hitching a ride in someone elses head. I felt this very strong and still do but through socialising and taking an interest in my personal health I think I can beat this too. Since about 4 months ago I would often feel very heavy headed - like being 'stoned' though obviously without the high and it left me feeling stupid and cloudy, this has also lessened to the point where I feel confident I can go back to uni.

As for the visuals I have noticed little improvement over the year but I don't get much warping or things looking like they are shifting positions in my periphial vision. Afterimages (looking at something and then seeing a vague outline of it for a few seconds when I look away) are still at the same intensity as are the trails. These symptoms get much worse when I get no sleep or wake up with a hangover.

I have been taking supplements like omega 3, glutamine and multivitamins + doing regular weight training which has definitely improved my mental wellbeing in the last few months. I think a healthy lifestyle can really help in battling this disorder.

2) I started, like many others with weed late into my 16th year (2005) and thought it was a BLAST and I was definitely not the typical stoner but in the holidays it did get to a stage of smoking every couple of days. Then when school finished I started to feel wierd when I got stoned like I was being sucked out of reality but I had never heard of people feeling like this and it went away when I stopped smoking.. well it started happening every time so I just said no more (at this point looking back it was stupid to even contemplate doing other drugs, but with no resources on this kind of stuff it's difficult to know what you're getting yourself into). So anyway during and after this period I had taken DXM, LSA (HBWR), LSD (3 times), Magic Mushrooms (2 times once combined with acid), Ecstasy 2x (post HPPD) and quite a lot of nitrous.

Personally I think I aquired 2 drug induced disorders - DP/DR from weed and HPPD from the acid which in turn made my DP/DR unimaginably worse. Let me also say that a DP/DR is a much more soul destroying condition than HPPD it literally feels like you're dead and in hell sometimes.

3) I think I have covered this through 1 & 2 but I can also add that my mindstate right now is not so negative it is one of hope because if I'm feeling a bit better now then there must be some repair mechanism in action.

4) I find it extremely hard to socialise and have conversations especially having trouble with memory and word recall. I can sometimes sound very smart because I use sophisticated words for stupid things but it's really because they are the words that I remember first, and other times I will just get lost in a simple conversation. This is probably my worst problem because it makes me extremely anxious especially as I am (or was) a very social person. So on the outside they might be the only things that would seem a little strange if you were to get out the magnifying glass on me. It strips away my ability to take a lot of things seriously too becuase of how fucked up I feel sometimes and I just don't care about things such as work like other people would and I resent that because it's taking away what it means to be alive and have responsibility, if you know what I mean... I'm sure you can use your imagination when it comes to every day life based on what I have said.

5) While there is no cure there are treatments such as benzos - the most popular for HPPD is clonazepam. I have decided not to take this path because benzos definitely don't help the brain heal lol and it seems more like a bandaid that will just keep comming loose over time, however it is a good option for some of the older sufferers who have a job, kids and wife and really need that kind of treatment to avoid constant pannic attacks. Some people decide to take lots of supplements and herbal remedies and also claim that this helps but after a vast amount of time which I think would be true to some extent but the main thing that I think helps is if you just abstain from psychoactives. There are many HPPDers who get crazy visuals from just coffee.

6) I had 2 extremely intense trips, the first was on 4 tabs of acid which turned out to be pretty horrid it was just way too intense and I was thinking I was slowly decaying and that any second I would just dissappear there's quite a bit more to it but it was just way too insane to describe. I will note that I didn't notice any visuals after that trip.

The second one about 2 months later was on 2 tabs of acid and 2 grams of dried mushrooms. This was an extremely good trip and I had loads of fun and had the most crazy closed eye visuals I could ever imagine, complete landscapes of purple psychedelic kaliedescopes and my neighbourhood looked like the amazon jungle. My memory is not too clear but soon after this and a few more stoning sessions later I was seeing trails and after images constantly and I began to freak out. I could not tolerate the smallest hit of weed in fact I would rather kill myself. A year later and here I am feeling a bit better but not good, it is very hard to stay positive but I will do my best. I am going to try and get a girlfriend I think that would help a lot.

