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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy Eticyclidone / 2‘-Oxo-PCE Thread

Ok so I tried this stuff out. whoa! It is potent. I insufflated about 17mg (used Gemini scale to measure and it may be off .001-.002)
I took on Wednesday night, and I don't have a lot of recollection after about 11:30 pm. I am even having a hard time remembering what I did all day that day. When I woke up Thursday morning, I was walking strange. And was really off all day. Then i started remembering all the things I needed to get done before Friday. And felt really panicky.

I don't know. Kinda freaked me out. I blame the Xanax I had taken earlier that day for the loss time, even though I took 1mg Xanax around 2pm due to some anxiety.

oh and also my vision was messed up the next day, most of the
day. I had a hard time seeing clearly. It was really strange
Would you recommend this substance as a "fun" shortime sleeping aid ? In my opinion on medium doses this always feels very sedating for the first 3h and then slowly the stimulating part (monoamine rebound?) sets in. So I'm wondering, whether it can be utilized as a nap aid (if you aim to sleep for 3h and want to be awake after that).
I would use (and I use) GBL for that . at +6h you will be awake because of the dopamine rebound, and fresh as you can get. I don't think 2-oxo-pce would work at all
In my experience it acually can work like that once your body gets used to it and you use a benzo. (I prefer Diclazepam or Flubromazepam due to the longer half-life making it less likely to be anxious or manic on the rebound) Obviously I can't actually recommend that because I feel the combo is dangerous, my heart rate got pretty low. The main problem is, by that point, you feel pretty wonky all the time and I can't recommend driving at that point.

The monoamine rebound is actually what I assume it is because I kicked my 3-meo-pcp habit after taking this for a couple days, it made it much much easier to kick.
In my experience it acually can work like that once your body gets used to it and you use a benzo. (I prefer Diclazepam or Flubromazepam due to the longer half-life making it less likely to be anxious or manic on the rebound) Obviously I can't actually recommend that because I feel the combo is dangerous, my heart rate got pretty low. The main problem is, by that point, you feel pretty wonky all the time and I can't recommend driving at that point.

The monoamine rebound is actually what I assume it is because I kicked my 3-meo-pcp habit after taking this for a couple days, it made it much much easier to kick.
That's interesting, I usually take some alprazolam and snorted 2-oxo-pcm for 2-3 days after a 3-meo binge in order to shut up the craving, and it works pretty well :)
And you find the 2-oxo-pce/pcm does not lead to the same redosing pattern? I'm wondering how you find it works using a disso to chill out from another disso without just leading to more using. I could use a break from the 3-meo-madness. (*Says to self every night*)

I haven't tried this one or it's -PCM cousin so I can't compare.
And you find the 2-oxo-pce/pcm does not lead to the same redosing pattern? I'm wondering how you find it works using a disso to chill out from another disso without just leading to more using. I could use a break from the 3-meo-madness. (*Says to self every night*)

I haven't tried this one or it's -PCM cousin so I can't compare.

I can take 2-OxO-PCM without falling into a redosing everyday pattern because for me it's a so light an lackluster experience that I don't really feel like wanting to take again the next day. With 3-MeO I'm always wanting more the next day.

2-OxO-PCE doesn't seem addictive for me as well, last time I dosed was some months ago and I don't have the desire to take it again, I have got full respect for it so I treat it like psychedelic. 3-MeO puts me in a state that is difficult to not want to be there everyday.
15mg of O-PCE with 9mg of 5-MeO-MiPT was lovely. Oddly more lucid for me than either on its own; had a couple of really useful insights and felt great the next day. Was difficult getting to sleep though.
I have asked this in another thread- so apologies for repetition if you've read that- but is anyone able to inform me of reagent results for this substance, please?
MSK, I am the complefe opposite. 3 meo pcp wears on me after a few days. I like it more out doing something than at home most times.

Dck and o pce, I like more frequently. Probably moreso the dck. Maybe because it is the more lackluster. Just easy and smooth mostly.
MSK, I am the complefe opposite. 3 meo pcp wears on me after a few days. I like it more out doing something than at home most times.

Dck and o pce, I like more frequently. Probably moreso the dck. Maybe because it is the more lackluster. Just easy and smooth mostly.

I can relate to that, from all the dissos I have got, the one I take like if it was candy is the DCK.

Lackluster sounds bad as word, but the "lacklustering" of 2-OxO-PCM is pretty enjoyable, if you get me ;P Just chillout, disconnecting the brain, smoking a spliff, opening a can of beer and beeing in a zen state <3
Tried it for the 5th and prolly final time

It just makes me fell weirded out for a good 8 hours after my "trip" is over
Guys, guys, O-PCM "lackluster"? I can tell you guys aren't rectal dosing. What do you do, snort it?
Guys, guys, O-PCM "lackluster"? I can tell you guys aren't rectal dosing. What do you do, snort it?

Yes, I was always snorting it! With 2-OxO-PCM I fell in old MXE/Ketamine abuser patterns, snorting it trough the day, with mild experiences due to high dissociative tolerance. Today I'll try it orally and see if the experience changes, rectal is not my thing at all. I bet things will improve with oral dosing, as they did with oral 3-MeO-PCP or 2-OxO-PCE vs snorted.

It's not lackluster at all, maybe that was a bad word to describe it. Friendly, and uneventful, at least with a massive disso tolerance. A good one for chilling out after a hard day of work.
Had an amazing time with 20mg of 2ci (years without taking a 2c, I forgot how well they combine with dissos) and 30mg 2-oxo-pce. More friendly than when I take it with lysergamides or tryptamines. Take in account my tolerance is massive and 30mg of o-pce, or the combo itself could be very intense to non experienced folks
I just spent two hours finding my dropped mouse after I moved my laptop to my bed for O-PCE No Man's Sky fun. Now I'm more or less sober and need to sleep anyways. This drug, wtf?
I just spent two hours finding my dropped mouse after I moved my laptop to my bed for O-PCE No Man's Sky fun. Now I'm more or less sober and need to sleep anyways. This drug, wtf?
I have fell in the hole without noticing with o-PCE a few times while gaming, interesting and inmersive experiences xP loved to snort a fat MXE line and launching Skyrim back in the time ;P
I had a few times on MXE with Skyrim, good times, becoming so emotionally immersed in that universe.