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Dissociatives The Big & Dandy Diphenidine Thread

Well thank fuck for this thread. I received a sample of this without asking and misread the label as diphenhydramine. Great I thought, thank you i guess. :\

Weighed out 150mg for a nightcap and only just realised whilst closing the bag it was infact dephenidine, which I'd never heard of so googled it expecting a stronger sleeping drug or something. What an idiot!

I do like my ketamine though, quite happy with the little present now :) I'll try it one day.
Lol what a nice surprise when you were just about to go to sleep. Work next morning? :D
I didn't know knock (RIP! :( ) had taken diphenidine, and that there may have been other deaths, that's scary. I wonder if these are organic dangers or behavioral ones.. until that is figured out I don't think I want to try this one, even with a sitter.
im so sorry to hear about what happened to knock :(
is it known what is considered to be the cause ? is it related to diphenidine or was it just coincidence ?

Is this more of a ride inside your own head like a hole or is there a big chance of moving around and doing stupid shit?

from my understanding it could be both at the same time...
im so sorry to hear about what happened to knock :(
is it known what is considered to be the cause ? is it related to diphenidine or was it just coincidence ?

Obviously conjecture about drugs dangers when BL loses a member is pretty common but it is almost always just that, conjecture. It's quite possible that we will not ever know. Knock's is a very sad loss to BL & eadd in particular.

I came across a little of this compound quite some time back, when I was still interested in Methoxetamine. But I did not find that I enjoyed Diphenedine nearly as much & in fact, I kinda went off dissociative drugs altogether shortly afterwards following a long & darkly unpleasant trip on 3-meo-pcp.
Obviously conjecture about drugs dangers when BL loses a member is pretty common but it is almost always just that, conjecture. It's quite possible that we will not ever know. Knock's is a very sad loss to BL & eadd in particular.

I came across a little of this compound quite some time back, when I was still interested in Methoxetamine. But I did not find that I enjoyed Diphenedine nearly as much & in fact, I kinda went off dissociative drugs altogether shortly afterwards following a long & darkly unpleasant trip on 3-meo-pcp.
I can't get over the fact that they could not find a cause of death.

My guess would be that he kept redosing because the stuff can be quite compulsive, but that is pure speculation.

I hadn't done any dissociatives myself since December until this weekend. I had both MXE and diphenidine in my possession on friday and instead of going for the diphenidine which I've always found extremely enjoyable unlike MXE, I actually went for the MXE instead (100mg IV twice). I guess I am a little worried about this compound now.

edit: tried plugging 100mg, but had to take a shit at t+12min. :( ill have to wait for what happens and redose orally i guess. still doesnt seem very attractive to iv this stuff. i dont even know if its protonated or not... if it was water soluble id give it a go, but seeing how hard it was to dissolve 100mg in propylene glycole, i dont think iv use is overly attractive. at 23min, i cant say i feel much, but i might very well have 60mg in my system already, who knows. this sucks.

edit2: i plugged another 50mg and it went fine. effects were barely noticable, so i plugged another 60mg which I had to shit out 10mins later. this doesnt seem to be well suited for rectal administration. after having the shit, i ate 100mg and it finally worked. injecting this stuff with propylene glycol does not seem overly attractive. vaporizing it tastes nasty and isnt very effective it seems. if the hcl salt is a water soluble solid, it might be attractive for iv use, but until then oral roa still seems the way to go with this stuff.
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i just
I.M. I.V.

wth 250mg bomb hours ago

all peripheral visual items jumng around
i just
I.M. I.V.

wth 250mg bomb hours ago

all peripheral visual items jumng around
wtf?! Did you IM or IV? Surely not 250mg, right? You didn'T IV/IM on top of 250mg oral either, did you? Would be great if you could elaborate, your post is currently completely useless. Also, would be nice if you could tell us how you prepared the shot, since diphenidine isn't very soluble in water.
Obviously conjecture about drugs dangers when BL loses a member is pretty common but it is almost always just that, conjecture. It's quite possible that we will not ever know. Knock's is a very sad loss to BL & eadd in particular.

I came across a little of this compound quite some time back, when I was still interested in Methoxetamine. But I did not find that I enjoyed Diphenedine nearly as much & in fact, I kinda went off dissociative drugs altogether shortly afterwards following a long & darkly unpleasant trip on 3-meo-pcp.


I know nothing of this drug n as there are rumours that it may have been the cause of knock dying (we don't know for sure) but. Please try to be careful, ok?! I'm not coming here to do the preaching thing but if that assumption is true then we don't wish to lose anyone else.
Like I say I know. Nothing of this drug n am not posting to cause offence in any way.


