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The Big & Dandy 3-MeO-PCP Thread - Mad Manic Meo 3nity

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theoretically yeah. i've never tried to store it that long though.

its definitely more stable than, say, tryptamines.
really stable. and dissolves just fine in ethanol, i've never had the need to try it in PG.

Okay great. I am probably just going to go with 80 proof vodka then. Did it dissolve completely at room temp?
it should dissolve just fine at room temperature at 2mg/ml. i didn't start having solubility issues until i got closer to 10mg/ml.
Have to disagree. Music was incredible for me (comboed with weed).

I've noticed a change in perception over a period of dosing this incredibly useful substance. After some months on periodic smaller doses (8 to 12 mg oral) in a variety of circumstances and settings I have enjoyed the euphoria but as a dual capability it also enables deeper concentration and the connection of disparate elements into a delicious aha moment of synchronicity.

Music is captured and followed note by note, some slowing of time that offers a lot of details to be noted and appreciated.
Was just reading some posts on another forum and some people claim to have vaporized this stuff without problem (I think in an e-cig). Apparently it was quite potent/intense. This seems strange, as I believe every mention of vaporization on BL has suggested that it simply doesn't work.

What gives? Anyone here vaporize successfully?
I thought we had finally overcome the problems of sherm sticks and having to guess at how much exactly one is ingesting. These PCPs seem a little potent to be vague about dosage dont you think?

I'd rather talk vaping freebase ketamine or something tbh.
Perhaps you're totally right and this is a bad idea. However, I don't know why you would need to guess the dosage if vaporized correctly...

FWIW, the post on the other forum I was referring to mentioned that vaporizing something like 10mg was intense and lasted 2+ hours.
I guess in an e-cig yes possible if you make a volumetric PG solution and load the e-cig uit with a certain number of drops (not too few since drops are not that exact units) and vape the whole thing until empty..

Will everyone who tries it actually be doing it smart like that? If not, this seems a little pointless or at least not worth the risks if just winging it.

A duration of 2h is very short though, I wonder why there is no more tissue / protein binding..
It would seem hard to cape in an ecog with a tank. Unless you made a large solution, much would get stuck to the sides I would think.

Well, went through my 100mg sample. Ordered a gram

I am starting to like it more and more.
I have reaped a lot of benefit from the microdosing I mentioned earlier, for the last couple weeks. There is very little to be found on using 3-MeO-PCP 'medicinally', but I wouldn't be surprised if ACHs other than ketamine would be excellent for anti-depressant therapy, like MXE.
As I said before, my view of dissociatives changed when reading that 3-MeO-PCP isn't really that much more than a potent NMDA antagonist, a number of things like the not holing, the euphoria and/or antidepressant effect don't have to be associated with stimulation from monoamines (their reuptake inhibition), even if some ACHs have registered affinity for the transporters. How significant is it really? Also begs the question about safety or lack of safety with combinations involving novel dissos.

Right now I am just sticking to my prescribed pregabalin again like a good boy and 3-MeO-PCP low-dosing changed from most days of the week to... well less and less.

This is really an ally <3
I've done this to Solipsis. What do you you consider micro dosing? I tend to not take more than five mgs at a time in the morning after waking. It seems to build I your system(as we all know...)so micro dosing seems legit. My go to is three mgs. Provides a very light stimulation and motivation, as well as common dissociative traits like being able to view emotions and troubles from a far away stance. I've done this a couple of times over the past five years. It works well, like dosing DMT daily but better. I have a feeling though, it's fucking my NMDA tolerance...:(
Yeah pretty much exactly that: 3-5 mg, the max would be something akin to 3 x 2 mg but then I already feel under the influence.

When I took it recreationally, which may be about 2 years ago, I took 2 x 5 mg I.M. iirc.

I am not really so bothered that it stays in your system for a long time. Yes I am fine if it gradually leaves my system about now, but hopefully it helps with a soft landing. I've had rough comedowns from K and MXE (but also 3-MeO-PCE and slightly from 3-MeO-PCP) - thoughs, feelings and random shapes and images or CEV outlines rushing back in.

I have taken a few separate mgs of etizolam and a very low dose meclonazepam somewhere in the course of this past week to cushion it all a bit: discontinuing my 3-MeO-PCP, regimen, being forgetful with my pregabalin and/or trying to be careful with the interaction with say alcohol and pregabalin. Drinking sub-hangover amounts of alcohol or pregabalin themselves don't seem to be a problem with low dose 3-MeO, in fact pregabalin seems synergistic in a hard to explain way.
Anyway am only on my pregabalin again now, trying to be consistent again - or even taking a bit extra.. Hopefully most of the PAWS is lifted and I am in the clear on the whole. If need be I might return to 3-MeO for perhaps a weekly dose rather than semi-daily.

And yeah shit how bad must my NMDA tolerance be? I have no MXE and the K drought has been terrible for years though. I also have pretty much no opportunity to try my 4-MeO-PCP since I have little time to be on my own comfortably inside. So yeah for the time being NMDA tolerance is inconsequential for me.

I have 2-MeO-K which felt really terrible to insufflate compared to the subpar K effects so if I ever take it again I may plug it. But as long as the 3-MeO is not out of my system and the tolerance somewhat reset, it seems pointless.
I feel you. I'm also on pregabalin and I know exactly what you mean! It seems to have this awesome synergy with dissociatives! I didn't know if it was just me but MXE was more wild and deep when I had my pregabalin script. Same with 3-MeO-PCP, which I myself am currently on both..... It seems to get you more spun.

Ethanol and pregabalin is also cool. A couple drinks with a good dose will really get you spun. Last night I didn't have any ethanol around the house but I have a small stash of propyl alcohol. I drank six mls of it mixed in with juice. Very interesting.

Also, possibly strangely. I find 3-MeO-PCP so much easier to just hop off than say consecutive good MXE use or ketamine. 3-MeO, possibly since it stays so long, seems to have an easing of period, where with extended use, you slowly float down rather than just crash. I find it much more elegant...
Thinking about taking 5 mg 3-meo orally then around 3 hours later taking 120 mg mdma. Someone told me that the 3meo would dull the effects? I think it would potentiate if anything, similar to mxe right?
never heard of anyone doing that combo. hard to say. could be awesome, could be toxic.
I've done it before, granted it was a large combo platter of psyches and dissociatives. The one and only TR I wrote, about that is laying somewhere in the wastes in the TR section...,
I know a few people who went on mxe and mdma binges combined and didnt die, they seem fine.

mxe and mdma was pretty damn good i doubt it or 3-meo with mdma would be toxic in the right doses

3meo sounds like mxe except with some sigma receptor activity and longer half life
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