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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy DOC Thread - Third opinion

I did start with an allergy test and then low doses and worked up, that's the best advice I can give. It does cause some amount of vasoconstriction at any full dose, and it's the main negative effect it has on me. This can be combatted with preloading with L-Arginine, which is a vasodilator. I used to do that but I don't use it too often now and I haven't bothered in a while because it's not much of an issue at 3mg. I definitely also ALWAYS use liquid measurement by making a solution of 1mg/mL of DOC to alcohol, and dose with a 1mL oral syringe with 100 markings on it so I can dose extremely accurately. I would never weigh out an individual dose of them on anything but the most expensive analytical scales, nor would I ever attempt to eyeball it.

I'd like to take it at 5mg sometime in the future, never gone quite that high though I have done 4.5mg. I wouldn't feel comfortable really going higher than that, plus it's already really great at 3mg, and quite powerful at 4.5.
I just received some DOC that is an off-white powder somewhere between crystalline and floury. Marquis and Mandelin came up green, Mecke dark brown tending toward purple. That lines up with what I have read here and elsewhere.

I made a solution with 20mg DOC, 10ml vodka, and 30ml tap water (so 500 ug/ml). The bulk of the material appeared to dissolve right away, but I am left with a kind of speckled haze of tiny particles with a few "cottony" specks.

I have read a couple of similar reports on the DOC from this vendor, but those threads aren't conclusive about the ultimate potency or homogeneity of the solution.

I am tending toward chalking it up to impurity and going in with a 200ug test dose. Any thoughts on the risks I could be taking ingesting 400ul of this solution? The specks could be DOC and I could consume more than intended, but given the volumes I don't think the +/- is that great. It could be a dangerous impurity, or the wrong chemical entirely...
I went for it, approx 500ul / 250ug. Dosed at 5:30 AM, felt some jitters and energy an hour later. Arrived at work (office job). From 7:30 to 9:30, I experienced some de-motivation and hopelessness (something i am naturally prone to) which was pretty easily shaken off by focusing on concrete tasks. Flirted with a + for most of the middle of the day. Definitely feeling vasoconstriction in fingers and toes, and developed a headache around 12:30, which I may attribute to vaso and/or jaw tension or even lack of sleep - I had a fitful night, waking often (anticipation). Phenethylamines always seem to give me this kind of headache. Hard to describe the pain but I recognize it.

Hard to really gauge the potential at this level. I had some glimpses of creativity enhancement and well-being, but they were tempered by some paranoia and somatic discomfort. I want to take a proper dose when I have the time, get a good feel for the effects, then try a lower "enhance the day" dose. I don't think I will try this at work again - surreal thinking does not mix well with mundane interactions.
I often find that low threshold doses of chemicals are weird. You get some of the negatives and some positives but the negatives are more defined and noticeable, and nothing really develops. I start to like DOC at 500ug but 1mg is my ideal fully functioning dose (as in, the dose where I can operate normally but am altered by DOC noticeably). I experience some amount of vasoconstriction at any level with it, but it does increase at a higher dose. I've never really found it uncomfortable except when I'm on 3.5+mg, or if I get cold (for example, swimming in a chilly mountain stream). If you're concerned about it you could try preloading with L-arginine, it's an amino acid which is a vasodilator. It counters it out pretty well.
I find 1mg great for hiking & other outdoor adventures ... and 4mg for visiting the other-world...
I don't notice any body-load with any dose up to 4mg... Now i must say, i also like DOM just as much
I took half a milligram at work a couple of months ago, I have an office job as well but a bit of a weird work situation as I have an office all alone in a quiet corner of the building. I dosed in the morning (7am) and I was quite able to perform my office duties, with renewed enthusiasm for, and insight in one task I had been struggling with, until in the afternoon when I lost focus around 3pm and I got too stimulated to sit behind my desk. Instead I thoroughly swept the floors and cleaned the place, something that was long overdue so no time-theft there.

I wouldn't have wanted to do this experiment if I had to work with colleagues nearby all the time. Occasional interactions with people in the hallways went really really well, even in the elevator where it's always either polite conversations or awkward silences, but being alone otherwise in my office meant I could channel the surplus energy (I hadn't expected DOC to be so stimulating at such a low dose- a bit naive I guess), through sweeping the floor but also by goofing around on occasion, climbing walls and cabinets and riding trolleys.

I won't repeat this one-time experiment, as I agree that surreal thinking does not mix well with mundane interactions. Everything has its place and its time. It's just a pain in the ass that with DOC, arranging that time and that place is such a hassle if your days are filled.