As amanitadine says, it's not really known at this point whether he'd ingested something else, but his posts went from articulate to unintelligible within a very short space of time. We do know that he'd done an allergy test and that his initial dose was (apparently) 100mg. So it's not as if he was really being reckless, at least to begin with. Whether he redosed or became less cautious as the night went on is anybody's guess.

This is extremely upsetting - and what's more that we don't know for sure so we can warn others to prevent it happening again. Knock shouldn't have died he should be alive now god it's so so wrong - all of it!

Take care,
Evey xxxx

Edit: knock's last post was 26.2.2014 which was a Wednesday. His family said he'd died on the Friday so it may not be down to this drug. It may have been anything.
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I took 150mg in 3doses and barely feel a thing 2hours from the first dose.

Will this hit me later and put me in a mess?
I was hoping to be peaking by now and be somewhat sober in 3-4hours.
Nah it probably won't hit you as hard as it does when you take the full dose at once. It CAN take some time to build up and seems a lot more subtle (unlike other major dissociatives) when you space out several small doses like that. You might just realize that you've been having extremely weird thoughts for the past few minutes... or wait, was it a couple of hours? Anyway, I'm sure that's not what you are after, so I'd recommend the following dosing regimen:
-150mg orally (I take it uncapped in a glass of milk, so it'll hit me faster)
-another 50mg if you are enjoying yourself and want to extend the trip when you first start to come down (not sooner than 2h after initial dose)
i orally ingested 250mg, which got me nowhere do to tolerance the night before.

IVd 30 mg shot for the sake of purpose same with, I.M route - 100mg on top of all this.

did not receive any indication of hole, and only slight dissociation, my tolerance and current immune system may play part.

i can elaborate once i have finished all testing atm i am enjoying MXP over diph, and both in combination.
Edit: knock's last post was 26.2.2014 which was a Wednesday. His family said he'd died on the Friday so it may not be down to this drug. It may have been anything.

He took diphenidine, was extremely incoherent shortly afterwards and didn't log on again after that. Which was not like him at all.

Yes, it could have been anything, but it's highly likely it was something to do with diphenidine. I don't want to demonise a drug unnecesarily, but I think it's important to approach new drugs with caution, especially if they may have been involved in fatalities.
Glad you didn't die... a member recently took diphenidine and it was the last anyone heard of him, and he died. There's been discussion about it in this thread, there's no proof it was diphenidine but it doesn't sit well with me.
120mg oral was quite enjoyable, i was mistaken about this chem. It isn't like blasting sherm but it definitely holds up better than mxe..
My only qualm is that i can't pin it =/
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120mg oral was quite enjoyable, i was mistaken about this chem. It isn't like blasting sherm but it definitely holds up better than mxe..
My only qualm is that i can't pin it =/
I wholeheartedly agree. I actually used diphenidine after using MXE IV @100mg for two days in a row and even orally diphenidine won that contest hands down. I still miss PCP though. :(

Apparently quite a few people have IV'ed it, but nobody cares to elaborate how exactly they're doing it. I've actually asked 2 of these people via pm and still didn't get a reply.

Glad you didn't die... a member recently took diphenidine and it was the last anyone heard of him, and he died. There's been discussion about it in this thread, there's no proof it was diphenidine but it doesn't sit well with me.
From what I could gather, he died two days after last posting on bluelight, so it's very unlikely it was the diphenidine.
He took diphenidine, was extremely incoherent shortly afterwards and didn't log on again after that. Which was not like him at all.

Yes, it could have been anything, but it's highly likely it was something to do with diphenidine. I don't want to demonise a drug unnecesarily, but I think it's important to approach new drugs with caution, especially if they may have been involved in fatalities.

Yes. Too right. I looked at his posts n he never came back after. Good god that is upsetting to think that it could have been the cause. I hate the idea he was on his own dying like that n none of us could do fuck all. I just hope it was painless n that he's now at peace.

Treat these drugs with caution please. We're not coming here to try n be mean or owt we're all really concerned.
need accurate scales and patience for substances of thees sorts. I've had no problems with 80mg 100mg and 120mg all oral in water or juice. combined with 5-meo-dalt quite nice as well :) . but yes as others have stated, these are substances that can be very dangerous. Their is a reason an Anesthesiologist is always present at major operations and in the US is a full MD PHD etc etc. be safe!

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Their is a reason an Anesthesiologist is always present at major operations and in the US is a full MD PHD etc etc.
Yknow I hgave veen wndering, should U have an aejthestoplosut presenbt when i do dissociatives,. just to watch my vback abd shit.
Hehe, I guessed before I saw your post in the other thread, but mainly just because I saw you posted in this thread.