the best of the best of the best

Best=Green CK's now
Superman's and Batman's this summer at Woodstock!
Worst=White Crown's and red pill with an arrow on it.
best i have had is
Triple7's and Snowballs by far
worst: 007's and Arrows
Triple 7
I had 4U's back in Orlando they were the shit but didnt last long. Tic tacs were good too
Although 4U's, D&G's, spades, RN's, and quite a few other good beans have been around this past year......nuthin' says luvin' like a good old fashion disco biscuit.(aka: scooby snack,waffers,tabs, know!)
Of course, that was also when you could spend 15-20 and "wig your titties off" for about 4-6 hours....and that didn't include the ride there or back. Anyone else up for a flashback???
best pill i ever had was probably a rolls royce. there are two kinds the small white ones (real) and the big brown ones (fake). another bomb pill ive ate were, lucky 7, atoms, ghosts, and blue smurfs. as for the worst pills, new gt's, unstamped wafers, princes.
-lo looks
the best i've ever done would definatly be BLUE LOVES, and blue eurodollars were pretty good but i probably loved the euros because thats what i took for my first roll and everyone knows how good the first roll is

the worst would have to be big macs, even though they gave me an amazing high, they made me really really sick so it wasn't really worth it.
I prefer the lovey feeling of MDMA not speed or smackey.
Loved the old GEMINIS where beige in color WOW
LOts of average pills
To many BAD ones to even start.
Best = First Green Tri's, Supermans, Elephants, and some NoNamer <-Kicked my ass)
Worst = Pink Dots, New Clovers