It was a very pleasant experience, I noticed no physical discomfort, no negative side effects besides not being able to sleep before 4am. I still want to try DOC at a higher dose but I also liked these low dose experiences. Low doses do feel weird at times, an itching feeling of something being just out of reach, or of being stuck between two worlds but that can be an interesting place to be. I always find myself grimacing a lot when that feeling occurs, making really strange faces.
you could try preloading with L-arginine, it's an amino acid which is a vasodilator

Thanks for the tip - I'll give that a shot next time. Looking back now I think the quality of sleep I got the night before was a big contributor to the discomfort. Such a catch-22, anticipation of the next day's experiment makes me restless when quality sleep is the most important.

I wouldn't have wanted to do this experiment if I had to work with colleagues nearby all the time.

That's the biggest problem in my situation - I am in a room with four colleagues, one of them sitting in arm's reach all day. For the most part it's very quiet and we can put headphones on and isolate a bit... But it just puts me in a strange space. I used to be able to work from home - I built a standing desk in my garage, can pump music all day, stop and do some pullups... I can see low-mid DOC working great for a work day in that environment.
Hi, I've got a question I hope some one can give me on. Since I'm diagnosed with Bi-Polair Disorder about 3years ago and therefore using large dosis of medication. Now I looked up the dangerous combination list I found Out every medication I have and the drugs I use or going to use, says everythinng I do is a dangerous combination. All my types of medicine are on the list and all the drugs I use, used or going to use. I'm currently on 600mg Quietapine, 800mg Carbamazepine, 20mg Propanolol, 15mg propanolol, 8mg Akineton, 10mg Promethazine and 40mg of Diazepam.

Now I know my medication really do something with my tripps. Its not the same as before the medications. Although I really had strong visual tripps on Nbome blotters, between 8-12 blotters a night. But after 3times, the blotters seem to be completely inactive, no matter how high I dose. Later I tried tripping on Acid, Year and half before (also with medication but without the fluanxol and smaller dose of Carbamazepine I had a really nice light visuel trip lasting about 8hours and all effects gone at 12.

Now I use psychedelllics for 12year now and had everykind of tripp you could possibly had. Some where verry hard Some where like being in Heaven I NEVER EVER used any medication to stop a tripp. Why tripp anyway if u can't handle the darkside and extreme intensity and rushing thoughts of Psychedellics. But Now with my higher dosis of Carbamazepine plus the extra Anti-psychotic Fluanxol I cant seem to catch any tripp. I tested it with some 90mcs blotters, I took 5at once and start rolling some joints and lie down on the couch to slowly let the acid come up. 90minutes later I still didnt noticde any effects, no treshold no placebo. So I dissided to redose once more and if that wont wor,k not wasting any more blotter so gave them to my friend who doesn't use medication. He did feel some effects and had a nice night tripping not really hard. I go to bed and start rolling a real phat spliff. After smoking this in one go, I start feeling a famillar feeling. A real light lsd body intoxication.

Also I'm a heavy amphetamine Abuser, going up to 25/30gr per week with my girlfriend with tested amphetamine(68%). Need higher dosis than before I took medications. Need to ingeste around 150mg-250 mg amphetamine and take 2 to 3 lines about 100-300mg each depends how much craving I have. Never really had real bad psychical side-effects except faster heart-rate and bloodpressure so I take every 24hours a small amount of Seroquel 150-300 mg, 10mg propanol and 15mgs of Diazepam this takes just the edge off without making me complete sober it reallly gives an extreme dellusional state of mind where every thought is already forgotten before you figure out the sentence you want to make. All memmory short and long stop working and creates a extremely disorientated if not blacking out all the way state of mind for a couple of hours and then you start feelling normal again and need to insulfate new dosis of amphetamine to go back speedy again. My binges are between 2-4 days without sleep (max) and then take all my medication at once, experiencing no come down you wake up 12hours later feeling extreme fatique.

Now I also use MDMA mid to high dosis, no interactions whatsoevher with my medication I roll just like I used to roll. Combine it with Amphetamine no side-effects noticed. But now I came across some pure and high quality DOC blottters. Now I like to know have I been lucky all this time and are actually playing russianroulette with my brain and toxicity from the combinations, or is it the tolerance my body build up the last couple of years on the diffrent kinds of medication. This time I wanna decrease my medication in a couple of days before ingesting DOC. But I've been on Amphetamine binge for 9days know consuming 25grams in total. Should I wait 2-3 days before I ingest 2mg DOC. And how much interaction/side-effects from DOC with all sorts of downers, antipsychotics, antihistimane, benzo, anti-epilectic all combined. I read about serious dangerous vasoconstictive properties of DOC mixed with stimulants or High dose on it's own. Please some one could help me with this, I like to tripp, but I don't want it the last tripp I''ll ever have yet.

