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The Big and Dandy DMT thread - Next Phase

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HOLY F:) CK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D =D =D

Not only is DMT the BEST "drug" on the planet, but "The Machine" is the best way to use it!!!

I think I understand some of its secrets now. The most important part is not the bottle but the steel coil!, the Henessey bottle is only important because the shape allows the hole to easily be made in the bottom.

A single "flash" of the lighter should be enough to make the DMT disappear, but because of the heat transfer properties of the metal, the DMT evenly condenses on the coiled metal.

Then, after the DMT is evenly distributed, the same conductive properties ensure it vaporizes at near the same time, allowing the full dose to be ingested at once, in a single lungful, rather than being subject to the conductive and heat transfer properties of the glass, or much thicker metal.

Now I REALLY want to make a machine.
I'm having trouble taking multiple hits because I just can't stomach the taste after a couple small hits. I bought a crackpipe today and as soon as I did, realized it was the worst investment ever.
Time to go get a single serving hennessy bottle...
don't forget---

LSD, ayahuasca, LSD, ayahuasca-------divine moments of truth total cosmic---

hey E1, I'm going to make a machine!
A little rhino came by and gave me some DMT....let the love begin <3 <3 <3 !!!!!! Now I just gotta make the machine and I'm set! Still haven't broken through though. I should prolly do that...
well, last night I packed up ~190mg in a dry bubbler and mixed in mint, slowly melted the DMt into the mint and got it coaled up. Two of my firends who were playing/creating music (my diea was to get them to created DMT music while on DMT for me to enjoy while on DMT... DMT, DMT, DMT, DMT!!) I take three puffs, but got minimal effects must be tollarance or the fact that I got high. The guy on the synth take three BIG hits, and keeps trying to push buttons that arnt there, the guy on the key board hits it 2/3 times and experiences his first bad trip.

said the intensity and teh flash of his current life just scared him shitless, the first time he has ever scared him self (me and the other guy scare our selves all the time, if we didnt, we prob wouldnt use psychedelics!). the guy who scared him self desides to hit the pipe once again and gets minimal effects as it was pretty much cashed.

DMT isnt the same everytime, I havent been abel to break through rbeak through since I smoked it while rolling. I'v been chasing infinity... that place, where everything slows down and the visuals arnt even noticable, only that feeling, that presence of GOD, the knowledge of you being the only one who owns your life/ your existance, your experience which is uniquly your own. DAMNIT!!! I want that!!!

So yeah, be careful, and visualant, DMT is fucking awesome liek poppies chicken but isnt always as predictable, it can as it showed my friend bring you terror or bring your grace, which ever it brings will be the acro of it, so it can being the most heavenly grace or the worst terror (I havent ever had terror).... but then again some times it can be kinda bland, like GOD isnt home at the time you smoke it and all you get a shitty answering machine. sometimes in REALY slap in your face intence and other times in actualy kinda realy fast BUT GENTAL.

DMT is great!
I obviously wrote that message while still under the effects :D

I was caught by surprise at the strength of the hit. I was sitting at my computer listening to music which was very clear and unaltered, but also enhanced. My sense of self remained quite intact although visually I was swimming in a sea of phosphenes and form constants.

I found the vapor wasn't very harsh at all and it was really easy to hold it in. With the glass pipe I found a lot of the DMT would get stuck on the glass making multiple hits required. The "shottie" worked a lot better but the smell of stale DMT/cannabis/plastic was nasty, it turned me off a bit from the taste of DMT which I previously really enjoyed.

Does my explanation of the efficacy of "The Machine" make sense? Does anyone have any other ideas why it works so well?
Not quite sure why it works so well, makes it extremly hard for me to mess up with my technique though unlike when I was first trying with a light bulb.
I almost gave up after so many tries with that method..

I guess its just really hard to overheat it since there is no flame at all to the spice and then the vapors just go straight to the other end, not much surface for the spice to get stuck to and since its all in the metal its hard for it to run away to the cold glass which was my main problem with the light bulb...

in conclusion... I'm just not sure hah

but the machine is all the rage these days
I think the ultimate experience would be smoking DMT in nature at night, staring up up at the stars (away from light pollution).

