• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The big and dandy facial hair thread


Jan 19, 2012
What are your favorite kinds of facial hair to have as a man. If your a woman what do you prefer. Facial hair tips. Styles. Cultural significances.
I like men with full beards. The bigger the beard, the better. My favorite, though, is the goatee. Soul patches are okay.

Ix-nay on the oustache-may!
In some circles, goatees are also referred to as "cum targets" :p
Not sure what you call a 'soul patch'

hang on, just googled it...
Court = no more beard :(:(

Usually rock a full beard meself.

Muttonchops and shaved heads are almost as bad as a soulpatch though.
Nothing wrong with mutton chops or a shaved head!
I like a well-groomed beard. If you're going to have facial hair, take care of it. Don't let it hang into your mouth, that is so gross. Food in the beard is gross. Otherwise, bring on the burly men :)
Just coming in here to say that the 'woops, forgot to shave' look is ridiculously attractive. Well, especially on Bradley Cooper. I'm not a fan of proper beards but those are nice and manly, on anyone.
That is all :)
i <3 beards.

While I currently rock a nicely groomed one, I love the "I haven't shaved in a year, been living in the woods" look.

Having a beard large enough for a woman to grasp while you are between her legs, is the perfect length imo.
Looks awesome. That's exactly the kind of facial hair look I always go for.

(nice car & tshirt too =D)
Looks awesome. That's exactly the kind of facial hair look I always go for.

(nice car & tshirt too =D)

Haha, thanks.

The pic is from 2007 tho & have since lost that car and the funny shirt. 8(
My old man has had his beard since the early 70's & my mum has never seen him without his beard let alone his kids. I wonder what my dad would look like under it because the only clean shaved photo I have seen is over 40 years old. I am clean shaven 80% of the time but occasionally grow a short beard & usually pull off the Magnum PI for Movember (so sleazy).
A moustache is nothing to be ashamed if.

A moustache is a symbol of power and fertility. Embrace it.
I got rough facial hair so I dnt grow a long beard. Durin the winter I gotta bit but usually keep it nice n trimmed. When warm weather hits I got the very short well trimmed facial hair.

Hate havin the clean shaven look. Look like a fuckin kid haha.
I am 37 & have a distinct lack of facial hair . It's very strange . I have stuble around the chin & upper lip & have to shave like normal but i have no stuble elsewhere. I can grow a Goatee but that;s about it !

It makes me look younger than i am for sure .

My hair is going gray all over though so it's a odd one . My Dad had normal stuble . So it's not hereditary.
I used to be a bit self conscious but i'm to old to give a toss these days :)