Here's all the medication I take everyday, alll in once 20pills total. Quetapine: 600mg, Carbamazpine: 800mg, Fluanxol: 15mg, Promethazine: 10mg, Propanolol: 20mg, Diazepam: 40mg, Akineton: 8mg(max dose per 24hrs). So it's a combination of anti-psychotics, anti-epilectic, Beta-blockers, anti-histimanes, benzodiazepines and anticholinergics used to stop the extreme shaking hands en unwanted bodilymovements from the anit-psychotics. Any information would be really appreciated.

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Sorry for too much information I've been awake along time. But my main question was that after my now 9 days in a row insulfated 25grms of levo-amphetamine (68%) it's tested. Shoulld I wait a couple of days for all te amphetamine leave my body and then dose 2mg DOC, beacouse I had it planned for later this day together withh my girlfriend or would that be plain suiciddes also beacause I use antipsychotics-anti-epileptic, beta-blocker, aniti histimane benzos and medication against shaking hands and uncontrolable bodymovements.
Well I think that after being up for 9 days you should have stimulant psychosis so hard that eating psychs will prolly end you up in a looney bin......but I couldn't say for sure cause I've never liked staying up for over 24 hours at a time doing anything

I'd say you've got one hell of a potpourri of meds your on.....I'd guess that it's gonna be hard to find someone on the same meds/dose/schedule as you.....plus all that stimulant abuse may have just fried your synapses to the point of no return....fuck dood
No 9days non stop slept twice for a couple of hours. The medication I get is not for Schitzophrenic disorders but Bi-Polar Disorder. Until now Psychedellics tend to have a healing after glow. Use DMT regulary makes me feel like I rebooted my body and mind all my troubles fall of my shoulder and can think without constant worries. I asked this because the negative side-effects of DOC seem to increase to deadly levels combined with other stimulants.

Well amphetamine ]triggers dopamine and I already have too much Dopamine levels while not on medication but DOC mainly works on Serotenine so I don't see a problem there. And yeah after all those years of amphetamine abuse and addiction my dopamine synapse is probably fucked up, I made mistakes. But I never had problems with psychedellics
Hey guys I was wondering if DOC is neurotoxic. I used to live this stuff but as I get older I don't really want to trip for a good 16+ hours.
I have heard that chlorine is very neurotoxic, but 2ç ç would be neurotoxic too....I have never heard reports of 2ç ç being neurotoxic but idk. I know compounds such as 3 çmç are neurotoxic and to stay away with with chemicals with chlorinated compounds.
I have no knowledge of or organic chemistry so I don't know if these bonds on DOC are different than other chemicals I mentioned.
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Chloride ions are extremely neurotoxic oxidants--they have a very high electro negativity and can tear up other molecules in order to forcibly bond with something. But this same property actually makes chloride-containing drugs very safe: the chloride-carbon bond on the drug molecule is so strong that there's no metabolic process in the body that will break it--the result is that the drug, or the part of the drug containing the chloride, will be excreted unchanged. So your particular worries about DOC--due to the chlorine--can be put to rest. The chlorine will not hurt you.

That being said...

There is some controversial evidence suggesting neurotoxicity of DOx drugs. There was a Japanese study done on DOI some years ago that found 5ht2a-mediated neurotoxicity.

Here is a relevant thread discussing the topic:

The consensus was that the study had serious methodological flaws and should probably be disregarded... But it must be stated that we DO know that 5ht2a-mediated arachidonic acid processes result in inflammation and programmed cell death, and play a large role in the neurotoxicity of all serotonin releasing agents, like MDMA or PMA (though other processes--hyperthermic excitotoxicity, the uptake of dopamine into serotonergic axons and subsequent formation of reactive oxygen species, and the metabolism of MDMA into the neurotoxic alpha-methyl-dopamine, are also involved there).
In simplest form: the 5ht2a receptor does mediate programmed cell death. Of course it also mediates synaptic growth and reorganization, and neurogenesis, so it's not at all cleaR whether, in aggregate, 5ht2a activity is neurotoxic or neurotrophic.

The reason this 5ht2a-mediated neurotoxicity affects releasing agents disproportionately over receptor ligands is that serotonin is a full agonist at all serotonin receptors, meanwhile most psychedelic drugs are just partial receptor agonists with differing intrinsic activation of the arachidonic acid and protein-kinase-associated pathways in the serotonin receptor.

