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☛ Official ☚ The Big & Dandy DOC Thread - Third opinion

Yeah the precision is great, and it makes the whole process of ingesting it much safer.

I have occasionally gotten nausea from DOC. I don't usually but it's been pretty unpleasant in that regard a few times over the years. I always try to eat a very light meal an hour before I take DOC.
I usually have passing nausea on the comeup, although I did tend to dose higher than 3mg.

I definitely threw up a couple of times. The most memorable was when I was already feeling nauseous, and my friend made me take a whiff of green tea powder. Insta-purge.
My stomach is pretty sensitive though, I get nausea on a lot of psychs that others don't (such as 4-AcO-DMT). So YMMV.
I have definitely thrown up on DOC (both high and only low to moderate doses) many times, but the good thing is that it's usually not a persistent shitty nausea like with 2c-e. It generally tends to subside pretty quickly after purging and it's replaced by a very enjoyable stimulation.
Yes definitely! That is how it is with most psychs for me (vomit once and then feel incredible), but I have also experienced the persistent nausea. That usually happens when I don't actually throw up... tended to happen the most on 4-AcO-DMT. I think it also happened to me on 2C-E.
How soluble is DOC? Have people just been using distilled water since phens are generally stable? I want to try this but would rather just get what I have into liquid now. Don't really like weighing out raw powder of anything under less than 15mg.

Cyclazine is excellent for counter-acting nausea without a real change in headspace compared to the likes of weed which since it's a psychedelic can fairly reshape a trip. However it does make some slightly drowsy. Ondansetron is even more powerful, but you need to be careful as it completely stops you being sick due to how it affects the brain so it's dangerous under circumstances such as mixing a psy with alcohol.
How soluble is DOC? Have people just been using distilled water since phens are generally stable? I want to try this but would rather just get what I have into liquid now. Don't really like weighing out raw powder of anything under less than 15mg.

Cyclazine is excellent for counter-acting nausea without a real change in headspace compared to the likes of weed which since it's a psychedelic can fairly reshape a trip. However it does make some slightly drowsy. Ondansetron is even more powerful, but you need to be careful as it completely stops you being sick due to how it affects the brain so it's dangerous under circumstances such as mixing a psy with alcohol.

I'm not really sure how taking ondansetron could be dangerous in the situation you're describing? Or any situation?
It isn't Ondanesteron has very little interaction with anything and is very easily obtainable, and not to pricey if you know where to look... It will only halt you from vomiting which in most cases is a good thing...
Hi all, I am so glad i have found this thread so much info about this chem. Is great to see some good info on DOC for once :)

IMO DOC is a great Chem if used right, can be put right next to LSD if dose and setting is to the point. I personally go for 2mg as that is more than enough or me to get to where i need to be in a positive manner with good visuals. I do know others who have taken dosage up to 4.5mg and if not mistaken she was tripping hard core for about 15 hours lol but she said it was nothing bad at all and a good trip so each to their own really i guess.

Anyways maybe you guys could help me out with a DOC issue i have i posted a thread on it please if you have some time let me know your thoughts

You can use standard tap water for DOC. If your making a long term solution don't forget a preservative!
I think he meant like alcohol. It's because if you just use water, eventually microorganisms (bacteria, molds, etc) will grow. If you make a solution with alcohol, that won't be able to happen.
Hey guys I was wondering if DOC is neurotoxic. I used to live this stuff but as I get older I don't really want to trip for a good 16+ hours.
I have heard that chlorine is very neurotoxic, but 2ç ç would be neurotoxic too....I have never heard reports of 2ç ç being neurotoxic but idk. I know compounds such as 3 çmç are neurotoxic and to stay away with with chemicals with chlorinated compounds.
I have no knowledge of or organic chemistry so I don't know if these bonds on DOC are different than other chemicals I mentioned.
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hey guys I was wondering if DOC is neurotoxic.

In my research I haven't found evidence of permanent neuroxicity. The various fatalities and hospitalizations DOC caused involved physical toxicity from the effects. The level of toxicity depends on the individual. Some people experience toxic effects from much lower doses than others. Those effects usually involve rhabdo and potentially severe vasoconstriction of the hands and feet.

I remember tossing and turning for hours, scratching myself all over like some tweaker.

This sounds concerning. You shouldn't get stimulant crashes from DOC. In susceptible individuals vasoconstricion could occur. This peripheral vascular distress often involves cold feeling hands/feet and itching in the hands/feet.
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Yeah the itching is weird, I've never had that. I do sometimes toss and turn at night if I took DOC earlier but it is stimulating after all, no surprise there.
This sounds concerning. You shouldn't get stimulant crashes from DOC. In susceptible individuals vasoconstricion could occur. This peripheral vascular distress often involves cold feeling hands/feet and itching in the hands/feet.

It seems I'm very sensitive to stimulating psychedelics. I think only one of my friends that also tried DOC experienced similar effects.
steamboatbill, do you think cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) would have been a good thing for Axed to take in that situation? seems to me that it would be a handy substance for anyone experimenting with DOx to have around.

bill knows, but for others reading -- flexeril is a 5HT and adrenergic antagonist, related to the more effective but harder to obtain drug cyproheptadine that is used in emergency settings as an antidote for toxicity caused by serotonergic drugs. in addition, it also partially functions as an antihistamine, which should have helped the itches...

in the event of a DOx overdose or atypical negative reaction, it might not completely fix the symptoms, but it should help i believe.
^Hmm. I have a couple flexeril generics laying around. I might save them for when I experiment with DOC.
Interesting, I'll keep that in mind. But for now, I think benzos will do the trick. The itchiness and related negative effects really only came around the 20 hr mark when I struggled to fall asleep. So, if I knock myself out with some Etiz before the struggle becomes real, I think I can bypass all of that.

My concern is vasoconstriction rather than histamine induced pruritus. Xorkoth has consumed this chemical safely repeatedly. His technique appears effective at reducing the risk of adverse reaction. I think he keeps his doses low and began with allergy tests. Xorkoth, could you elaborate on the technique you have used?

In the event of an adverse reaction or accidental overdose you shouldn't attempt self medicating. With LSD I advise consuming benzodiazipines if necessary. LSD is considered non-toxic in normal-high doses. DOC could actually cause physical harm. If you have concerning physical symptoms from DOC you should locate the nearest hospital and get medical attention there.
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