Has anyone tried this?
^havent tried it with DMT but this proved to be the best setting for other psychs ive tried.
That setting even made a 2ci trip very meaningful in my experience. Which is something i rarely experience with 2ci
e1evene1even said:
I think the ultimate experience would be smoking DMT in nature at night, staring up up at the stars (away from light pollution).

Has anyone tried this?

Next time I go camping its on my to do list...It just screams of awesomeness. Just outside in my backyard at night was great...I can only image how it would be next to a stream or a lake or something...*drool*
e1evene1even said:
I think the ultimate experience would be smoking DMT in nature at night, staring up up at the stars (away from light pollution).

Has anyone tried this?

several times :)

Have also seen meteors while coming up/down. It certainly is wonderful. I try not to trip indoors anymore.
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noone can beat my brother who went through SEVERAL rgams in 2-3 days. He was blasting off in wendies bathrooms, yes the fast food chain. He was also blasting off in allieswith crack ehads smoking crack, blasting off in the halls of VCU and various other random places.
^Your brother need help…
He needs to get taken to the woods and given a puddle of good LSD.
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squerll said:
^Your brother need help…
He need to get taken to the woods and given a puddle of good LSD.
My brother has been puddled befor, he says his favorate combo is on 2 boxes of CCC and a hit from a stem packed with PCPweed/crack/DMT/PCPweed. He doesnt make sense alot and is jumping from one religion to the next, he attended the 5% march and is whiter then casper lol. Iv seen him when I alot younger get draged out my moms house by the cops, then spit in the cops face and immediately get mased and start screaming about how he is jewish and is being appressed (our aprrents are not jewish). Iv also watched 2001 the first time to him seizering out on teh floor from taking too much CCC. Dude was gone almost all my teen years touring/buming/slumming/train hopping. He has been out there. apaprently eh once drank the equivilant to 10 doses of ayahuasca, something like a lb of leaves and cappi. A real psychonaut!

But he now lives in minisota in a "sober" house with some AA guys who hooked him up with a job working security at the vikings stadium. He used to be in college and while there took every writing/religion class imaginable and got straight A's... but then kinda lost it in DXM, and sadly because of me DMT. He has his ups and has his downs, I dont who he is half teh time and hatehim when he is on DXM, but when he is simi sober he is thatbrother I remeber when I was 6 year old.
did any one elses dmt smell like corn tortillas?

oh ya, btw - i tripped balls after taking prob. 20 mg in a lightbulb vap, thought i died while i was trippin
Sound like he is beyond help, maybe divine intervention and a nice girlfriend would clam him down.
Youkai said:
My brother has been puddled befor, he says his favorate combo is on 2 boxes of CCC and a hit from a stem packed with PCPweed/crack/DMT/PCPweed. He doesnt make sense alot and is jumping from one religion to the next, he attended the 5% march and is whiter then casper lol. Iv seen him when I alot younger get draged out my moms house by the cops, then spit in the cops face and immediately get mased and start screaming about how he is jewish and is being appressed (our aprrents are not jewish). Iv also watched 2001 the first time to him seizering out on teh floor from taking too much CCC. Dude was gone almost all my teen years touring/buming/slumming/train hopping. He has been out there. apaprently eh once drank the equivilant to 10 doses of ayahuasca, something like a lb of leaves and cappi. A real psychonaut!

But he now lives in minisota in a "sober" house with some AA guys who hooked him up with a job working security at the vikings stadium. He used to be in college and while there took every writing/religion class imaginable and got straight A's... but then kinda lost it in DXM, and sadly because of me DMT. He has his ups and has his downs, I dont who he is half teh time and hatehim when he is on DXM, but when he is simi sober he is thatbrother I remeber when I was 6 year old.
Question about smoking DMT in glass pipe without screen and yellow DMT

Can you smoke DMT from a pipe like this without putting the dmt on a screen?

And is there any big difference in the high you get from white crystal DMT and brown/yellow DMT?. I heard that the reason it becomes yellow is because it exposed in air for several hours. So the difference cant be that big can it?

Thanks if any one can help!
e1evene1even said:
I think the ultimate experience would be smoking DMT in nature at night, staring up up at the stars (away from light pollution).

Has anyone tried this?
yes my last breakthrough (about a month ago now) was outdoors in the woods, alone, staring up at the night sky -

I came out of the trip to the full moon and clouds blowing across it-

beautiful world -

pure, so pure-
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