Sorry about the long post don't know if I covered everything well any more questions I'm happy to answer
did you have any signs that you were going to get this sort of condition before you used that you may not have known about? what was your life and personality like before you started? did you have any disorders or conditions before hppd?
Nah bro perfectly healthy, mentally and physically. I'd like to think I was smarter (I really hate to say that because I know most humans are capable of almost anything if they try, but based on test scores I suppose that's some sort of justification) than average especially in writing and had a great ability to empathise and see things in different perspectives (the attraction of psychedelics begins lol). Maybe this lead to thoughts being so chaotic and confusing and ended up just frying me or something.

I don't feel like I have totally lost all that but I feel extremely scrambled and unable to consolidate my thoughts very well and thinking can be extremely strenuous.
Is it possible to get a trip flashback?

Is it possible to get sort of a mushroom trip flashback a couple days after you do them? I had my first trip 2 days ago and today I've been smoking weed and earlier I think I had some sort of trip flashback of some kind because while I was stoned I had the normal high feeling right but then i started to get that sort of morphing-breathing thing and things looking really 3D. Then I looked at my walls and the floor and the walls were like kaleidascopes and then when I looked at the carpet it started flowing like a river, it reminded me of when I was tripping 2 days ago.
Yea, ime thats pretty common for up to a couple days after a good trip. Idk about how strong those feelings n sensations could be, varies person to person, trip to trip...as long as it doesnt stick around more than a couple days ur okay..if u notice it happening every time u smoke or just stayin consistently "off" u might wanna lay off everything n see if it goes away..if not u may be lookin at HPPD, but thats a little more serious and constant than what ur sayin
you probably had some afterglow the next day, and now just some lingering afterglow.

i think you're safe, but keep track of how your feeling mentally and physically.
it is not uncommon for weed to bring back the effects of psychedelics. Especially when you first start tripping.
I always get strong effects from pot for a few weeks after I trip. This is normal reaction I would think and nothing I would worry about too much. I actually enjoy it quite a bit :D
After long-term psychedelic use, it is possible for the visual cortex to become highly stimulated when exposed to certain light, color, and image patterns, resulting in visual hallucinations.
Hahahahahaha, this one time i was at summer camp, just laying in my bed almost going to sleep, then this deeeeep sense of euphoria just completely washed over me, and I was experiencing psychedelic colors like mad... then i started feeling this weird feeling in my chest like i was falling and im like holy fuck this feels great!! and it was just totally euphoric, then it stopped and faded away to some nice space bubblles. man it was wicked.... :D:D
Yea I wasn't worried just curios, it was enjoyable and interesting. Could I ask another question while I'm at it instead of making a new thread. I would like to try mushrooms again but with a higher dose at once, how long should I wait for tolerance to be gone? I did it 3 days ago, and this time I would like to embark in the trip looking for full on visuals and with some questions to ask this time instead of just seeing how it is. Does tolerance leave in like a week or more or what?
Well, generally it takes a large dose or a couple of consecutive trips within a day or two to really diminish effects, so if you want to have a nice experience with a higher dose just wait another four days so it makes a week between doses. Get some rest, and wait for these symptoms to go away just in case. Always stay safe man.
I'm still having mushroom flashbacks from smoking weed! It's been 4 days, I wasn't worried before but I sort of am now. Will this happen every time I smoke weed?
Nah dude, don't worry too much about it. It's relatively common. Let the experience get fully processed, and it should stop shortly. It's all psychological and will get sorted out.
You shouldn't be worried, as noted in Axxer's post "flashbacks" can be caused by any number of strong stimuli, although the term is used most frequently in reference to psychedelic chemicals. After experiencing the mind's ability to alter the way in which it percieves, and given marijuana's propensity for putting users in a more suggestible state, it should not be strange at all to experience (or notice) more psychedelic effects with marijuana.

As for your second question, tolerance for psilocybin/psilocilin, as with most tryptamines, is generally accepted to be 3-5 days at the long end.