It likewise stands to reason that 5ht2a full agonists, or agonists with a higher intrinsic activation of the arachidonic acid pathway, are more likely to cause damage: on this topic, DOI acts like a full agonist at the arachidonic acid pathway of the 5ht2a receptor, while DOC does not. All of the DOx drugs have varying intrinsic efficacies, and so can probably not be painted with a single brush when it comes to neurotoxic potential. That being said, though they are mostly partial agonists, they are much STRONGER partial agonists than the classical psychedelics. In addition, they have significant activity as serotonin reuptake inhibitors and releasers, which would contribute to their potential toxicity.


All in all, DOC isn't going to rot your brain. It might not be particularly great for it--it's hard to say. But the neurotoxicity of a single non-physically-traumatic use will be negligible, if it exists at all. I would be far more worried about the 5ht2b-mediated cardiotoxicity.

My advice to you: If you're going to use it, do so carefully. Make sure you're getting your doses right--and that means volumetric dilution--and make sure you're getting enough rest and food. And don't use it too often. The question of what constitutes "too often" is harder to answer. Taking a powerful 5ht2b agonist every day is clearly a terrible idea if you intend to keep your heart past 60. But once a week? Once a month? I wouldn't worry about it. The acute toxicity of DOC can be high, but assuming nothing traumatic happens to you during use, the cumulative toxicity of sensible and infrequent use should be negligible.
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I just had my first trial with DOC and I really liked it. It's my favourite phenetylamine for the moment.

I did take 2.5mg just when I woke up in a completely empty stomach. I put it under my tongue but was bitter enough to make me swallow it. Felt first effects in about 20 minutes which I was not expecting. And my come up was quite steep and nauseous. I read it takes ages to peak but it wasn't my case. I got a bit anxious of having taken a bit too demanding of a dose but it wasn't the case. I felt 2.5mg is a great starting point.

I even got a few visuals which is kind of strange for me. And lost track of time completely. Didn't look at my watch until the 12 hour point. And from then on it started to go down really slowly. I'm having difficulties remembering the experience and I think is due to having ended completely exhausted and not sleeping until 36 hours after dosing.

I took 300mg of opium at the 24hours mark when I was not feeling much anymore though some residual stimulation and didn't feel it. It's normally an active dose for me. I missed having some benzos and next time I'll have them ready.

All in all it was a wonderful and exhausting experience. It was really demanding psysically. So it's something I wouldn't do more than once a year. I've got an injury in my feet so I couldn't walk but I felt it could be a good one for a day trip in the mountains.

I'm quite sensitive to side effects due to a long history of drug abuse but didn't feel anything other than some slight chest pain well after the effects had gone. I totally recomend it.

Next time I'm thinking about 3.5mg. How works the dose response curve with that one? 2+2 are 4?
I've got 250mg lying around. The list of drugs I have that I've never tried seems to be longer than the ones I have tried these days hahah, collector mindset I guess... but your report Hypnotist is enough to ignite my interest in trying at some point in the coming months!
I know what you mean...I have too a long list...I had this for a while, you won't regret it.

Just 2 tips. Have benzos and 2 days for resting afterwards.

I know price discussion is not allowed, just want to say that was the cheapest and probably longest hit I ever got. Just ridiculous.
I've recently acquired 100mg of this compound and will dose in a few weeks. I plan on taking 5mg (preloaded with 12mg of ondansetron). 7mg used to be my sweetspot, but it's been a while so I need to be a little more cautious lol.
I got mine from a now-defunct vendor who had this odd unified pricing scheme for "samples" where you could pay $X dollars for a gram each of two substances off her inventory. They really *were* intended as samples for most of the inventory she stocked--various pyrovalerones, cathinones, fluorinated amps, and cannabinoids, mostly.

But for whatever reason, she offered the same pricing scheme even for potent stuff like DOC and 3-meo-pcp. So needless to say I took advantage of the opportunity to get my hands on some 500ish doses of my favorite psychedelic for the price of a cheap knockoff stimulant. Lifetime supply.

So... Yeah. It's cheap. I suppose that's a function of the relatively low demand: the reality is that it's no more difficult to synthesize than 2c-c. It just needs a different precursor.

Ironic, though, that 2c-c is far more expensive than DOC on a per milligram basis these days.
I also came upon a lifetime supply for an insanely low price, and DOC is probably my favorite psychedelic, or at least it's tied. Lucky times we live in.
back in 2011 I got a gram of the stuff. Figured it'd be enough for a lifetime. It was a particular pink batch that some might have experienced or remember. The vendor explained the pink color was due to traces of the catalyst since they used a different synthetic route to produce their product than most. Vendor went out out of business a while back and I've since given this away as a gift to a friend. I know it's totally irrelevant to the quality or purity of the drug, but I'd still choose the pink DOC over the white stuff, cause it's what I know and reminiscers gonna reminisce :D

Anyone remember or still getting pink DOC powder?